Kids! and Seraphim Falls

With Chris away in Oxford and London, I only have the dogs and a good DVD for company. Although you cannot really tell from the top photo, all four dogs have surreptitiously crawled onto the couch,each one desperate to be the one that lies closest to me. Is it only a year since George was a tiny puppy (below) I have always liked this picture of George and Meg, the two of them look more like soft toys rather than puppies.

Seraphim Falls (2006) On DVD this evening, was a good old fashioned western the likes of Jimmy Stewart and Van Heflin would have been proud to have appeared in. The story is the age old and well worn tale of vengeance, a vengeance which destroys humanity and reason and we have seen similar tales throughout literature and film. from the likes of Ahab in Moby Dick to Inspector Javert in Les Miserables.
In this film the man of vengeance is a sombre Liam Neeson who doggedly follows a windswept and rather aging Pierce Brosnan through a picturesque Rocky Mountains . The reason for the men's feud should have been left a mystery, as by revealing it in a heavy handed way and hour or so into the movie, the director David Von Ancken flattens the whole pace and tension of the piece.
However the film was an enjoyable DVD on a wet and windy night,and Pierce Brosnan;s performance was quite impressive.

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