I hate to sat this but Fearnley-Whittingstall's right!

I bought my first free range chicken today! No I have not increased the flock, but I have bitten the bullet and have finally realised what intensive farming methods are employed to rear the average Sunday roast. Thanks to River Cottage guru Whittingstall and publicity shy Jaimie Oliver,the nasty factory lives of the average six week old broiler chicken is now known to all. So during my amble around Sainsburys I have decided to put money where my mouth is and buy a happy chicken meal!- a corn fed, organic bird that has skipped around in the sun all day.
I know it smacks a little of "too little...too late" but now I feel I can face my girls with head held high


  1. I've watched the shows this week, too. I've not learned much about factory farming (without meaning to sound clever, as a veggie I knew this already) but I thought the programmes to be a VERY interesting narrative on social class. It's a bit of a shame that Fearnley-Whittingstall did not explore this aspect a little more, as without doing so his protestation sounded naive and weak. Three cheers for buying a free-range bird though. Nx PS. Another nice cock picture! Ho Ho Ho.

  2. agreed.........its just, when I am looking after my girls so well. it seems so hypocritical not to treat their "dead" collegues as it were with the same respect!!


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