
The journey back to Wales was easy, compared to the outward trip. We were back locking the hens up at three pm! Meg and William, as is usual for a stay in kennels, fell asleep minutes after getting into the car, and will remain asleep for the rest of the day. (a product of 6 days without sleep)
Chris has arranged his Christmas gifts in a suitable design in the spare bedroom (he photographed them Boxing day as per usual) whilst I pottered around putting gifts and food away.
Stone cat ( a pressie from Chris' Brother and Sister-in-law) was dutifully ensconced into the garden (pic), the fire lit and left over bubble and squeak is ready to be pan fried for tea! Nice to be home

As usual Christmas does not prevent the sad world news such as the killing of
Benazir Bhutto or the stabbing of Sue Goswell by her mentally ill husband from happening; but for once you really hope it would

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