Boys and their toys and a fat Bastard!

I have never quite understood the fact that men ( well straight men anyway) love to be involved with diggers/JCBs and all things mechanical. The small army of workmen were hard at work laying tarmac and cementing in "my" new bollards when I got home after a night shift, and amid the workmen were 2 local farmers, an old guy from the village and Steve, the village "elder", all with their noses in the cement, and all with friendly advice for the benign workers, who seemed to be enjoying the attention they were causing.

Now watching this sort of work leaves me rather cold, but they seemed endlessly fascinated by the nuances of cement formation and the benefits of rigid versus plastic bollards! I did pop over briefly to give the workers a load of eggs ( which they seemed rather pleased with), but I was more than happy to leave them all well alone.

Posted a load of Christmas gifts to various "far away friends" this morning and spent some time with the post mistress offering her a little support as I was nursing her uncle on ITU last night.
Chris is away for a couple of days in Harrogate for a stoke conference so I hope he brings me back one of the famous Betty's Tearoom Fat Rascals (see pic)
I use to live in York when I was a psychiatric Nurse and loved going into the famous Betty's for a fat rascal and a coffee!.............................Years later I went in to buy one and actually forgot the name of the famous "bun".....I still cannot believe that I asked the rather flummoxed sales girl for a "fat Bastard" by mistake.

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