A tale of good and bad service, and winter planting

There is one problem with holidaying in New York! and that is you really appreciate good service. Breakfasts were always taken at Pershing Square (http://www.pershingsquare.com/), which proudly boasts to be the busiest cafe and restaurant in New York, and I loved watching how the 2 cafe managers,8 waiters and a score of support staff managed the 40 tables and booths with a military type precision. One lugubrious manager always made me smile as he ambled through the tables looking quite laid back, almost as though he was sleep walking; however he missed nothing! a table that should have been cleared, a waiting diner, a chair out of kilter, everything was noticed and was dealt with. Our waiters and Hispanic support staff ( the Hispanics who could not speak adequate English cleared tables and served food in support of the waiters) ensured that the great food was on time and that we had a smile and a good experience every time. The whole staff deserved their part of the 16%-20% tip ( left to our discretion by most of the waiters who realised that we knew just how to tip) and it is interesting to think that you can get so used to quality service in such a short time on holiday!

Today, my experience of UK service was rather different. On the way to pick up a sack of wheat for the chucks, I popped in to comet to buy a pair of earphones. Without help I found a cheap pair that cost a couple of quid and proceeded to the checkout. Two clerks were stood that the till and both ignored me. Finally the manager looked up and motioned his colleague to serve me. She looked around 18, and appeared very very depressed, or at least bored to death, as she didn't look at me once. I asked her if the headphones would fit the radio I had in my hand, and she mumbled a somewhat economical "yeah" from under her hair straightened fringe. The rest of the transaction was carried out in a stony silence, and I couldn't resist a sarcastic "Thank you sooo much!" when she handed me the receipt.
At hearing this the manager who had initially ignored me raised his head and asked blandly, "Is everything alright!?". I nodded and replied dryly "my welsh terrier could have served me with better grace" before walking out like an old queen!!...................I know I am a grumpy old man.

The whole day has been devoted to the allotment, which has been turned over ready for planting tomorrow. The flock (including the ducks) all lined up against the fencing waiting for the usual worm titbits (right). Dug up a load of parsnips and the rest of the leeks (see top pic) before the light faded. But it was nice to be out all day.

Catching up with Hazel for the cinema on Thursday and we are going to Ann and Tim's on Friday night ( to bore them about NY). Next Tuesday I am looking forward to catch up with Mike , Bev and Jane in my only pre Christmas visit to Sheffield, and Kathryn in Derbyshire , oh and Nigel comes over that weekend ! so it feels a bit Christmasy on the social front!

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