The nice things about blogging!

This will be my last blog until next week! Not that you dear reader will miss very much- the odd film review perhaps, the usual ramble about dog life, hen news and pragmatic village existence. banal chatter really!
Even though we are off to New York with all its excess, I will miss sitting down with a filter coffee, and writing a few lines of blog a day. It has become such a part of my daily routine.
At the moment having a quick coffee as the dogs are demolishing breakfast. Lots to do today before we fly tomorrow.Vet visit (worms again!) bills to pay, etc etc it's nice busy as I get to make lists and tick off the things I have done
Heard some sad news yesterday. A much respected colleague from Sheffield has a serious illness. It all sounds incredibly bleak, and I have just taken an age to write a letter to them. just what do you write to someone under such circumstances? How do you put into words what you are thinking and actually make it sound appropriate, supportive and not crass . In the end I just wrote what I thought I would like to hear and hope in some small way it would be of help. Who knows!
Nell ( in front of "husband" Walter) actually took some bread out of my hand this morning, which was a first, Carole will be taking a crash course in poultry care this evening as she will be caring for the girls when we are away. She is also watching Joan AND taking in Maddie ( who hates the kennels) and George, so she is a bit of a star in my mind.
Anyhow readers hope to be back on my blog next week.. bye for now

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