Chicken sh*t and Swarovski-crystal and 76 bloody pounds

After waxing quite lyrically about the Met's swarovski chandeliers yesterday, I was happy after I googled a photograph of them ad actually found a picture! Mind you, there is no real sense of scale from this photo but it does give the viewer the idea of just how impressive 12 of these rising gracefully into the theatre ceiling would look!

I have spent a long day, clearing the field and cleaning and moving all the chicken houses. I know it is not that interesting a fact but I did fill a whole wheel barrow full of chicken shit!

The dogs have settled down with a typical post kennel lethargy. Meg is needy and clingy. Maddie is following me around like a shadow, William is sleeping most of the time, only George is bouncing around with a big smile on his face as usual.

Got a letter from the Nursing body UKCC today! registration fees per year will be 76 £!!!!! Can you soddin well believe it? I have to pay 76 quid to an impotent organisation for the privilege to actually work!!!!


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