Laura Linney and a mixed week ahead

A friend e mailed me the other day to ask why I liked actress Laura Linney , and I had to think carefully about why I am such a fan. She has only appeared in 20 or so movies since the early 1990s and many of her roles have been in eclectic non mainstream-type films rather than big budget productions. I first remember her in the mini-series Tales of the City, as a gauche secretary experiencing gay 1970s San Francisco, and I always liked how "warm" she seemed to be. Mind you one of her best roles was a small appearance in The House of Mirth where she excelled as the evil Bertha Dorset, and I suspect she enjoys playing difficult , complex, and slightly neurotic characters rather than straightforward heroines. Her notable performances for me, have been the psychologically damaged older sister in You Can Count on Me (2000) ,an unsatisfied wife and mother in The Squid and the Whale (2005) and of course her recent turn in Jindabyne (2006) (see previous blog). I also liked her in Kinsey (2004),The Mothman Prophecies (2002) and the tv series "Frasier, in which she had smaller but vital roles in.
Working the whole weekend! but got lots organised for next week, which is nice. Tuesday I am off to see Nige in his new house in Manchester, Thursday off to the pics with Hazel, Friday is Osborn house in Llandudno for a meal with Chris and Saturday Judy is coming for tea. In between time I would like to go and see Pixar's Ratatouille (2007) which is out this week and has rave reviews (I KNOW it is an animation!!!) Am trying to buy a polytunnel too.....................! AND I must plant my winter veg! Pity it has been raining today!

1 comment:

  1. I've not seen many of her films except Squid and the Whale; but I did think she was the absolute shining light in the otherwise mediocre "Love Actually". I loved what she did in hat film..


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