Déjà vu,.... I am 'Scottie' Ferguson & the Archers improve

Up early this morning to take William to the vets for his castration op. We weighed him before I put him into his holding cage, and I was surprisingly taken aback when I realised the cage was the one Finlay was in just before he died. Puppies have this particular "surprised" look when confronted with new unknown stimuli and this vulnerable "look" coupled with the Finlay connection, suddenly upset me and I made my excuses to leave pretty sharpish. I hope that the operation will calm the teenage testosterone between the two dogs, but we do have a contingency plan if the fighting does continue and that is Janet and Ned. After Hattie died both are thinking of getting a dog, William will at least have a place to go! even if it is for a short time. Picked the little chap up this afternoon and he looked pretty sprightly despite the operation (and dispite the fact that I actually stated his name was Finlay to the receptionist). Feeling guilty I gave him 2 free range eggs with some feed in an effort to make him feel a bit better when we got home.

Started to paint the upper windows of the cottage this morning and I literally forgot that I am terrified of heights. Now I understand that standing on a ladder only ten feet from the ground is not a scene from Cliffhanger or Towering Inferno but as soon as I climbed up on the outhouse roof, the old legs turned to jelly and I felt as wobbly as I did when clambering up the battlements of Conway Castle! After two minutes and with only two square feet painted I had to kneel on the outhouse roof to steady my nerves (and to look fairly normal as Carole walked past) but then had to clamber down feeling rather "girly" and ineffectual..............what a twat!
The Archers' storylines have been rather lacklustre as of late, what with the Ambridge snake story (do exotic reptile dancers actually ever existed in real situation?), and Lower Loxley's Uncle Rupert Memorial rubbish. But I was genuinely moved the other day when bustless Ruth listened to single mum Emma's lament at being a sad, and single Mum with no prospects. The Archers can do that so well, often weeks go by with general mundane storylines, then a little gem of a piece can suddenly surface which stretches the actors and re enforces the great standing of this lovely soap.
To everyone but John H, Scottie Ferguson is the hero is who is terriefied of heights in Hitchcock's Vertigo.

1 comment:

  1. Yes - the Janet and Ned plan would seem to be a good idea. I hadn't even thought about 'lending' one of the dogs to someone else, albeit temporarily. Hope it was all OK in the end, anyway. PS. Agree about the Archers. I feel I really want to slap Clarrie sometimes! But I am glad that Will is back in it at the moment. I like the boy. Gosh I am so sad.


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