A few thoughts (all unrelated)

After one hours sleep I feel as though I have crammed in a few things into a surprisingly sunny day! so please forgive the disjointed narrative (It is now 23.30 and I have just done the house hold jobs walked the dogs and locked up the chickens ( what have they done wrong? asked Nige) and I feel rather jaded)

The Bridge is the movie that I wanted to see at the documentary film festival in Sheffield last year and I have just received a cheapo copy from Amazon and managed to watch it this evening.

In obtaining permits to film the bridge for one year, director Eric Steel did not reveal to officials at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco that his goal was to film people committing suicide by leaping off the bridge. However, they knew that suicides were a frequent occurrence, and that someone filming the bridge would inevitably capture them. The resulting footage was edited and turned into a movie exploring the beauty of the structure but also the stories of some of the two dozen "jumpers".

At times this variable piece of work was incredibly powerful and moving, but I found the most upsetting scenes not to be the filmed suicide bids (terrible in their matter-of-factness) but it was the testimonies and anger of the friends these people left behind them that were most heart wrenching. Not fun, but an interesting film.

Talked to Nu, which was fun and we hope to meet for lunch on Sunday which will be fab, and managed to chat to Nigel too. You can always tell that Nige is a facilitator within University academia, as he has a knack of getting you to explore and talk around a subject without ever pushing his ideas down your throat! We discussed Clapham Junction , homophobia and general gossip among other things; I do miss discussing cinema with him and Jonney H on a regular basis!

Bought a new hen house too this morning ! (no the bloke standing next to the new "chalet" is NOT me but is the seller on ebay (of all places) and also fitted in getting a parking ticket at the beach car park for parking with one wheel over a dividing white line!!!! in a DESERTED CAR PARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!anyhow I refused to let it get to me and chanting "Out with anger in with love" I drove to Llandudno trying to reach a Zen like relaxed state, to buy a few things to support my entries for the flower show!

off to bed now before I fall over, v v tired.

Chris doing well, still no fags!

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