A Near miss

Today has been an uneventful kind of day, so a thunderstorm at 9.30 pm was rather exciting! To be honest it was the stuff of disaster films, aka The Day After Tomorrow (2004) with theatrical bursts of lightning overhead!. Worrying about the state of the chickens, I donned Chris' cowboy hat and tramped into the field. Most of the girls had legged it inside but a few hardy birds (Trinny, Suzannah and and Whoopie Goldberg) were larking about in the downpour. As I was holding the electric fence tester I realised how foolish I was standing in wet flip flops in the middle of a soaked field during an electric storm! and couldn't quite believe it when there was a huge flash in a field of a neighbouring farm. I have never been quite so close to a lightning strike before and galloped quick sticks back to the cottage. Almost being struck by a thunderbolt and being savaged by a Russian canine all in one week!= what will happen next? who can tell? that's the price you pay for having an exciting life!

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