Mike,Jonney,William and a painful bite on the arse

Breaking my journey to collect William from Alfreton meant that I had an opportunity to meet up with Mike and Jonney Highfield (see pic left: sporting his Damian Lewis look!!) in Sheffield. Mike was bouncy and fun as always and John was on excellent, no-holds-barred,drag act ,knock 'em dead form, all night. We had a great night chatting and laughing, it was good to catch up.(even though I gobbled up a large tray of cheesy chips on the way home!)

I got to Alfreton around ten, and after a somewhat painful altercation with a very large and angry Russian terrier (more about that later) I had the difficult task of choosing one of three Welsh terriers which was available to buy.It took a good while of oooohing and arhing but I think I chose well.... William is six months old and looks rather like the adolescent he is, gangly and a little awkward. He is in need of drastic trim and is pretty crap on the lead but walked into the cottage in a friendly bouncy way and was immediately accepted by the other dogs, who I am sure recognised his kennel smell. At the time of writing they are all lying in a heap on the kitchen floor.

The four hour journey home was made worse by my aching arse!
When I got to the kennels, Susan's huge pack of dogs that frequent her courtyard, were no where to be seen. So confidently I opened the gate and foolishly walked towards the kitchen door. Suddenly there was a frightening baying from behind the house and seven dogs hurled themselves at me. Now generally I am not nervous of noisy dogs, but two of the seven were massive Russian terriers, waist tall and both rather angry. I stood my ground, and called for Susan, but both larger dogs went for me, one of them biting me twice on the buttock (see the delightful pic) .I felt such a twat as walking amid a pack of essentially strange dogs is foolish to say the least, and the outcome, albeit painful , could have been a helluve lot worse. Thank god for Susan's benign thirteen year old airedale, who quietly positioned herself between me and the most aggressive terrier, not in any heroic way, she just wanted to be friendly!

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