The Prestige, & Gardening!!

It has been the most beautifull day, so after a very early morning walk up the gop I have spent the whole day in the garden. The heavy clay soil has had a boost with what seems like tons of compost and it will be interesting to compare this picture with another in say a months time when all the cottage flowers are up and running. The allotment is marked out and Steve (village spokesman) on board with helping to organise ground preparation! (he knows everyone within a five mile radius) Hopefully Chris will help me cart Pippa's manure up tomorrowbefore I go to work the weekend!

We saw the twist comming a mile off in The Prestige (2006) tonight at Theatre Clwyd, and must admit I thought the whole affair pretty damm boring to say the least. Hugh Jackman isn't as pretty as he used to be, and I have never really liked Christian Bale, so the leads left me all a bit cold really. I DID like Scarlett Johansson's English accent however! one of the best American-to-English accents since Bridget Jones!, but I guess an accent isn't the best thing to like about a film! David Bowie looked a bit bloated by the way! Wonder if Jonney Highfield liked it?

Only had 28 of my 33 points today on fatfighters! doing well! I don't even feel hungry!

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