The wedding

Weddings can go one way or another in so much as enjoyment is concerned, sometimes the pressure to have a perfect day just does not work, and you are left with a fixed smile and an empty feeling. Nuala and Jim's wedding everyone knew would be different, it was just a joyous occasion, and we had a lovely time being a part of it all. The setting was amazing! (Hilbark Hotel on the wirral), the venue was personal to Nu (Luxurious, scarlet decoration all very sumptuous) and the guests urbane, friendly and sociable! The wedding planner had the whole thing working like clockwork and the guests were all seated in the great hall when she briefed me as I waited for Nu to arrive. Typically Nu made an entrance! Her outfit was stunning! Long fishtail skirt in a deep red, black feathered top (AND I mean feathered) and a red and black feathered head piece! She looked magnificent! and I was proud as punch as I walked her down the aisle! Nancy (Nu's mum) was well enough for me to hand her over to her for the last few feet, and there was many teary eyes when she gave her away! When they were making their vows ( and loving every minute of it ! no nerves on show only smiles!) Nancy and I held hands! ( it was a little emotional!) Nu's friend Jen ( she of the Miss Jean Brodie accent) and Jim's affable friend Richard read out prepared poems and after signing the registers the happy
couple did a lap of honour around the guests to cheering and applause!

The wedding photos, which are sometimes such a trial, were just fun as both Nu and Jim seemed to love the attention and spectacle, I must admit it was rather like watching a HELLO photo shoot!
( Left Jen, me and Richard laughing at Nu and Jim who were being photographed )
Dinner and speeches were excellent. Chris was a little upset that we were seperated for the dinner ( I was on the top table talking turkeys with Jim's farmer dad), but he soon teamed up with Shiv -dog owner and horse rider! Pearce ( Nu's brother) made a moving speech celebrating how Nuala brightens up every room in which she walks, and the best man Mush (I havent asked why everyone calls him that) was spot on with his comedy turn.
Nuala and Jim are well loved, both by family and friends.... and it showed. A happy day!
I have never looked so smart!! (honest I left my slip on wellies at home)

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