A masterclass in obsession

I enjoyed Notes on a Scandal (2006)! an intelligent and complex story of obsession,repression and class envy , Cate Blanchett as reckless teacher Sheba, not coping with marriage and herself and knobbley old Judi Dench as bunny boiler friend Barbara are fine in the lead roles. Dench is especially impressive and brings a touch of humanity to a potentially vile and damaged individual. Bill Nighy was excellent also as Blanchetts older and bemused husband. Well worth a visit!

Went with Hazel and got the times of the showings wrong, so with an hour or so to kill we went to Osborn's grill in Llandudno. The grill and wine bar was campy over the top, yet quiet and very comfortable. Had a nice chat and glass of Chardonney! Perhaps when Chris' dad comes up we can go there for a meal. I was very impresed


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