Spring, a fight at the vets and scrooge

The snowdrops that I dug up from the old Meliden cottage have started to bloom, and the mild weather has brought forth all the bulbs I planted in the autumn, miles too early.

George was taken down to the beach today with the others and amid gales he held his end up very well, and walked on the lead from Central to Barkby beaches! after that I took Meg,Maddie and Finlay to the vets for their jabs and they all sat like little angels in the old fashioned waiting room, which was full ! Opposite sat two labradors with a smelly old Welsh farmer type, and a poodlecross with his owners. Next to me was a bloke with a cat on his knee in a carrier. As this bloke got up, the labradors got too close to the mongrel and one huge holy fight started! At one point the old boy fell onto the seats behind him, as the poodleowners (shouting as loudly as the dog was barking) dragged him out with a nasty bleeding bite on his face! My three sat there open mouthed and quiet (Maddie was hiding under my seat) and I was proud as punch they behaved! The vetinary nurses fell in love with Finlay as he accepted all his jabs and a particulary nasty kennel cough innoculation with great humour!
Sometimes I think we were spoilt in experiencing excellent theatre in Sheffield, and I am so looking forward in seeing Fiddler on the Roof at the Crucible on Friday. Tonights version of Scrooge in Llandudno's Venue Cymru, was truely awful. Moody was ok, (even though he forgot many of his lines), and was impressive at 82 ! but the rest of the production, cast, sets, costumes and adaptation was on a level with an adequate school play! We walked out!

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