Jeep fantasy
We have sorted out some equity from the cottage and now are in a position to renew the rotten wi
ndow frames in the back of the house and to purchase a new car as the polo is on its last legs! Been toying with the idea of a small 4 x 4 or jeep; the fantasy of the barber clad country gent with dogs bouncing around behind the dog gate and gardening tools and wellies in the boot, seems very attractive! but reality bites and a more realistic and cheaper-to-run version may be on the cards! As long as all the dogs can be placed in the car safely, ( and cleanly) thats all that matters.
When collecting fire wood from the local farm, met the farmer's wife for the first time. Pragmatic and funny, we chatted at length about hens and after a bit of sweet talk hopefully she will be able to furnish me with some more chicks for my new run. Mind you as we were chatting one of her best layers jumped from a wall, dive bombed into another wall and died ! Not the brightest star in the sky!
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