Gone with the wind sunset, & the rituals of life!

Took this picture of the sunset tonight as I was shutting up the chickens! The weather is very cold and crisp and not a hint of rain! Houses in the village still have no electricity and our sky tv is still not fixed! but I have found it welcome to be able to listen to the radio and to watch our small library of dvds instead of the likes of celebrity big brother ! Today is to be Lifeboat (1944) , a cracker of film!

Thinking of my slightly obsessive nature today on a kitchen roll and cat food visit to Sainsburys after a few hours sleep after nights! The OED define a ritual as "a series of actions habitually and invariably followed by someone", and I only realised today that after a shop with the dogs in the car I always buy a sandwich to share with them all before we drive off! I would never have noticed this little habit if it wasn't for George who suddenly aware of this new windfall, nearly killed himself to line up with the others as I returned to the car!

I am a creature of habits! I clean and tidy the cottage in a particular order (Living room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen), I can only have a cup of hot tea when lawns are cut and bordered and I hum "campdown races" when I clean my teeth! I constantly balance our Joint account, and I usually make a list of "to do" things every morning!..........how anal is that? hey ho must go and listen to Just a Minute , as I always do when I preparing the evening meal !

By the way Joan, is now back to her own self, and has just woofed down the remains of sunday's chicken and a two containers of Sheba! ...............crafty old bugger

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