Fading Joan .......

Joan has started to fade somewhat this week, nothing too drastic, but she has lost that senile constant motion that characterises her so well. Dispite all manner of catty foods offered she has not eaten anything for two days, but has drunk some milk. I am loath to subject her to a vets visit as she detests any change but made a decision to take her tomorrow if things are no better. Joan has been a gentle and distant constant in my life for 18 years
all sitting and walking and walking and sleeping, she has always just been there ! and I would like her to remain here just a bit longer. Walked up to the shop and bought some cooked chicken drumsticks this afternoon and offered them up to her, initially she was having non of it, but then, after I had chewed them up for her for a while, she obviously decieded to eat and now is sat on Chris as he watches another Miss Marple dvd. Hopefully we will have her a tad longer!

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