a bit of common sense

According to the BBC web site Dr Richard Landon has been blasted for his direct comments on his clients in the deprived area of west Rhyl,by local counsellors: Dr Landon states

" the problems began many years ago when people began moving to the Denbighshire town from deprived inner city areas to live in flats and other accommodation in the West End.

He said: "One hotel advertised in Birmingham and you would get a family living on a council estate who would move to Rhyl.

"It attracted the most awful kind of people. I see their children now. They have no moral values, and they are getting pregnant and it's a vicious circle.!"

he ended by saying ""I wasn't making a judgement, I was just stating the facts."

Harsh perhaps, but the truth certainly! Perhaps I am getting old but I am tired of the Jade Goodey's of life spoiling it for the majority! my only worry is that THEY will become the majority! god help us!

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