What's all this blogging all about?

Had a good think about blogging this morning during the dawn walk, why do so many people feel negative about it all? Some of the comments and questions put to me are:-

Q: How can you put all that personal information on the net?
A: I don't put very personal thoughts down, just the ones I choose to. My blog is personal to me , to be
enjoyed by me. If you don't agree with it then don't read it.
Q: How do you have the time to do it?
A: It usually takes around 15 minutes a day, the same time to have a cuppa or watch the news.
Q: It always seems a bit saccarine (sp?) don't you think?
A: Blogs often are areas in which to vent your speen as it were and I think that is a constructive thing to do!
for me, I prefer generally to share the nicer things in my life or the ordinary things I see and experience,
again if you don't like it, dont read it.

off to dry stone wall at 9 am.....

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