Well took Meg to the vets to find out if she is pregnant and the verdict is........( long, long pause as in the style of Strictly come dancing) , is that she may be! The elderly vet in Caerwys Mr Sargent had a good "feel" and said yes then ultrsounded her and said "hummmmmmmmm perhaps not". Anyhow the upshot is that she will be re scanned in 2 weeks. It was a pleasure to find such an old fashioned practice; no computers, no appointments only,no cheque card required....a real bast from the past- all very James Herriot!.

Lovely afternoon. Chris took me to Chester from a bit of Christmas shopping! Had a lovely meal at Duttons (pic) , and a couple bottles of vino blanc. and home by 7.30. Working over the weekend so no blogs till monday....watch this space...
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