First day in School

Well how do 18 years old do it? Today was my first day at University and I certainly do not have the energy the above first year student seems to have, (mind you nor do I have a bikini like that one either!) Feel a bit jaded and tired, but glad that at least I have attended one University talk ( warning us students of the horror that is plagiarism) and found my way to various Psychology sites and offices. Mind you had a dicky lower colon ( Thanks to that Kentucky Friend Chicken eaten last night at Volver) so hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling more energetic

Seeing that today is a first, thought I would also turn over a new leaf and start to get a little healthier. so...
Making a list...
  1. I want to eat more healthily
  2. I want to drink more sensibly ( and not have a regular nightly chardonnay)
  3. I want to get physically fitter!!

There simple!.........

job done..........

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