simple pleasures

One of my favourite films is Amelie .It is the fantasy story of a strange girl who takes pleasures from simple every day experiences. I rememeber watching the film with a big lump in my throat as Amelie plunges her hand into a container of beens, feeling pure delight at the sensations it gives her.

I love watching people experiencing similar small pleasures. For instance.... Today I was driving through the village of Gwenysgor, and I noticed two labourer types in their thirties standing at the duck pond. Both of them were laughing as they fed their lunchtime sandwiches to the ducks. Nothing too wierd about that you may think, yet I found the scene rather touching.

In a similar vein ,watching Old people eating ice cream, always makes me smile, In fact anyone that looks as though they love their food whilst eating touches me in the same way!
hummmm....perhaps a psychologist would have a field day with that?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not going to be tempted into making comments about you taking photographs of young, wall-building men, no sir-ee. But you are a naughty boy who ought to be ashamed of himself. Stick to the real chickens, please.

    But, I do need to genuinely congratulate you. After so very few postings since you started keeping your blog - a rush and a push and suddenly you have 100s of posts, all in full colour!

    I am ashamed of my own miserable,angry, mono-chromatic rants!

    Anyway, I've still not (shamefully) not seen Amelie. But I would like to start a bit of a film debate on this blog-sphere that we both inhabit. So, if you go to my blog, you'll see I've issued you with a tempting challenge (and a rare opportunity for piss-taking abuse). Nx


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes