The Bone Collector and knowing what you are talking about

We watched a film tonight called The Bone Collector , a ho-hum thriller from 1999, starring Denzel Wahington and Angeline Joline. He an ex-cop and C4 qudraplegic, and she a rookie cop with a tragic past, and both chasing a serial thriller!!!.Obviously there was more holes in the portrayal of a quadraplegic than your average slab of Swiss Cheese, but it did get me thinking of my time on The Princess Royal Spinal Injury Unit. (above)

As a nurse manager there I was an expert on Spinal Injury care, and I do miss being a practicing expert at something! I enjoy,Work on ITU can be interesting enough, but generally the patients come in, they die(more then I expected) or they get better and get farmed off quickly to the wards. Very few stay any length of time. In spines, admissions of many months were common, and as a good nurse you seem to know the patient and their significent others like the back of you hand. The care and philisophy of the unit was/is very psychologically based and I miss that part of the job. The truth is that I am just not suited to, or indeed like ITU work! Sure I know I excell at aspects of the job , ie support of relatives, or withdrawl of care to a dying patient, but generally the protocols and structured "physical" nature of ITU leaves me a bit cold.

In September I start on a full time Psychology course , and although aspects of it ( ie research!) will I am sure, bore me , my pragmatic and psychologically biased "upbringing" on Spines has given me a head start to develop in an area which I am more suited in....

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