A Furniture Whore

I feel a little like a furniture whore!
Showing my wears on the Internet
But here is a much requested photo of my Grandfather Clock, that Maura  requested in the previous post. Hope she likes it!
It is not an official family piece, but I feel in some ways that it is! The clock is early Victorian and was owned by the parents of two old friends Rol and Nia (Nia still reads this blog from her home over in Australia!) As a very young man I always remembered the clock being in their hallway and I frequently joked with Mrs Roberts that I wanted to own it.
A few years ago, Mrs Roberts sadly died and some of the family antiques were sold at auction. I attended the auction and made sure I bought the clock which used to sit in the hallway of the family farm.
You can tell that the clock used to stand on a stone floor as years of mopping of the flags have worn away the very bottom of the casing.
I love it dearly
I called in to see my brother this afternoon. He looked very tired , so I didn't stay too long!.Before I went I stopped at the hospital shop and bought him some guy mags ( no not porn......but you know the sort! Jokey "man" rubbish)
One of the girls from ITU caught me paying for them and quipped
"John...buying secret hetero magazines eh!..........wait till the staff here about this!"


  1. Lovely clock! My lady loves clocks too and has several. She likes only the kind that really tick and have keys to wind them.

    I hope Andrew feels better. I'm so sorry that he had to go into hospital for that procedure. Many goat kisses! xxxxx ooooo

  2. LOL...You 'furniture whore' you!!!
    You make me laugh John. THANKS for showing us your beautiful clock...I LOVE that wood grain and the pretty face. What even makes it more special is that it MEANS something to you...it's something that belonged to special people that you knew and still know. I'm sure your friend is happy that the old clock ended up in your home. Sorry to read that your brother was so tired when you went to visit today..guess that's to be expected. Had to laugh about your fellow worker spotting you buying the magazines and the comment they made...just wait till you go back to work! Hope you've been having a good day and that all your critters are well. Thanks again for the post John ;)
    Maura :)

  3. Love your clock! Does it still keep time, or just stand there being beautiful?

    I'm sure Andrew is worn out, a lot of stuff going on. Give him my best!

    Guy magazines, my house is full of them, he reads once and then it's set aside to pile up with the others, time to clear it out! Sometimes too much testosterone is just too much!

  4. Hope your brother gets well soon.

    Fed the ducks spaghetti today. They went bananas for it :)

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  6. Hi John, thank you for popping over to my blog and for your comment on a recent post. It's always a pleasure to see a new face! I've been having a scamper through your lovely blog and will definitely be back for more!

    I have always wanted a Grandfather Clock - yours is a very handsome piece indeed.

    Hope your brother feels better very soon.


  7. Sorry to hear about your brother -- I didn't know he was in hospital. The clock is absolutely beautiful. What a treasure.

  8. I have always wanted a grandfather clock. Yours is stunning!
    And the memories that are with it are priceless.
    Anymore treasures you would like to share with us?

  9. What good is stuff if you can't show it around? Thanks for the lovely tour. Best wishes for you and your brother.

  10. I hope he starts to feel a bit better soon;
    John, I do have to say that your new photos is very scary and in your face when you open your blog page!!

  11. Whoops, the word will be going out that you're a closet hetero! Lovely clock. My house is way too small for such a beauty, sadly. best wishes to Andrew.

  12. It's such a lovely piece John.
    I like the old case grandfather clocks better than the glass fronted ones, yours is special because of the ties to your friends, so that's even better.
    I remember when I was growing up, people used to put their old granfather clocks on the bonfires for Guy Fawkes night, the younger generation wasn't interested in having them passed down to them, they wanted the new IKEA stuff instead.
    What I would give for my great grandma's clock......
    I'm glad to read Andrew is slowly getting better, he'll be forever in your debt for getting caught with the magazines :)
    Thanks for sharing your picture with us.

  13. You should write on paper who owned this clock before you and why you bought it at the auction.
    I have started doing this to my things so my children will know.
    That is a beautiful clock . Thanks for the pictures ~!
    ta ta for now from Iowa...

  14. I think its good to have furniture with history.

  15. I bet your friends are very glad that you bought that clock, John.

  16. My best wishes for your brother's recovery, John. This must be such a difficult time for you and your family.

  17. I just caught up with your news John due to my travelling.
    All the very best to you and your family. The clock is gorgeous... and this from someone with a "thing" for clocks!

  18. Wonderful clock...with memories.

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  20. That's a very nice clock. I'm sure the former owners would be pleased that it went to someone who appreciates it.
    I hope Andrew gets to come home soon.

  21. I love all things old,they have character and sometimes a mysterious past... I do hope you brother feels better.

  22. My Mam would have been delighted that John had the clock - as am I. I know that it will be cared for and treasured.....just like having John as a friend. I can still here the quiet ticking of the clock and hourly chiming as I was a child growing up. xxx

  23. you have a lovely clock.. and i'm glad that you finally had it. thanks for posting.


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