Coming Out

One scene in last night's film held a certain resonance.
It was the drama filled scene when a post teen boy was outed by his parents in the hysterical Aids times of 1984, and the recognition wasn't one from my own life, but one I knew Chris had gone through.
With typical Chris understatement , he merely said when we chatted about the film on the way home " it was a difficult time coming out in the 80s"

I came out in the early 90s.
I was in my late  twenties when I started, so I escaped that parent angst so many men and indeed boys put themselves through. My father died in 1989 and I decided very early on, that declaring my gayness to a mother with her own problems would solve nothing. My sexuality would  have been hijacked by her natural love for drama and made into an issue of hers and not mine.
No, my coming out was centred around the most important people in my siblings and my urban family of close friends.

And I never had a bad reaction.

Of course some of my extended family had their reservations about it all , a fact which,  through patience and non confrontation on my part resolved itself eventually. My brother apparently cried a bit and my sisters, as I knew they would be, were fairly non plussed about it all.
I think it helped that I came out more with a whisper rather than a full on queer-in-your-face bang.

My best mate, who still is a pragmatic and friendly Yorkshire man, just nodded slowly over his pint in the Back lounge of The Dog and Partridge when I told him " I guess you want me go with you to the odd gay bar now" he said with a wry chuckle . He never even paused for dramatic effect.

You cannot quite imagine how wonderful it is to share something like this with people you care about and not illicit a powerful reaction......watching another scene from the film Pride last night, reminded me so much of this coming out time. It was a gentle scene where the elderly Welsh miner Cliff ( the lugubrious Bill Nighy) simply says " I'm gay" to his lifelong friend Hefina ( Imelda Staunton) as they are quietly buttering bread  for a miner's benefit party.  Her buttering knife pauses very briefly as she replies " I know" . and the pair continue their work  in companionable silence.
No hysteria.. No angst.......
Just normality

Yes.......I was very lucky indeed.


Pride is a feel good comedy drama that Britain seems to churn out rather effortlessly . Set at the height of the 1980s Miners' strike , it's a bit of whimsy based on the true story of  a group of gay activists who pick a small Welsh mining community to support when the trade union action takes hold. 
And so we have flamboyant gays meeting Welsh small minded ness , with the gays winning over the locals with feats of disco dancing warmth, advice on fashion and the the obligatory gay bashing bigot ruining the Kids From Fame feel with speeches on Sodom  and Gomorrah .
Interestingly enough amid the sentimentality ( and there is a great deal of sentimentality) there are subplots galore which centre upon, Aids, coming out, and family dynamics  and wisely director Mathew Warchus does not shy away from sex and the fickle nature of gay life in the 1980s but covers everything we see in so much can't help but enjoy the ride..even though that much of the narrative is terribly heavy handed
It's a sweet film....and one which is elevated by some sweet performances from the likes of Dominic West ( as a faded actor with some sharp dance moves) paddy Considine ( as a miners' leader who embraces the gay activists ) and Imelda Staunton as Welsh matron who proudly informs local bigots that she's off to Swansea for a " les-off"......
Yes  all sweet fun!
I dare anyone not to watch the film without gently smiling to themselves ...mind you the scenes where the miner's wives sing " Bread & roses" as a sign of defiance against Thatcher's government and when ostracized  Welsh gay bookshop owner Gethin ( Andrew Scott) hears a gentle " nadolig Llawen ( Happy Christmas  in Welsh) from a friendly mother are dreadfully moving to watch and had me snuffling into my hankie

A Big Wet Vagina

I found myself on catch up today. I haven't taken the harvest festival food to the homeless  shelter as yet, William needs another trip to the vets and I need to pick up a friend's carpet cleaner in order to remove the mouse intestine stains from the hall landing carpet.
I did, however,  manage to walk the dogs , do some shopping and buy the house coal this morning and at lunchtime I popped into the the driveby McDonald's in order to buy a single ( yes a single) cheeseburger for me and a large fries for the dogs As we drove past the animal feed wholesalers I saw Bunty loading horse feed into the back of her jeep, so I stopped to say hello.
She told me that she had sold on the geese that I had sold to her, blaming the fact they continued to act  like" bastard geese from Hell" and as we chatted she helped me feed the dogs with their chips .
When she handed Winnie her fries, she swore under her breath as her hand disappeared into a huge bulldog mouth, then she wiped her wet hands rather theatrically on her jeans
" Christ Almighty it's like putting your hand in a big wet vagina" she bellowed
I could see her point..........

Behind The Bedroom Door

It's almost dark in the bedroom
I've slept very heavily for a few hours
And I've just woken up with a bit of a start.
I was dreaming that I was at work and I was hiding behind an iv gantry with
One of the Filipino nurses, a girl called Carmen.
There were zombies shuffling around and one seemed to have caught our scent.
and we were convinced thet we were goners 
I am glad I woke up
And I know now just why I have dreamt what I dreamt 
For behind the cottage bedroom door
I can hear the long, deep sniffing of a welsh terrier as he noisily comes to terms that
Daddy,who usually takes him for a walk at this time, stinking like an old kipper in bed
in the middle of the day.

Is that an eclair you're eating or are you just pleased to see me?

Twilight Albert watching the rain

85 comments  on the last post........and I hardly wrote anything...... Go figure.....sometimes I think there is no need to write anything profound ....just post a silly photo of yourself  perhaps in a pair of ill fitting underpants with a cat on your head and poof......more comments than you can shake a stick at...........anyhow this weekend is a sort of non event for me thanks to the new nhs electronic rota system who, in its wisdom now considers Sunday as the START of the week and not the end . Subsequently part timers like me often get given a Saturday shift from one week and a sunday shift from the next.....hey presto we now get all weekend to cover.........
It looks like the end of the world outside as the weather has turned.....I had just got back into bed, wet and shivering after letting the birds out when Chris informed me that there was another funeral in the Church today...the sheep  are grazing next to the Churchyard and need to be moved, the grave digger will be arriving in his lorry to cross the field anytime now....
What a shitty wet, nothing day.
well we've just had a sneaky jaunt to marks and Spencer's
And after some lunch we have had a crafty chocolate eclair in the car on the way home
I was driving and still managed to eat the eclair without holding on to it
Now that's skill!
Off to bed

Do It Yourself

Chimney Sweeping Morning In Trelawnyd

Goodbye to a grand lady

 It's not quite the thing to say nowadays but I was incredibly proud to see the entire Chatsworth Estate  staff lining the funeral route of the late Dowager Duchess of Devonshire today. I have walked the road from the village of  Edensor to Chatsworth and the thought of cooks, maids, shop staff, farm workers and gardeners all lining the road with their heads bowed as the last Mitford sister passed in her wicker coffin is incredibly moving......
Tally ho

More Tea vicar?

The vicar  and his entourage waiting patiently for their rhubarb tarts

Every year after Harvest Festival, the Church holds a harvest lunch in the village hall to raise funds. 
They usually put on a hot pot and fruit pie to follow, so it's well,worth the small talk., especially as Church stalwart Christine Davies usually makes the pies, and she's a cracking pie maker. ( I'll get her to enter the cookery classes in the flower show if it kills me)
It's a beautiful sunny day today, and suddenly the village seems full of activity. There is a funeral at the Chapel with a burial in the graveyard next to the Ukrainian village and the Children from the school will be attending Church this afternoon for their harvest festival service. 
I also met the incredibly cheerful foreman overseeing the renovation of the houses on London Road, who strangely knew of my blog. He asked if I could dig out any historic photos of the houses for him, which I have done, I think he's been somewhat overwhelmed by people congratulating him for taking the job on.

The cooks in the village hall, Mrs Trellis is first right