Pants and a Top

" You'll need a pair of black trousers and a plain coloured shirt" 
So instructed 1940s RAF moustached Jamie as we finished choir practice tonight
We are giving a mini concert on Thursday and are performing ten songs and a fanale piece given the hopefully rapturous applause from the Melyd Golf Club Regulars!
Jamie wants us to look the part!
" I don't know if I have a plain shirt!" I whispered to Peter, my fellow bass and  renowned gentleman farmer
He rolled his eyes
" A man should be prepared for every eventuality !" He said evenly in his cut glass accent
" I'll pop down to TK MAXX tomorrow!" I told him, " I'll get something very cheap!" 
" Oh how lovely !" he said

This is one of the songs we will be singing

Paper Work

Yesterday I almost went stir crazy.
It was an odd day for so many reasons
I earmarked myself the whole day to transfer all of the joint account direct debits to my personal account but what with the different tariffs, " easy" on line ways of doing things, the occasional threat to a call centre to cancel my accounts and a marathon change of details with the delightful Vikram in an Indian BT call centre , it took much longer than I expected
I have now finally sorted every account, every debit, and every change of name, 24 hours later
I was on the phone so long with Vikram that I feel that I need to send him a Christmas card.
Such is modern life.

A friend broke my rhythm. They were tearful and needed some time , so I took them to the cafe Mary and I go to in Colwyn Bay were we had buckets of coffee and the thickest buttered toast this side of the English border.
Thick buttered toast always makes things better

My work contract came yesterday too. I made an appointment to sort the mortgage out.
Trendy carol ( wearing light summer linen) called round with a basket of plums
I spoke to Nu and Nigel on the phone, wrote the blog and started work scrubbing the patio and Dead heading the potted flowers

One outstanding problem with the council tax was sorted this morning. The council clerk was chirpy
And rather sweet.

I had a dream early this morning too
It was one of those I'm having another ten minutes in bed dreams that ar so vivid that they hurt your chest when you eventually wake up.
I was around seven years old and I was dancing with my grandmother
It was a fast sort of waltz and she was wearing her cheap blue everyday dress that smelled of cold cream. Her ham sized arms dwarfed my own
We were in her neat back garden on the lawn
I was looking at my 1960s sandled feet and skinny knees
And I felt loved


Ive been asked ( by two readers) to explain the "art" wall in the kitchen
It grew as a result of my hubby taking the original art with him when he went ( a lovely limited print of a fox running towards a Welsh country Church) .
I wanted to fill the void

Bird and Agapanthus print Liz Tode
John dog walking by Rachel

Members of the Trelawnyd Flower Show circa 2010

Etching of an Austrian Villa circa 1898 bought in Sheffield flea market 2001

Small square of an antique Kimono bought from Takashimaya, a florist on
693 Fifth Avenue New York in 2002
framed in Sheffield

An award My ward team won for excellence in care in the development of  long term ventilated beds 

Sea Pinks in Dunes by Fiona Carver

Corn flowers on tile, bought in Soho London
Fat pony gift from a friend 

Wrapping paper graffiti by blogger Gayle

"Off the beaten track" by Irene Goodier original painting

A gift from Bridget in the village " The Terriers Of Trelawnyd"

Welsh Terrier ( By Ben) a spinal Injury Patient Sheffield 2003
flying seagull in glass ( bought from Broadstairs)
Mickey Mouse print ( from blogger follower)
my painting in acrylics

print sleeping hare by John Bloor

Nature Table

This Is Me ! - The Winner!

The winner of the " this is me" competition is this photo.
I won't give the name of the entrant , suffice to say that I loved their honesty at sharing this as a description of self...warts and all.

A Nice Pair Of Hairy Calves

I didn't have a headache this morning, though my eyeballs felt unusually tender!
I had forgotten I had booked lunch with a friend for next Sunday and not this, so at a loose end, I took myself to a local art gallery for a mooch and for some lunch.

The exhibits were interesting.
But not quite as impressive as the gallery attendants hairy calves which caught my attention much more than the pink animal sideboard!
They were lovely and just as impressive as his trendy twirled moustache!

To cool off I took myself to the cafe and was given a very large gold number three to let the server know what table to bring my sandwich.
" Thats a bit camp!" I told the staff
" You should see our number 7's fabulous !" the server replied.

I sat and ate my sandwich as the gallery attendant with the lovely calves sat down nearby to eat his lunch. With such a lovely view all too much I went to look at some more of the art and with my left over birthday money bought myself   a flying bird sculptured from a broad palate knife!

Flying bird by Rachel Sumner

Albert and my Art Wall at home

Rachel And The Stranger

Just after 8pm there was a knock on the door.
It was the Hungarian support worker who I had given a gift of sausage to a while back
Her husband sat in the car and he waved
She gave me some homemade cake called something like "sootmeny Rigo " and a small bottle with its own stopper
" Palinka" she explained...." Hungarian fruit brandy! Tank you"  
She shook my hand 
I drank a couple of large slugs of it and it warmed my face nicely
I am sat watching the old 1948 film RacheL and the Stranger! And I've drunk some more now I'm  Feeling rather pissed ( in uk pissed means tipsy and not angry)