
I went to the dentist this morning and witnessed a receptionist being somewhat curt to an elderly customer in front of me who had arrived on the wrong day.
" Who pissed on your chips ?"  I asked her as she looked from him to me and there was a brief uncomfortable standoff silence
" I'm not here to be abused" the receptionist then said defensively
" I bet you say that a lot " I told her,
But the irony of my was lost on her somewhat....hey ho....
Still got it!

I got this message today from Jason the affable despot
"Just wondering how things are going with you ? Haven’t seen you around for a chat ( I’m in hibernation until April ) ...."
I messaged him back and we've arranged to see a comedy show in Chester next week....I was chuffed he broke his own hibernation rule to come and play

I hope Trendy Carol's finger has improved .
She stopped the other morning for me to review a kitchen chopping board injury over the kitchen wall.
She was wearing a rather nice  jacket and matching shoes I seem to remember .

It was the vicar's last service in the village church yesterday and I am sorry to say that I fell asleep in the armchair after nights so didn't attend Church at 11 am I'm glad I left him a card on the vestry desk last week. We spoke outside the Church the other day.
He wished me well and he told me he was sorry about the Prof and I wished him well too...he's moving to Rhos on Sea which is as genteel as Miss Jean Brody's knickers and a place not too far for Gaynor the mad organist, to visit.
I wonder if the stand in vicar will have a carol service on Christmas Eve this wouldn't be Christmas if Mrs Davis wasn't called to " Bring On The Baby Jesus!" as the nativity scene was completed.

Villagers Mrs Trellis and The Cameron's , my family and Nu in London have all asked me to spend a Christmas with them this week and I told them all a big thank you but no
I've not thought about the C word much ......which is a bit hard as Sandra C has put up a twenty foot banner which SCREAMS FUCKING CHRISTMAS IS COMMING!!!!!!!

" Frisky Wales"

Years ago I had a Hiv Test. I had never put myself in a position of risk at any part of my single life but a partner that I had split up with had told me he had slept with other men and so, after a discussion with my GP I took the test. The clinic in Sheffield was alien but professional enough and although I was dreadfully nervous that something could have been amiss I was sort of unsurprised that I was clear of any STI .

Today things have moved on to a new level. According to the official public Health Wales website " Frisky Wales"  people can protect themselves from HIV by taking a medication called
PreP. The offical site states
PRep is for people without HIV who are at very high risk of getting it from their behaviour or their potentual exposureto HIV infection , so if you are HIV negative and dont always use condoms then PreP could help refuce your risk getting HIV" 
What PreP doesnt do is to protect people from the plethora of other sexually transmitted diseases that are around and that is a worry. Could PreP give some a feeling of invincibility ?

I guess it could be argued either way. Each to their own I suppose
Im just glad I'm not part of that world. I had just one experience of being tested and feeling vunerable and I dont want to go there again.
For some its a part of life.


Night shift plays havoc with my naturally good looks


Twelve years ago, almost to the day, I was busy painting and decorating the living room of the cottage
The previous owner preferred a somewhat minimalist palate, and so we were faced with a nasty laminate floor, Plain painted walls and a lonely log burner in an unadorned inglenook fireplace.
The place looked tired and soulless.
I found a carpenter of some note and had bespoke cabinets with glass doors designed and built either side of the chimney breast. These I painted a gentle green. A  old fashioned bannister rail was put in and I found an old kitchen door from a reclaimers yard in Penmaenmawr and hung it in the empty doorway to the kitchen. A new mantleshelf, I found in a local junk shop and an old neighbour wallpapered the walls with vintage Laura Ashley wallpaper.
I turned the look of the room from hard to a Miss Marple soft .
One morning, when I was painting the kitchen door a matching green, I heard Finlay ( our first Welsh Terrier) barking, I popped my head around the door and saw two old ladies peeping through the living room window.
They both jumped noticeably when I waved at them and did that surprised, hand wringing thing old ladies so often do when they are caught out at something.
The ladies were Olwenna Hughes and Gwyneth Jones, ladies well into their eighties.
I went to the door and introduced myself and asked them both to come in, I asked them to tell me a bit more about the cottage as I was sure their interest to see what I had done to the place stemmed from knowing about everything that went on the village.
Olwenna had been a small girl when she last entered the cottage. The cottage was owned by one of the few English families in Trelawnyd , and they ran a small coal merchants from the field opposite.Olwenna came regularly to learn piano from the daughter .
" What was the place like when you came , Can you remember it ?" I asked her and she remained quiet for a moment turning around the room stiffly with big swollen legs.
She pointed to our bookcase under the stairs and told me that that's where a small upright piano was situated " The rest of the room looks almost the same!" She mused " I remember the green cupboards well.... and the ticking clock and lots of little jugs up on the beams !" 
Olwenna craned her head upwards and pointed to a collection of my gaudy Welsh jugs just recently bought and placed, and smiled
By luck and design I had put back all of the original features of the room to its 1940 style...How weird was that?

Lifestyle Blog

I'm needing to replace several items from the cottage and have to do it on a minuscule budget.
The kitchen needs a chair and I've been looking for one from eBay and Facebook for a while.
I found this one in nearby Holywell and it's hardly seen an arse . It only cost me 40£
I was cock a hoop.....even though I couldn't get it in Bluebell!
The woman selling it was clearing some stuff before a permanent move to Spain, so after She gave me tea and biscuits I'd also bought a hardly used microwave oven and a bread bin with a cartoon of a flamingo on it
Hey ho


Going Gently is seriously going off the boil ( some would say it never reached 100 degrees anyhow) all I seem to do recently is to kvetch about being suddenly single at the ripe old age of 56 or describe another vets trip with another sick animal.
I'm boring the tits off myself so bugger alone knows how you lot, dear readers are feeling.
So what little gem is the old fart going to share with us today? I hear you ask?
More whinging ? Another sorry tale of poor Mary's ear? ( btw we've been back to the vets this morning for more antibiotics and painkillers) more self indulgent emotional romps about feelings?
No dearhearts, I shall tell you a quick story about a young man in his early twenties from a rough part of town.
Last night I started to mentor a new Samaritan trainee who I will call Danny
Danny was keen and respectful and made his own notes as he listened to the callers' interactions with me. At one moment after we had discussed a particularly difficult call, we had a break and discussed when he would be free to complete his next shift.
Danny told me he had to juggle a few commitments but could do the shift I suggested. He explained that he held down two jobs as well as coping with a new baby at home but felt is important to continue his training.
With all of the bad press of just how young people of today behave here was a lad barely out of his teens who is going out of his way to do something worthwhile
As he explained
"You've just got to give something back in life"

Gypsophila and Mary's painkiller syringe


I know it smacks of nepotism but my fav neice ( in law ) is now a lifestyle coach and is, in my biased view , doing very well at it.
She has a blog here....if any of you fancy a look ( click below)
Link to Rebecca's Coaching Blog

Soul Wind

Our choir has a Christmas Concert to prepare for, and so our twelve year old choir master has given us all a CD each of our individual pieces so we can rehearse at home.
I haven't got a CD player at home so I have to practice in the car.

Got some strange looks in Tesco's car park today but I've practiced at the beach, on the hillside and outside fat club
The bass parts are not very sexy as you can hear...
Mary has been a bit depressed in her collar so I've taken it off just for the day.