
 I’ve not pushed it
I’ve let it happen organically 
But Bun and Mary
Finally have broken down their natural barbers tonight 
I’m off to bed and snapped this photo of a friendship which both want but which both have sabotaged 


Big Breaths

 A couple of my colleagues at work feel unwell today. Everyone’s coming down with colds. 
I’ve lost my voice.
It not stopped us laughing
We sounded like a room full of dirty phone callers when we were checking drugs.
Another fit of coughing giggles.
When I was a Samaritan up to 40% of my calls were either abusive or sexual
I remember one guy who yelled out a quick and despirate 
“ Before you disappear I’m not a pervert I have COPD “ 



With my bottle of water, box of strepsils, and pockets full of tissues I braved the journey to Liverpool again to see The Planet Suite.
It didn’t disappoint.
Jupiter the Bringer of Jollity, was so powerful that I noticed a couple of people dabbing their eyes.
I was a tad disappointed that great hunk of spunk Domingo Hindoyan was not conducting this time (Andrew Manze having the honour) but it was the music that counts and last night was a real treat.
I’m in bed now after walking the dogs and feeding the twins.
And feel rotten 
I shall refrain from telling any jokes about my Uranus being a Magician 
Lemsips and rest are the mantra for the day
Bun ( I think ) is sitting on the clothes horse watching the lane


 I’m full of cold, a product of Mersey rail on Wednesday 
Last night I went to The Crown for a meal with my family which was lovely but I slept badly so after dog walks this morning we’ve all gone back to bed . 
The animals are playing cowboys and Indians with the Welsh playing the settlers  laying safe between my legs and the twins playing the marauding injuns.
I’m just drinking coffee from my American 1940s diner mug and will fall again to sleep soon
The Philharmonic later


 It was Rowena’s funeral today
And a day of respect it was , to be sure.
Her nephew, Village Elder Islwyn and his brother had dug her grave themselves which I thought was intensely moving and another mark of respect as Rowena’s father was the village gravedigger at one time, Islwyn isn’t a young man, and I’m sure the hard work has taken its toll. 
Kudos to the both of them

The service was held in Llanasa, who has a pretty Norman Church, and the church was full as Rowena’s family is large and spans every part of Trelawnyd and its environs .
Auntie Glad always warned me to be early for popular character’s funerals , so I was and still was beaten to the back pew by the ladies from the friendship group, Animal Helper Pat, Christine from Church, Pippa and Tom, the velvet voiced Linda, sailor John and Mandy and Mrs Trellis.
Trendy Vicar Gregor ( with his flowing cape and neat beard )  did his best with the Welsh parts of the service which was lovely and by the time the funeral cars returned to Trelawnyd I had collected the Welsh and was standing with Pat Mr Poznan and others a respectful distance away.

We watched as the family followed the coffin into the graveyard, and in the grey skys over Trelawnyd groups of seagulls took off in the breeze in the fields next to the riding stables , looping west towards the valley and the sea



My sister and I went to Liverpool last night to see a revival of Mary Skeaping’s 1971 version of Giselle 
It was magical
The willi ghosts, as usual stole the show with their ensemble centre piece of synchronised hopping but this version had the spectres acting as attacking ghouls circling the huntsmen at terrifying speed and menace 
I loved it The National Ballet is on great form 
I think as a piece of pure theatre the entrance of the willi ghosts cannot be beaten 
I cry everytime 



To change your mortgage you have to have an interview online now. I had a lovely chap called Nick today who talked me through the whole process. Because I can only get Wify in the front room I was joined on the couch by the dogs and one cat which amused Nick “ I’m selling to the muppets” he quipped not quite understanding he was including me in that comment.
My new mortgage is set and I can soak up the monthly increase …just.
it’s another job done 
I used to take these big decisions in my stride 
Now I worry
Another symptom of getting older .
After nearly two hours on line, I sit in the living room

The cottage faces south and the front windows let the sun shine through on a sunny day  like a baby Sagrada Familia. 
I feel as though I’m transported into the 1940s
The animals start to flop into the squares of sunlight on the carpet to sleep 
The windows need washing but I’m enjoying being present in the moment 
The kitchen clock ticks
And the breeze makes the Honeysuckle tap the window as if a friend wants my attention 

The cottage and my animals remains safe in my hands at the moment 

Chicken Feet

 Yesterday was a tough day. 
I had two high maintenance  patients. One who needed to be stabilised with medication before a peaceful death and another with a complicated spinal Injury which is my bread and butter. 
I got home exhausted and spent, a few minutes before 9 pm , so I gave the dogs a snack and sat down in my coat to watch Call My Bluff.
Minutes later either Bun or Weaver galloped through the lounge with a chicken foot in her mouth.
She did a circuit of the living room before legging it up the stairs closely followed by Roger then Mary ( Roger growling like a proper dog) and finally with the second twin in close pursuit. 
It was all rather dramatic .
Like a Tom & Jerry cartoon from the 40’s.
The chase carried on, above and below my double bed for a while, with accompanying barking and spitting, but I sat in my coat letting the shit fall as it would.
A while later Roger trotted through the living room rather victoriously with said chicken foot in his mouth
And the pecking order at Bwthyn y Llan was restored.
I kept my coat on and watched the hilarious Alma’s Not Normal as Roger paraded around the cottage with his head held high, chicken leg in mouth.

This week seems full
This afternoon I have my own counselling then
Mortgage appointment, clinical supervision tomorrow with Giselle in the evening. Counselling clients on Thursday followed by a much long overdue visit to the cinema . Friday it’s Rowenna’s funeral followed with a catch up with my family at The Crown and Saturday it’s  The Planet at The Philharmonic.
My mortgage worries me , but I can’t change the world……..