La Passion de Dodin Bouffant

 It does annoy me that many foreign language films get their titles changed to suit an English speaking world market. Les Passion De Dodin Bouffant is the perfect example for this afternoon I went to see the somewhat bland sounding The Taste Of Things which sounds to me like a 1980s British tv sitcom ! 

As it turned out The Taste Of Things was anything but bland. 
It is a gloriously elegant and beautiful film, exquisitely photographed and carefully acted, with every scene set in a French Country house in the summer of 1889, painted with the skill of a grand master.
The film’s opening sets the pace and style of the whole piece as we watch food lover Dodin Bouffant ( Benoît Magimel) and his cook and lover Eugénie( Juliette Binoche) prepare an exquisite meal for the couples 5 best friends. The pair share a deep love of cooking and each other and it shows as they silently work around each other in country kitchen to die for with all the grace and skill of a couple of ballet dancers. The ticket of admission pays for that extended scene alone. 
Magimel shines as the love struck, passionate and likeable Dodin with Binoche matching his every move . A stone’s throw from sixty she is at her most beautiful , and gives her character a haunting grace which is wonderfully moving . 
I loved every bit of this movie. 
It’s a beautiful story of an autumnal love affair
And a joyous celebration of cookery at its best


  1. Anonymous9:07 pm

    I do love a good period film. This one sounds exquisite. Gigi

  2. Maggie9:09 pm

    Looks lovely, just the movie to absorb with your mind and heart when the Winter is hard and long.

  3. I would watch this film just to drool over the kitchen alone! Sounds wonderful, but I do agree that the English title does nothing to entice viewers. Why not a direct translation, or even better, no translation? xx

    1. It’s other translation was The Pot-au-Feu
      A French meal of meat and veg

    2. Anonymous9:32 pm

      Oh this sounds right up my street.
      Echos of Chocolat ?


    3. Yes similar messages too Lee, another film I loved too , but this one is more sumptuous

  4. I found the nearest art film theater, I want/need to start going.

  5. This sounds great. We often have trouble finding films here. Sometime the English titles are maintained. Sometimes they’re direct translations. And other times, they seem to make no sense at all.

    1. Anonymous9:56 pm

      Mitchell I feel for you . I live in the Mid West of the USA , and foreign movies are usually only shown on University campus’ or in the city
      I so want to see this lovely film



    2. I am lucky I guess, I always thought I was
      In Sheffield I had the Showrooms , and in wales , I’ve got Chester art house Picturehouse ,:and Storyhouse
      As well as a small art house cinema in theatre clwyd

  6. I'll add this to my "to see" list. I'm a fan of Juliette Binoche and haven't seen any recent films with her. Yesterday I re-watched one of her older classics, "Chocolat," one of my favourite movies.

  7. Barbara Anne10:25 pm

    I, too, will note this title and watch for it to be available. How wonderful that you had this film to snjoy today and may your dream of it tonight.


    1. Oh babs , it’s lovely to see something worthy

  8. Similar to Babette's Feast?

  9. Ooooh! I hope it comes here. We have a Film Festival during our winter and I'll look out for it. Thank you.

  10. Sounds and looks amazing.
    Before my brother in law died. I told him one thing I had always wanted to do was cook with him...because I knew how to move in a kitchen. He was the cook in their family. I also told him I loved him. At least he knew.

  11. This sounds like a grandiose reworking of 'La Grande Bouffe'; which i loved.

  12. I wonder at that translation too. The film seems so beautiful and I would love to see it.

  13. Do you remember "Babette's Feast"?

  14. I haven't seen it yet but it does look good. He is her real life ex-husband I do believe.

  15. I want to see this.


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