Loved The World

 I was tired when I got home this morning. So much so, was that I only briefly walked the dogs, and didn’t even brush my teeth then slept the sleep of the innocent until 2 pm when Dorothy gently occluded my airway by resting her head on my throat.
We all trooped down to Bluebell and walked along the Dyserth Walkway with me sweating and overheated in my new smart woollen coat. 
We bumped into my sister in law who was taking her baby grandson ( my great nephew) for a walk in his pram. I’d never met my great nephew, though I had sent gifts and cards when he was born and was struck by his auburn colouring. So like my brother Andrew his grandfather.
It’s funny how some families gently disappear off the radar.
It’s the way of the world.

I’ve lost track of the days, but need to buy my village friend Nick a birthday gift. He’s 70.
There’s an open house do at his 4-7 for one of his wife’s ( Velvet Voiced Linda) lethal Gin and bitter lemons. ( a drink that could floor a decent sized African Elephant ) 
So I’m writing this, then will pop out to buy him a gift.
The kitchen looks as though there’s been a western Bar fight in it, Roger has been mooching on the tops again.
The rest of the week I will be writing a personal journal which will be marked and will need to be academically referenced, but it’s not all gloom, I’ve arranged with my sister to see Wicked Little Letters which I suspect will be awful , judging by how’s its being marketed) and with another friend to see a recording of I’m sorry I haven’t A Clue at Venue Cymru . For those that don’t know Clue is a much loved silly radio game played for laughs. It’s been running over 50 years and is filled nipple to knee with dirty double entendres. 
On Saturday I’m going out to lunch at a gastro pub.The Queens Head at Glanwyddan with my friend Ruth.
So it’s not all books and research.
And Dorothy how is she?
She’s plodding along. It’s very evident she’s lost weight, and that’s not nice to see, but her pain has gone , her sickness has reduced and she’s eating and enjoying walks and cuddles.
Let’s wait and see
A John Lewis delivery driver has just dropped off a new side table for my tiny tv ( see above!!!) and she galloped around the garden path with the others then craned her head up over the kitchen wall in order for him to be able to kiss her boney head.
Which he duly did, without hesitation after I gave permission 

I must have done something right

For  all of my dogs have loved the world 


  1. Anonymous3:16 pm

    For some strange reason, this meandering stream of thoughts from a tired brain made me weep.
    Thank you


    1. Don’t be sad, it’s not a sad post

  2. They love the world because they are loved xx 💗

    1. I so agree with you there, flis. Animals, like humans, need love, care and cuddles. You can look at your animals with fatherly pride, John. You've done a good job! xx PS love the little TV table.

    2. Dogs need to be part of a pack
      They need to belong and be relied upon

  3. Anonymous3:34 pm

    Maybe you'll get lucky with the Tree Trunk in Trunks Sven :). B from NL

  4. It's good to hear that Dorothy is doing well.
    I like your stylish, slightly retro, side table too.

  5. Shouldn't ( see below) actually be (see above)? You are forgiven for being as knackered as a bishop in a nunnery.

  6. I love that little table. Good to know Dorothy is enjoying being loved again. Sounds like you’ve got a busy several days ahead.

  7. Let's wait and see is a good attitude about how Dorothy does for as long as she shares her life with you, each day is a gift to be enjoyed, xxMary

    1. Yes Mary of all of my replies I think you “ get it”

  8. Busy is the norm for you. I think you like it that way; except, on occasion, for the lack of sleep. It is good to hear Dorothy is feeling better. Gin and bitter lemons can pick you right up, or lay you right down...

    1. Susan you are right , I don’t do well with too much me and nothing else , I need balance and company

  9. Oh, how I love the image of Dorothy's head being kissed by the delivery driver.

    1. It reminded me of a Jehovah’s Witness who visited the cottage one day and who said to Winnie “ God loves you too” Winnie puckered up and the witness leant over and kissed her

    2. Great Winnie story as well! Hugs to you.


  10. Cautiously optimistic for Dorothy. :)

    1. Anonymous4:26 pm

      I get the sense John is more guarded



    2. Keith you are right x

    3. Jim…..very cautious

  11. Some fun plans coming up! Glad you met your great-nephew and that Dorothy is improving.

    1. It was my brother albeit it in tiny form

  12. Barbara Anne4:38 pm

    Beautiful post! How sweet to have met your great nephew, that Dorothy is improving, the new table is just right, doors that close that might keep Roger out of the interior, and lovely plans for fun. Wishing your just the right words for the paper you need to write and good sleep to cure your exhaustion. Drink water!


  13. Families do pop off the radar..but isn't it good when they reappear. Dorothy is a loving hound...much better than some we see when passing gardens.

    1. She’s a good girl , always has been

  14. Loving the side table, John x

  15. You paint such lovely scenes with words! Snippets of life, filled with joy, love and beauty. The scene with the delivery driver kissing Dorothy's head over the kitchen wall tugs at the heartstrings.
    Best wishes on the writing/journalling assignment.

    1. Bulldogs and white van men …it’s a THING , men especially younger men are often drawn to bulldogs , I’ve always seen it with each of my four bulldogs

  16. Anonymous6:11 pm

    Gorgeous cabinet!! Glad to hear all is well with your world and especially that Dorothy is improving. Take care. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. Things are certainly better this week. Catching up with Nick and the villagers who love him and wife Linda was lovely

  17. Jo in Auckland6:41 pm

    No dogs in my house but loony toon cats. If I had that smart but wee dresser my cats would have it over in the blink of an eye jumping all over the place. Glad to hear that Dorothy; despite losing the weight is back to her normal self the fact that she garnered kisses from the delivery man brings a wee tear to my eye. You certainly have a nice few things lined up to take the sting out of the essay/journal assignment. You should ace it.... journalling is obviously a strength of yours because here we all are living lives vocariously through yours.

    1. I’ve just got back after Nick’s party.
      Lots of lovely people from the village crammed into their lovely cottage
      Lots of love ❤️

  18. Great news about Dorothy. Seems she's back to enjoying life once again.

    1. For the moment my friend , I have no doubt her trajectory will be down 😞

  19. Your new table is gorgeous, I love how eclectic your furnishings are. But surely you need and deserve a much larger screen TV?
    The next days sound hectic, just how you like it. Will yo share the personal journal w us afterwards? Perhaps not, sounds serious and work oriented.

    1. I hate a big screen it doesn’t suit the size of the cottage

  20. Nice table! We're off to see Wicked Little Letters too x

    1. I suspect it will be crap

    2. Possibly but I laughed a lot at the trailer. Plus our lovely film house does good snacks and drinks yum! x

    3. A very easy film to watch, Not at all highbrow and Olivia Coleman is as excellent as always. I really enjoyed it.

  21. I tape-recorded the first ever 3 or 4 ISIHAC programmes in the 70s and still have them, now digitised.

  22. The bit about Dorothy struck home with me. I am doing the same at the moment with my elder cat. I fear she is further along that road than Dorothy. You are more accepting than I am, although I am learning. I just don't want any more loss in my life yet, but it will come when it comes and there's nothing I can do about it. Give Dorothy an extra kiss for us, please.

    1. Jenny, perhaps I’ve done it too,any times not to be pragmatic

  23. I love that little table! Very nice! You know, John, what I love about these little glimpses of your corner of the world is that we get a sweet picture of a good person, living a good life, one that involved good people and good dogs. I love these little snippets. Thank you.

  24. Love the Fabulous table !
    I hope Dorothy will be stable (?) and feeling better ! Winston is not doing so wonderful lately. Just the way of the world.

  25. I loved 'Clue' when Humphrey Lyttleton was at the helm; he had such a wonderful sense of humour.

  26. It's such a big thing to "so love the world". To be given love and to return it with a positive outlook. You have done well.

    I prefer a smaller tv screen too, but am in the minority I expect as they seem to get bigger each time I look.

  27. I don't think I've listened to ISIHAC since Humph died. I miss Willy Rushton. Nice table. You are walking the dog in your lovely new coat? Is this wise?

  28. Your new table looks great. I don't like a TV to dominate a room either. (I'm also concerned about your new coat. Dog walking?)

  29. I like ISIHAC. Humph was great and I didn't think Jack Dee would be much good but he is. It is still a very funny programme.

  30. 'I must have done something right. For all of my dogs have loved the world.'

    You definitely have done that for all your animals, you give them so much and they give you so much back. You can't beat the love of a good dog, those deep doggy eyes that drill into your soul and warm your very being, are worth all of the pain they eventually leave us with.


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