
 What’s in your head at this very moment? 
I feel I need to kick myself up the arse
With a few things 
I don’t like myself today 
Nothing too drastic
The emotion is more vague, like a minor headache you can’t shift
Or that shadowy feeling of guilt after drinking and saying too much at a party.
I’m meeting Gorgeous Dave for dinner then The Holdovers at the Picturehouse
I’m a Gemini and need stimulation 
So It will do me good

Where’s your head at this moment?


  1. Yorkshire Liz5:13 pm

    Doesn't everyone feel out of sorts and unsettled in January, especially when the weather is so strange. Anti climax after Christmas? New year bills? Intimations of mortality with another year rolling in? You are doing the right thing - getting out and about and keeping perspective on it all. Onnwards and upwards is the only way forward. Sorry!

  2. Seconding YL's comment..she beat me to it!

    1. Yorkshire Liz8:56 pm

      But only by four minutes, gz! Don't worry about it. Bet I follow you next time!

  3. Anonymous5:19 pm

    Hmmmm??? This morning I'm thinking about our next presidential election and concerned that Trump will lead us to hell (& not back). I'm also worried about global warming and how we'll all ever get through it. What kind of world my grandchildren and greatgrandson will face. About all those poor people leaving their birthlands to try and find homes where they can live without oppression. And too many other awful thoughts. Probably the reason I'm finding it difficult to sleep through the night. However, when I do get up in the morning and the sun is out and it's warmer, I see my pooch and kitty waiting in the kitchen for their breakfasts and my petting them - and for a while, I am content. Oh, well - John, you asked. Hugs from the base of the mini-mountain in Maine. Make it a good day! Regina

    1. They generally turn out ok Days Regina
      You just have to let them I guess…
      Nice dinner ,good company , a few laughs great movie

  4. My head is full and buzzing and feeling very irritated. I don’t like it but know it will improve after tomorrow.

  5. Barbara anne5:31 pm

    I am feelin well satisfied that in less than a week, I've had the idea, chosen fabrics in the favorite colors, and made a pieced pillow that I've just finished. It's for a friend's 15 year old granddaughter who will have surgery to removed an adrenal tumor on Feb 1. You know how it decreases pain to hug a pillow after a torso surgical provedure. This "splinting" as it's called here, supports the new incision when you need to cough, sneeze, or laugh. Now I have to pack it and wend the pillow to Minnisota and hope the weather won't delay it. Will send you a photo!


  6. Anxious, waiting to hear if a pension is finally happy with the paperwork for health coverage, that should have been done last week. Hoping everyone gets the timing right and I don't have lapse in coverage.

  7. I'm noticing you are more introspective and self-analytical since your therapist training has begun. I also wondered if after a year of self study it is then difficult to focus outwardly on clients' issues....Otherwise I am just wondering if it is too cold to walk my dog, is it too cold to walk on the beach; and texting w friend for a meet up in February.

    lizzy x

    1. Lizzy , we had group therapy work today and the way the course is organised is that both self reflection and client counselling go hand in hand
      It’s all coming together

    2. You are very brave, facing group therapy--not just one on one but an entire roomful of semi strangers, judging you. So hard.

  8. Generally feeling happy; trying to limit my worrying to the really important things; wishing I could work up the energy and enthusiasm to get stuff done; dreading the old age that is rapidly coming my way! xx

  9. It's past noon, I've the day off, am still in my flannel pyjamas while house/dogsitting for a friend, and feeling pretty glad I parked in their garage last night because it snowed a couple inches while I slept. -Kate

    1. Snow is the perfect excuse to stay in pj

  10. Anonymous6:18 pm

    Thinking about aging but trying to stay positive. My husband's recent health issue and hospital stay is a wakeup call for us both. Jackie

    1. It brings everything up short doesn’t it?

  11. Checking fences and gates - Nervous of the big bad wolf x

  12. To do or not to do. Calling for rain for 6 days straight, ground is frozen. A chance to put wood on the porch, with lots already there, winter isn't over. Warmer weather also for this wet week ahead will make ground softer for getting truck to wood and to porch to off load. Or have a nap and then decide. Must clean stove pipe out during warm weather , have been burning stove hard to keep it warm in close to zero temps. THAT will happen , the wood it will be no rain Friday, daybed is calling my name.

    1. You have allowed me to give myself permission for a nap

  13. John , have you thought of asking someone to go with you and G.Dave as a treat for you all.

  14. Traveller7:20 pm

    Somewhat annoyed at petty village politics. Very annoyed that people aren’t getting their MMR vaccines for their children. Bloody depressed at what is happening in Gaza. Amazed and appalled that there is a possibility that Trump could be the next US president. Just getting over the shock that the King and the Princess of Wales have health issues (okay…scratch that one).

    On the positive side my life is comfortable, a recent “call back” on a scheduled screening came back clear. I am warm, have black cats and my roof didn’t leak last night… and just off to a book club “The House of Doors” by Tan Twan Eng - loved it.

    1. I was overwhelmed by petty politics in Trelawnyd a week ago. And now feel more sanguine

  15. Anonymous7:54 pm

    Thinking of my husband Tony , who died in March. Missing him so much . Trying to find a point in life without him
    Siobhan x

    1. Hugs Siobhan...me too in May.

    2. Traveller1:32 am

      That took my breath away

    3. Siobhan
      One foot in front of another

  16. Jo in Auckland8:06 pm

    I have a second day off... yesterday I did nothing but mooch, today I feel I should be doing something but what? The weather is scorching so I could go to the beach and miss the crowds of the weekend, I could mow the lawns and be one up for the weekend, I could go for a walk but in all seriousness I don't much feel like doing anything again. Getting older has made me very despondent.

    1. Oh hugs
      Despondent is the worst emotion x

  17. I can recognise that " vague emotion ".
    I often wake with it and it hovers all day.
    Just don't like myself - ? Depression.

    1. I don’t think it’s depression, just low confidence low energy

  18. Anonymous9:26 pm

    Slept for two hours this afternoon and only got out of bed to feed my dog. It snowed this morning and I have to go to Doctors tomorrow to have some stitches removed, so I will have to go out early and clear the snow off my car. I am saying to myself, you are alone now so stay in bed when you feel like it. I always get up very early to let the dog out so an afternoon nap helps put in some time. I am just waiting for spring so only two months to go! Enjoy your time with GD. Gigi

    1. I m getting a sense that “ I’m not the only one” that gives more hope and more energy and positivism

  19. Getting back to "normal" after our winter storm here. Groceries, laundry (lots of laundry), reorganizing. Sitting down for a moment to recoup my energy levels...

    1. The weather is depressing and I’ve mentioned before the important lack of sunshine

  20. I've got that 'shit stuff to do, but not getting done' guilt trip feeling.
    Driving licence needs renewing
    Hall needs painting, paint bought monthes ago
    Freezer and cooker needs cleaning/defrosting.
    Clothes in a mess in the wardrobes
    Bla bla bla....yada yada
    So get on with it? No, just keep thinking about it all and some.

  21. Hope that the summerhouse roof doesn't blow off overnight. I am giving myself a rest from negative and disruptive comments. Must go to the Post Office tomorrow. We are down to one day a week now so we must use it or lose it. I really ought to clean the windows, they are very grubby. Ought to do some housework but I can't be bothered. Food cupboards and fridge well stocked, so lots of choice for meals. Get the general waste bin out on the front ready for collection.

    1. I used to use our post office when it was one day a week. I made up excuses to go

  22. Well, you did ask! My head, or rather my skull, aches, but this is normal. Arthritis in both TMJ joints causes almost constant pain. Sometimes it is manageable, sometimes not. I live quietly so I don't have to talk to people, but have trouble eating as well. At least the bitterly cold weather has passed. I'm glad it's time to go to bed!

    1. No it’s been very helpful, I’m not the only one, so I’m telling myself to shut the fuck up

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I'm finding it hard to be light-hearted and cheery because of all that is going on in the world and I have a couple of health issues that have been causing me anxiety. Also, I fear the taxman is coming to get me. Yes, that's where my head is right now.

  25. Another Gemini here John ..my BD is the 26 May ..I will be 68 next .Tempus Fugit .
    Just home fron a nice meal out with my lovely hubby ....Chinese food at the little place up the road ..loads of leftovers ..now enjoying the quiet of home with the fire on and snow falling gently outside .I rather enjoy Winter ..more time to relax and enjoy the comforts of our home .Millie the cat is purring beside me .
    I worry too about the world wide problems ..like so many of your commenters here .
    Dont beat up on yourself ..this too will pass .Have you tried meditation..it helps xx

    1. I haven’t Linda but listening to music is my go to , as well as choir which I will be rejoining very soon

  26. Anonymous12:06 am

    Being thankful and concentrating on living life, survived a MVA last week with only one big bump and big deep cut on my head, car was spun 360° and rolled sideways 360° .
    76 and go Bushwalking and camping wherever possible with a group of like minded ladies. 🙂

  27. At the moment my head is a bit like yours.

  28. At the moment my head is so full of " list of things I have to do" that I there is little room for anything else. But I absolutely recognise the feeling you describe as one I sometimes have too.

  29. I have a head full of confusion. I thought I had this depression thing sorted, It appears not. Never mind, it will pass, it always does. x

  30. Susan from Across the Pond12:18 pm

    My head is full of worries and to-do lists. Moving my mum and daddy to assisted living in the next couple of weeks. Lots of feelings of sadness about this change in our lives. Probably some guilt that I can't manage them at home.

    1. If you are not the carer gives you the chance to become the daughter again

  31. "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation, " Henry David Thoreau. That is what has been going through my head lately.

    1. I think it crosses all of our minds sometimes deArheart


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