ABBA The Visitors - Under Attack

I went to Sainsbury’s for lunch.
Their filter coffee is nice and the bustle of the cafe reminds me I’m not feeling lonely today.
A chap started talking to me on scruff which is a chatting/ dating app. He seemed interesting and chatty and talked about choirs and theatre and cinema that was until he asked to see of Photo of me . I sent him one of me and Dorothy in profile and he asked if he could view a “ lower one” 
I sent him a photo of my shoes prefixed by the word, sigh , then blocked him.
I had bangers and mash for lunch and had a small bout of road rage on the way home when a man stopped dead behind tome minor flooding causing several cars to shriek to a halt . The man refused to move on, for an age and I called out in my best Les Dawson voice You Big Girl’s Blouse ! 
Incongruously he waved what looked like a large feather duster at me
So much for learning all about being non judgemental in college yesterday

I played my ABBA LP When I got home 


  1. Sometimes it is SO hard to be non judgmental....

    1. That’s a stupid thing to say

    2. I’m being judgemental lol

    3. Phew, that's a relief 😁

  2. You know, I can't remember the last time I got mad at another driver. Even if they are doing some crazy thing. That has not always been the case. I wonder if it comes along with getting old???

    1. I will answer this with a yes

    2. Ps "took a picture of my shoes" made my husband laugh out loud.

  3. What is it with all of these online dating people that want to judge your "bits" before they can take the time getting to know you....what a world we are living in. You handled it perfectly.

    1. It’s common practice unfortunately Jo….my favourite practice when asked to send a “ special photo” was to send a photo of Salisbury Cathedral

    2. Anonymous8:15 pm

      Now, that DID make me laugh like a drain


    3. And I bet it has a lovely steeple 😊

  4. Sainsbury's ? Lucky you, lol. I thought all the Sains cafes were closed now. I used to love catching the "Villager" bus from Derby, through Willington and Repton to Burton. It stopped outside their Sainsbury's and I'd have my dinner in there. Closed the cafe due to Covid. Shame, was always popular. Still, I have my dinner in Terry's fish and chip restaurant in Burton now. Fish are huge. 😄

    1. I think most of reopened , they do a very good breakfast too

  5. Can you learn how to be non judgemental? I thought you either were or not.

  6. Your response to the dating a***hole was spot on. Just a shame it was needed! There is someone out there who's right for you, you just have to wade through all the dross to find him. Sigh... xx

  7. Dating apps draw some sleazy characters. Drivers seem entitled, like get out of my way entitled...maybe it is the weather? Sometimes, you've just got to laugh. Not worth the time for anything else.

    1. I laughed when I sent the shoe photo
      I laughed even louder when the duster thing was brandished , fuck knows what it was

  8. Anonymous5:00 pm

    Classic Going Gently - made me cry yesterday and laugh today. Jackie

    1. That’s my job jackie

    2. Anonymous8:23 pm

      Your job? But you keep telling us it's just your personal journal.

    3. Oh lighten up , pedantry is so pissing boring

    4. Anonymous8:46 pm

      Asshole trolls


  9. "I sent him a photo of my shoes" -- HAHAHAHAHAHA!

  10. Anonymous5:44 pm

    Attaboy John!!! Unbelievably yukky. I hated most of my experiences post annulment/divorce. I'm still a romantic and believe, if it's going to happen, it will be magical like moonlight in a 5-star movie. I waited five years before it occurred. Hugs and best wishes from the base of the mini-mountain in Maine. Regina

    1. I’m on the five years timeline now

  11. Barbara anne5:54 pm

    Roseanne Roseannadanna's father was right, it IS always something!
    We're all just works in progress after all.



  12. Loved your response to the on line dater. Laugh of the day. x

  13. Yorkshire Liz6:52 pm

    That's the way to deal with a tosser on the make. Do these interesting days just happen to you - or do you happen to them? I can never quite tell.
    Taking refuge in Abba is a great lift to the heart.
    Just back from seeing All Of Us Strangers. Probably the most amazing film I have ever seen, a cast of just four. A complex love story and ghost story in one and I daresay no two people will describe it in the same way. And it is a tribute to Andrew Haigh's film and Andrew Scott's extraordinary performance that I did not start crying until sitting at traffic lights two miles from home. Which is so not me.

    1. I thought it was a bit boring , the day not the film, I’m going to see it on Friday with chic Eleanor

  14. I certainly would not photograph my bits and send them to a man who asked - If I wanted a new man I'd have a dog walker or a classic fm one x

  15. I truly laughed out loud while reading... "I sent him a photo of my shoes".
    Thank you, John dear.

  16. I hope he gets off on that photo of your shoes. You're so clever.

  17. Jo in Auckland7:17 pm

    Yuk some people are just horrible aren't they. Hope you were wearing your crocs! That will teach him. The road rage probably came from the photo request, were you projecting at the wrong person? Who carries a feather duster in their car hahaha!

    1. My green holiday shoes, with dirty water marks lol how suave

  18. You already know how to appear non-judgemental. After all, I doubt whether you ever told a patient that they were only in your care through doing something stupid. The trick now will be to treat every person you meet, even those who annoy you, as potential clients (your £££ will depend on it). You never know when you will cross paths with them again! (Speaking as someone who could never tell their clients what I really thought of them!!)

    1. The trick is not to be judgemental
      The trick is to recognising when u are

  19. 'Road rage'. You're only human John, although the feather duster is very funny. Perhaps the chap on the Scruffs app is a foot fetishist?

    1. I think he wished he had……
      The feather duster made my day

  20. In the driver's defense, it can be very dangerous to drive into unknown flood water. Just ask all the folks whose cars caught on fire after the electronics got wet during H Sandy. I love his feather duster wave, much cuter than a middle finger and a responding FU. [perhaps he was not local?]
    The online chatter, eeeew. Your response was awesome. I hope you were wearing your crocs or felted elf boots?

  21. Thanks for the laugh!

  22. I sunk my minivan years ago (and totaled it!) so I am always wary of driving through large puddles. ;)

  23. Anonymous8:27 pm

    Oh dear the lonely topic yet again. poor you.

    1. I don’t feel poor me today, but that was the reason I went ,

  24. Willy nonsense definitely

  25. Anonymous8:45 pm

    Must have either liked yours or Dorothy's face.whose below pic did he want?

  26. I'd rather judge on the cheapness of shoes than the look of a penis x

  27. On and on and on Keep on rocking baby, till the night is gone…, as Annifrid said. Good choice to send a picture of your shoes, you know what they say about the size of a man’s shoes (how large his feet are)

  28. I used to participate in a dating app "speed chat" which could have been a lot of fun except nearly every man would ask where I was. It was a 3 minute chat and the app only connected people who were in your preferred distance!

  29. Anonymous10:26 pm

    I did laugh at the feather duster! I had just had someone honk at me angrily this afternoon as I slowed down to navigate through a large puddle. The driver then tried to overtake me, he couldn’t there was too much traffic, and so the honk was a venting move. I was feeling a bit put out and ancient afterwards. Jean in Winnipeg. Where all the roads are a lake as we are having an unseasonable thaw.

  30. I still have a smile on my face...thanks to you.

  31. Reading between the lines, I can guess what the person on the dating app was like. You were right to block him, he sounds very shallow.

  32. Marisana7:23 am

    I love the feather duster!

  33. Whoever carries a feather duster in their car?

  34. weaver10:14 am

    Can't help feeling you could have found a suitable back view of Dorothy to send him!

  35. He might have taken one look at the photo and said 'Cheap shoes' and blocked you too. ;-)

  36. Anonymous1:20 pm

    I can say with some authority about the size of the feet tell the size of the junk, rubbish! Did you have your crocs on? Gigi

  37. Maybe he was checking to see if you were wearing cheap shoes?

  38. My daughter once told me that I was so judgmental. I said, "No I'm not. I just have strong opinions."

  39. Anonymous2:55 pm

    Love Under Attack - Bel Ami

  40. The shoe pic is funny - I hope it was your crocs!
    xo elizabeth

  41. He waved a feather duster? Was he a drag queen? What a curious scenario.

    "The Visitors" was one of the first albums I bought with my own money, at Tampa Bay Center mall in 1981.

    1. I could have been something else but that’s what it looked like

  42. Today I purchased a garish green feather duster in Poundland (suitably cheap) to keep in my car to bring humour into any future incidents on the road. Thanks - perhaps it will catch on and everyone will become just a little more chilled and forgiving. A great piece of counselling John, even if it was the object of your rage who really invented it.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes