
Well last night’s blog entry went well.  
Apologies for not adding spoiler alert to the title.
I’ve now lost a half dozen followers 
Hey ho
Serves me right for me trying to be current.
I’m an idiot 

I’m on nights tonight, so will just potter cheaply today. I’ve had to buy a laptop for college which was a necessary but naive expense . 
Why can’t you do everything on an iPad ? I asked 
Well you can’t 
Plain and simple is the reply.
My machine is second hand and rebooted and sorted so will fit in quite nicely when I’m feeling pretentious and want to bang away at my homework in the Storyhouse cafe. 
I thought of going this morning but that’s just an extravagance. 
It’s fickle too.
And I bloody hate fickle. 
You see fickle all of the time here on social media.
Secretive and private bloggers who regurgitate great swathes of private information moments after they demand with a thin lipped, emotional just don’t ask . 
I can’t be doing with it.

I’m annoyed this morning can’t you tell? The guy who always lets his overactive spaniel loose on the walkways did so again this morning. He’s an idiot and although he accepts that his dog bothers other dogs by running into them and sticking his nose up their arses ,all he does is shout at his dog and move on. 
Dorothy and Mary have both bitten this dog several times , a fact that upsets me more that anything else. 
The dog needs to be on a lead, for his own safety. 
“ You’re  the arsehole not YOUR dog” I told him this morning, a somewhat ruder prĂ©cis of the situation that the polite ones I’ve taken beforehand.
I’ve even changed the times the dogs and I take a walk so we don’t meet him
Some people are just fucking idiots

Out with anger
In with love


  1. Traveller11:04 am

    A good word that “fickle”. Strange I think of it associated with weather more than people.

  2. No big deal about the spoiler, John...I had a feeling I'd end up seeing the winner somewhere before I get a chance to watch (probably Saturday morning). And Matty was my favorite out of the last three, so yay! :) Anyway, shit happens. If anyone unfollowed you because of something so silly then good riddance.

    I hope your mood brightens today. xx

    1. It’s not normal yelling at another human being
      It unbalances you
      It’s not nice

  3. You lost followers because of a Bake Off spoiler??? Not even a few thoughts about Palestine and Israel? People really do need escapism these days it seems.

    1. I don’t post about politics you know that.
      I have my own thoughts on the dreadful situation in Gaza but that’s not for here. I think you are right, totally right , people need escapism

    2. P.S. I knew who shot J.R. before anyone else in Britain because I watched it in Germany. The days before social media protected me from spoiling it, otherwise I probably would have.

    3. That Kirsten was a bad in, her eyes were too close together

    4. Anonymous10:13 pm

      Misogyny and sexual harrassment, you've shown your true colours with those comments guys.

  4. I've also been guilty of spoiling some current programme or match result for someone who was waiting to watch it. Very hard in these days of lots of things being shown or streamed at different times.

    It's hard to avoid the dog owner whose dog behaves like that. I see situations like this often when I walk in the local park and do feel sympathy for the owners who have to try to deal with these moments. Some days everything just seems to be off key and annoying.

  5. Your spoiler alert situation suddenly reminded me of the match day spoiler episode on the Likely Lads (showing my age now!). It really annoys me when dogs aren't on leads. It may be the best behaved and trained dog in the world, but it is still a dog and can do doggy things at a moment's notice. I agree, shouting at someone does unbalance you, but sometimes it comes out before you've had time to think. I hope he got the message. And now - b.r.e.a.t.h.e! xx

  6. Anonymous11:40 am

    And breathe…. Sending a hug ..Libs X

  7. I hope you feel more cheerful later. Have a scotch egg.

  8. My dog met his bete noir this morning, a golden retriever. Whenever it sees another dog it drops its head between its shoulders and stalks forward. Beano doesn't approve and chases the retriever away.

  9. You lost followers because of a Bake Off spoiler? Such drama!

  10. Sometimes it helps to vent.

  11. Sounds like you need to read my blog post this morning -- "SERENITY NOW!"

  12. Anonymous12:49 pm

    It is a shame that shallow people can’t cope with life, perhaps they should keep off social media or get a f**king life. Right (sic) on with your blog as there are hordes of us who love it and you also. Jan in Castle Gresley

  13. Sorry John losing followers made me laugh! You need to live under a rock if you want to avoid spoilers x

  14. Anonymous1:10 pm

    I was interested re your purchase of a laptop for college. I am using an ipad for my university course - it’s online. What I find is some of the links like additional materials mini videos etc. give me problems and will not load. Also the additional power point notes were an issue that I found a work around for. If I take more I will go for a laptop. Jean in Winnipeg.

  15. I wish folk would get upset and vocal about the things that truly matter. You're not an idiot - you can't spend your life whispering around the edges of things you want to write about on your own blog, for fuxache. Onwards and sideways :)

  16. Krayolakris1:22 pm

    Agree with you, John. Telling someone off feels right at the time but regrettable later. Still, you were justified. I shall keep that in mind when I’m forced to listen to a very unpleasant braggart at my knit group tonight. She gets on everyone’s last nerve but nothing is said. Your earlier post about coming home to a dark house makes me want to send virtual warm hugs. Winters are so hard.

  17. I have the same with a Dr and his red fox lab who looks surprisingly like a ridgeback - Dog crouches as we approach - then races straight past - hackles up and dribbling at the mouth - 2 of mine are scared - Man says dogs name - Whilst I try to hide behind a tree x

    1. Shoo - shoo

    2. Anonymous4:19 pm

      Shoo - shoo? What's that all about? Do you mean you were saying shoo to the dog whilst trying to hide?

  18. I'm finding so much vitriol and negativity on social media these days. Losing a few followers because of a Bake Off spoiler is crazy, but hey it's like the trash took itself out.

    AND, if Prue gets forgiven for letting the cat out of the bag in her first year surely you will be too. Matt deserved to win, it's been a fair year.

    1. Anonymous5:41 am

      Agree on all points x
      Alison in Wales x

  19. Loss of a followers is no big deal. My attitude is, people come and people go...just like the waves on the beach. If they want to get their undies in a tangle, so be it. Not my concern. The guy with the rude dog would complain bitterly if his dog duly got bitten and required stitches at the vet hospital. Every path has a dog owner like this. My friend Jim with a large, friendly poodle (Sally) told a dog owner if his dog continued to butt and nip, Sally would nip his ear and it would bleed. Jim's warning was ignored and the scenario played out. The rude owner and his dog no longer walk the path because Sally took care of things.

  20. You didn't lose me as a follower, John. I can't imagine you lost any followers just because you let that slip. I'll still watch Friday night to see it happen.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Change of mind. Not wishing to air my grievances on John's blog.

  22. Anonymous3:11 pm

    Good grief - I mean, I was a bit cheesed off but it would take a lot more than that to stop me reading your blog! They’re no loss if the are that easily offended.

  23. You lost followers over Bake-Off?! Good grief.

    I'm with you on unleashed problematic dogs.

    As for "secretive/private bloggers" -- talk about an oxymoron!

  24. Some dog owners think that the rest of the world and their dogs are wrong, while they themselves are perfect....
    The message is that nobody is!! ( And some more so....)

    Losing followers because of BakeOff? Really?....they know what time you blog...all they had to do was read later...

  25. I have to admit I was a bit annoyed about you announcing the winner as I live in the US and it doesn't air until Friday. But quit following you over it? Those people weren't true friends of your blog if that runs them off.

  26. Most if not all problems with dogs are attributable to their owners. Lose followers over your previous post? Nah. not this one!!

  27. Anonymous6:54 pm

    Responsible owners muzzle their dogs rather than let them bite another dog SEVERAL TIMES. Why do you think it's ok for your dogs to bite?

  28. I liked all three finalists so was happy with the result. My favourite was the deaf lady and after she went I didn't mind who won. I agree with other comments, if people are so easily offended, you really don't need them.

  29. Anonymous7:25 pm

    Why care about numbers of followers?

  30. Anonymous7:47 pm

    I really have a hard time with people who let their dogs get too close or even unleashed. Our rescue dog has real mental issues and if either a dog or human gets too close she snaps at them. We have to walk her 3 times a day and I turn around as soon as I see another dog approach. But then her reputation has gone before her so when others see her, they immediately cross the street. She hasn't connected yet. But I do know here in the States if she bites, we'll be responsible for the vet bills!! lini from petaluma,ca

  31. That spaniel's owner seems to lack experience in handling animals. He could learn a lot just by closely watching you with your dogs.Oh well, at times all we can do is wish people well and be grateful that our problems aren't as big as they could be.-Mary

  32. I hope your refurbished laptop gives you good service. Could you arrange for Dorothy and Mary to bite a particularly judgemental and bothersome "Anonymous"? You know the one I mean.

  33. Barbara Anne12:14 am

    CH has said 'New stuff is no good' and he's often correct, like old furniture is made from better, old growth wood, Hope your new-to-you computer serves you long and well.
    Can you report the idiot who lets his dog go without a leash? That needs doing.
    Hope this night shift is pleasant.


  34. People are so ready to get pissed off. About anything. At anyone. For any reason. Perhaps we all need to be leashed and muzzled.

  35. Anonymous1:59 am

    I love Sue’s comment about the trash taking itself out. I’m still chuckling.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes