

It’s been a long night all told
Even with a few hours sleep before I left the house last night.
My times of burning the candle at both ends feels to be somewhat over and
I’m looking forward to bed this morning.
Bed with bulldog licks on the soles of my feet.

There was a gift waiting at work for me last night
Pressed into my cubbyhole alongside papers on palliative care and mail was a gift wrapped neatly in brown paper. 
It was from my friend , one of the hospice doctors
Two artworks of Dorothy and Mary
It kinda made my day.

I will leave you with this simple thought for the day
There is a lot of psycho babble on the internet
But this wise old woman keeps it simple, to the point and uses language we all understand

Doesn’t that make life sound so……




  1. Oh, who couldn't love those two pictures? Will they go on your art wall, or in a special place for just the two of them? Wise words from that lady. Trouble is, it's not always easy to re-write the script. Have a good restful sleep, wake refreshed and raring to go! xx

  2. She's right up to a point.....

    1. Yes. She makes everything very clear cut, I liked that

  3. I think she is right about that in a way. But sometimes we don't so much write the script ourselves, as that we respond to things we cannot change. Then at least we have the power to alter our attitude and ourselves.

    I like the pictures very much.

    1. Seeing it as a play or a book made the whole subject instantly clarified

  4. The realisation of our own power is spot on :) Love your new pictures :)

  5. I love the pictures- they really seem to capture Dorothy and Mary's personalities. A lovely gift. My Nan used to give similar advice.

  6. Lovely pictures and the thought behind it too.

    1. Yes….the care in the pictures wrapping pleased me too

  7. Dolores Canon. Fascinating woman. I LOVE those pictures.


      Yes, much of her “ stuff” was bizarre
      But this short video has a resonance with me

  8. Joan (Devon)9:12 am

    It may not seem it at times, but you are a lucky man. People seem to know exactly what makes you happy.

    And then there are those who don't have any control with their lives.

  9. Love the pics almost as much as I love their subjects.

    1. Nice to see you back Raymondo

    2. Really nice to BE back, JayGee, though have to say that all this catching up on reading I've missed is starting to tire me seriously - so got to be careful and sensible about it.

  10. She's right in many ways, but there are of course those that just do not have the power always or indeed ever.

    I love the artworks, how wonderful.

  11. Not enough wick left to burn the candle at both ends.

  12. The paintings your friend made for you are wonderful! The expressions on Dorothy and especially Mary's face
    are perfect.

    The lady spoke wise words that are good to keep in mind, but don't we all hate it when someone comes along and takes a dump on our perfectly thought out, written script. It is usually difficult to clean up the mess and get back to working on our script again.

    1. Agreed but as bloggers we could just see life as a blog
      To be written anyway we want to

  13. Love the artwork!
    That was such a nice gesture...!


  14. Oh! The portraits are lovely! So many kind and thoughtful people in your life. OOOOH, I love Dolores Cannon. Her lectures have altered my understanding of the Universe and my role in it in such a way that I found peace. Have a friend who just this week went to one of Dolores' method trained hypnotherapists, and had a very interesting session that answered many of her life questions. I highly recommend her YouTube videos. They are mind-blowing!!

    1. I love the way she looks like everyone’s invisible nan

  15. What a nice surprise! The pictures are very Warhol, aren't they?

    She does make it sound very simple, doesn't she? I agree to a point, but unlike a play, there are very many things in life which you have no control over. It is the dancing around these things, which can sometimes make life difficult.

  16. Sweet dog pictures! Nice gift!
    I don't think people can always control what is happening to them. Maybe they can control their reaction tho.

  17. I have never felt in control of my life-always been led to places that I don't want to dwell-Now I'm awake x

  18. Lovely gift from your friend the Doctor they must think very well of you John- the Welsh terrier hair is just right-my cheeky monkey has fur the same and has been running and digging for moles earlier x

  19. Barbara Anne1:30 pm

    LOVE the paintings your doctor friend painted with your doggie family in mind. What a treasure!
    Yes, wise words, but not always possible to do in real life.
    Sweet dreams!


  20. Sleep well, enjoy any footlicks that come your way.

  21. That artwork is gorgeous! Dorothy and Mary deserve to be immortalized like that!

    1. I have a linocut of Dorothy too, made by a blog reader

  22. Those paintings are to be treasured! How kind of your friend to make them for you.

  23. Wonderful art work!

    I wish you wouldn't tell us about D licking your feet, makes my skin crawl. Ick.

  24. What a wonderful gift! Hope it made the shift a bit easier on you.

    1. I just need to find some wall space now

  25. Love those pictures! They are very well done. I enjoyed your thought for the day. Thanks.

  26. Yes, good paintings. And that lady knows the answers.

  27. What a wonderful and generous prize you received. I so love the simplicity of the paintings. My sister who is intellectually challenged discovered she could paint which brought her so much self esteem. Simple joyous colorful works.
    A thoughtful gift.
    Yes..a do agree .. we can write our own script..shame it takes us getting older that we have always had that's just what are willing to change and what are we willing to put up with because we fear a change.. be brave..

  28. The portraits of Dorothy and Mary are lovely generous gifts. I agree entirely, if you don't like it, change it.

  29. Unrealistically simple, I think! Oh, that we could all control every aspect of the "production" of our lives.

    LOVE the dog portraits!


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