Okolo Hradišťa

We sang this new song in choir tonight and after another covid hiatus, it was wonderful to be back again singing. It was conductor Jamie’s birthday, so like a good pupil I bought him some flowers, he’s a good sort putting practice over birthday celebrations .
We sang happy birthday to him and five other choristers, whose birthdays we have missed because of covid ( we sing in in harmony to an old Slovakian hymn)
I could see Heulwen, getting emotional as she stood listening when it was her turn.

Today has been a good day. 
I finally cleared the attic cupboard and took the crap to the recycling centre. Then I popped some homemade brownies to a friend who is off work with stress and finally I cleaned Bluebell inside and out. Affable Despot Jason stopped briefly with his rambunctious dogs straining at their leads at Mrs Trellis with Blue who was walking back up the lane . Neither me or he was anyway surprised when Mrs Trellis disappeared up my drive to hide behind Bluebell until he had passed.
It’s a habit she does when meeting any dog in the village. 



  1. I love these little peeks into your village and its inhabitants. I feel as if I'd know Mrs Trellis if I ever bumped into her! xx

  2. Glad you were able to sing together again.
    It will be nice to see how the new bath turns out!

  3. It must be warm there! Look at everyone in sandals and spring dresses. How sweet. Glad you got to do chorus in person again.[as we shiver here in boots and parkas.]

    1. That’s not our choir . Just a YouTube find

  4. It is a bit sad that Mrs. Trellis can not make friends with other dog owners and her dog with other dogs.

  5. Flowers for Jamie was a nice touch. Good to hear the choir is back together for practice. Is Mrs. T. nervous with you and your dogs too?

  6. Poor Mrs Trellis! I would have loved to comfort her in my own special way - even behind Bluebell would have been fine.

  7. Even if that's not you choir group in the video, I'm sure you sound every bit as good.

  8. Sounds like a great day, and a clean car!

  9. Not an easy song to learn, by the sound of it. I have a Rubbish Fairy living in my car, and she refuses to go.

  10. I thought it was going to be a recipe. Food is good. Singing is good too.

  11. Village life at its best

  12. I had 12 one to one lessons with my terrier-the dogs home advised me to stand behind a tree if unable to change direction when he gets anxious if possible x


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