“ John Gray!!!!”

I bought a nice fish dish yesterday. I’ve put my smaller money plants and cactus in it
Albert has recently amused himself by knocking the plants onto the floor
I think it’s a case of transference because Mary is chasing him a little more over mistaken jealousy over the rubber chicken
I photographed the dish 
Preempting my post of today, 
yes it’s been a slow week

 I’ve been sat in a waiting room for 28 minutes.
I’m precise because there is one of those digital clocks on the receptionist’s desk
And this is the third waiting room I’ve been in this morning and it’s only 11.23
The hospital has WiFi thank god , but not enough to stream The Walking Dead
That’s probably a godsend as zombies can be noisy when you’ve forgotten your headphones.

I’ve not seen a doctor yet, just a series of technicians . 
The ultrasound woman was a bit of a pig, so much so, I asked her if she was having a bad day
“ Staffing is dire “ she moaned behind her mask.
The phlebotomist was more sanguine she told me she was off at one and was going to Sainsbury’s to buy her daughter a birthday gift. 
Tu’s range of girls dresses are lovely and very reasonable apparently 
It took her four goes and two arms to get a sample.

I don’t want to be here


  1. Poor old you - love that fish dish - I didn't see it at first.

    1. I love simple fish motifs , I have several pieces including on e I designed myself

  2. veg artist11:07 am

    Well it's good that you are having tests and that hopefully someone will get to the bottom of what ails you.
    A nurse once had so much trouble getting blood out of me that she left the room to give the vein a rest - with the needle still in!

  3. A good book is what's needed and people watching of course.

  4. Nobody gets blood out of me either. Not without a whole lot of effort anyway!

  5. I was always told that doctors and nurses make the worst patients! I hope the waiting is finally worth it and you get some answers. I give blood very reluctantly, too. Mind you, I think a lot depends on the person stabbing you. Some can, some can't! xx

  6. Yes I hope she gets to the bottom of it too.

  7. I like the fish dish. I hope it foils Albert's bad behaviour.

    1. What’s it with cats and flicking pots onto the floor

  8. Anonymous1:09 pm

    Into every life a day of bother must come occasionally. I take a book to read when I have to go to medical offices so I'm happy being mentally elsewhere!
    Hope the doctor will have good things to say to you.
    Love the fish dish, too, and hope Albert is deterred.

    Hugs! Barbara Anne

    1. I take a book as well but I worry I might get so involved in the book that I will miss my name being called lol

    2. I take the iPad cos I can get lost in short term tictok

  9. Back in the 90s working as a community nurse I had no problems taking blood from little old ladies with needle-thin veins who chatted merrily away as I did so. Later on, working in a sexual health clinic as a nurse/health advisor, I'd have strapping great blokes fainting on me at the touch of a needle. Hope your arms aren't too bruised from the phlebotomist's probing jabs - at least as a nurse you can have some empathy re the short staffing, but I agree the waiting can be frustrating. Hope Albert only knocked the plants over and not that rather nice dish.

  10. On the occasion I've been somewhere in a Hospital I have left my body at the mercy of the professionals and travelled elsewhere-Soon be sorted though John-Be Brave xx

    1. I’m trying to be , it’s just very boring

    2. Anonymous9:42 pm

      How does that work flis - leaving your body and travelling elsewhere?

    3. I just tune out and move to another frequency which is happier-I've always done it -nothing unusual x

  11. I have terrible veins but they always use the tiniest needle on me and I hardly feel a thing. I always thank them and praise them as it is such a relief! Hope you get good results!

  12. They usually look worried and say they can't get any veins and use a child's for me too x

    1. and with that finger clip thingy my Doctor looked at me-"I can't get anything" he said and nervously was rubbing my hand- I was worried then that I may be dead x

    2. But you weren’t lol

    3. the weird thing is I've seen the look in several Medical peoples eyes as though I can offer them an explanation why they are having difficulties with whatever-One Chinese nurse looked worried in hospital and said when I was admitted with appendicitis"its very low-is it always this low?"-and a Doctor "I can't find a pulse" x

    4. Anonymous9:40 pm

      Is it relevant to your comment that you state the nurse was Chinese?

    5. Another question!- I shouldn't really but I shall- the lady was Chinese I remember her vividly as I was so ill- there was also a handsome male Italian nurse who by coincidence and us chatting knew a cousin of mine even though I was hundreds of miles from our home- I am not racist being of mixed nationality myself if you are interested x

  13. If you don't have an audiobook app, consider getting one and you can either listen to, or read a book while you sit in the various and sundry waiting rooms!
    Thank goodness my veins are still easily accessed! That only happens about once a year!
    It looks like your cacti are blooming! Cactus flowers are so beautiful!

    1. I’m not a lover but just recently I’ve bought 6 cacti
      Thehouse now has plants in every room

  14. I feel for you. Was in Eye Hospital A & E for 4 hours about a week ago, and none of us could see properly to read, so some were listening to iphone podcasts and then kept missing their names being called out. Time goes so slowly especially when anxious about the test results. I hope all goes well.

    The fish dish is really nice.

  15. Love the fish dish, hope it keeps Albert out of trouble.
    Sorry about the medical visit. I know how much medical providers hate to be on the receiving end of care.

  16. Going to the doctor is not what it used to be. Everyone is stressed and few are happy. Zoom appointments are pushed. Anything not to see a patient in person seems to be the preference. One of our large practices has been caught and fined heavily for over-billing insurance companies. Good luck at the doc's today and I hope you won't have to return for a while. Your new fish dish is adorable.

    1. Albert will have to pick on another victim

  17. Are you having a sudden flare up? Or is this a prescheduled appointment? I hope you're okay.
    I read "fish dish" as a take out fish casserole/ food---and was very puzzled by why you put your money plant in it--new herb? Reading w/out glasses on my phone. LOL.

  18. Four goes and two arms. Maybe you should have done it yourself.

  19. Try A and E at 2am on a Saturday morning.. That's where we were this weekend among all the handcuffed drunks and very young police officers. Tony is now sporting a lovely catheter... AKA the willy extension.... am I allowed to say willy on your blog.. :-)

  20. Anonymous5:43 pm

    John, having been dealing with my health "problem" for the past two plus years, I know just how you feel when having to be pricked, prodded, and photoed. And all the seemingly unending waiting. My heart goes out to you. Warmest wishes. From the base of the mini-mountain in Maine.

  21. Usually they have an easy time getting blood out of me, but I often have to go find someone after the procedure is done because I start bleeding from the site again and they have to put more pressure on and more bandaging. Often I am about to leave the facility when the trickle of blood escapes out of the bandaging and starts running down my arm. For some reason when they are bandaging the needle hole, they don't tend to believe me when I tell them often I start bleeding from the site again after I move around. I also tell them that I take blood thinner medicine when they are wrapping up after a blood draw. I guess it must be rare for people on blood thinners to keep bleeding after blood draws.

  22. I am one of the veiny people. When they take blood I just say pick a vein. My arms and hands are like the motorways. Tut Tut to Albert I have a cat that does the same my nice sugar bowl sans sugar was the latest target. Looked me straight in the eye and pushed it off then wandered off without a care in the world! Hope the fish dish isn't a bigger target. Very nice addition.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. He’s a big farter over food too jo

  23. Maybe I missed it but I have no idea why you are having these tests. Have you decided to become an airline pilot? "Hello. This is your captain speaking . My name is John Gray and I'll be flying you down to Palma today. The weather looks calm all the way down to Majorca so enjoy your flight and don't get pissed up!"

    1. I’m sharing briefly where I went but I’m not saying any more about why..it doesn’t make for interesting reading

  24. You need to drink more water the day before, plenty more than you think

    1. I need to drink more water period

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. sorry, weird formatting
      Some of the bottled electrolyte waters are very tasty, and so refreshing when you open the fridge. Gin etc can dehydrate, as I know you know . {I do reuse the bottles, as my tap water is filtered and very tasty too. Don't get the fruity flavors/ calories & sugary. You can get on Amazon, delivered. https://www.drinkbai.com/antioxidant-water
      You can freeze the bottle 1/3 filled to have lovely cold water in the car or at work too. Just top it off.

    4. I keep flavoured water in the fridge , flavoured with lemon and ginger

    5. That does sounds delicious. The antioxident and electrolyte waters have the additional benefit of treating mild dehyrdation.

  25. Look at you with all those bloomin' cactus. Wonderful fish dish.

  26. I think you may have had one of those sabbaticals John - I have those x 🌻


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