Friend with Benefits

I’m going to London for a flying visit next week.
I’m meeting my friend Alex who lives in Poland.
We are going out to eat, we are going to the National Theatre and he’s sharing my hotel room 
in the nice trendy hotel in Covent Garden.
We are, after last years meet ups ..what is unfortunately termed friends with benefits 
Something my gay mate Dave rolled his eyes rather theatrically at.
“ Now John”, (Dave gave me lecture over the phone) “ one of the rules of friends with benefits is that you never have a sleepover,” 
I didn’t know that rule.

More eye rolling from Dave 
He helpfully listed the rules for me 
make sure you are emotionally adult for this relationship…..don’t be lovely dovey, set boundaries, don’t expect too much, prioritise friendship over sex, don’t fall in love”
I listened with interest 

Now I’m not Mary Poppins people, and I’m not a fool either. I like Alex as a friend and I like him as a FwB but it’s clear we will never be anything more than that and I’m ok with that 
But Dave knew something else was bothering me

“ What’s up babe?” He asked 

I told him I’ve not shared a bed overnight with someone who fancies me and whom I fancy since my separation 
“ Arrhhuh the first non platonic OVERNIGHT bed share !” Dave laughed “How sweet! “ 

As a Single gay man of a certain age , it’s not that hard to have sex if you want it….hard sometimes but often not THAT hard.

Like I said I’m not Mary Poppins in this respect but nor am I Claudius’ Messalina or indeed Don Juan.
But Dave hit on a nerve..sharing a bed all night is a different thing than rolling about on a cotton duvet for an hour before saying your goodbyes.

Dave gave me the best advice anyhow 
Darling man ….enjoy your evening , try not to snore, share a hot shower  …don’t think too much……… oh and don’t dribble gravy on your top”

He knows me very well

Hey ho


  1. Just enjoy Alex's company and all will be well. You've known each other for a long time and are friends. I've no doubt you've both seen the best and worst of each other, so there'll be no shocks! You'll have a wonderful time, I'm sure. xx

    1. We enjoy each other’s company
      I’m just too old for all this

  2. All good advice from a good friend. How exciting for you. Enjoy your trip.

    Jo in Auckland

  3. Good advice from Dave. I would say just enjoy your trip and don't overthink it!

    1. I’m not , just the thought of a full overnighter lol

  4. Don't know all that much about this sort of thing - I shall just think of you having a good night out together.

  5. I'd be in the same boat as you! It's been, ahem, quite a while since a sleepover.
    Try to relax and be your charming self. It will be just right. Xoxox

  6. To paraphrase the old joke: I thought "friends with benefits" meant dental -- I've been lied to!

  7. veg artist9:50 pm

    I would add that if you wake each other up accidentally in the night, please be quiet about it!!! I once endured a week in a hotel in Exeter with a room next door to a couple who were very new to sleeping in the same bed. (They were on a course!)

    1. Aaaaand...? [tell us more?]

    2. veg artist8:13 am

      It was very obvious at breakfast time which two they were. Middle aged, all gooey-eyed over the toast. Luckily they were nothing to do with why I was there, but their bedhead was hitting the wall behind my bedhead at several intervals each night. No doubt they went home to tell their respective partners how tiring their course had been!

    3. "all gooey eyed over the toast''! LOL LOL.

  8. Just don't mistake him for Dorothy and throw him out of bed in the middle of the night.

  9. enjoy
    and dont fart

  10. It all sounds Very naughty John and just what a Doctor would order xx

  11. Oh, try to just have a good time and not overthink! You deserve this.

  12. Anonymous11:30 pm

    Dave's parting words are wise.

    You just make up rules for such a connection, whatever works for both people, and don't overthink it.

  13. Just go with the flow John. What ever happens, happens.

    1. Exactly what I was going to say.

  14. Excellent advice! And--don't over do, and drink lots of water, not so much gin or champagne.

    And don't lock out the doggy sitter.

  15. And close the bathroom door when you use the toilet. Please!

  16. Make the best of every minute. Enjoy!

  17. Barbara Anne1:41 am

    Enjoy it all!


  18. As a "dental professional" I'll just say remember to brush your teeth and rinse before bed, and consider keeping a bottle of water on the nightstand.

  19. Maybe the level of intimacy increases with sharing a bed for the night and makes us feel a bit vulnerable. Hope all goes well and you enjoy the time and have fun.

  20. I‘ve never heard the overnight rule for friends with benefits and would just consider it Dave’s rule. His final advice, however, makes perfect sense... especially the gravy ... and the shower ... and the enjoyment.

  21. I love Dave's final advice!
    Hope you both enjoy your time together

  22. I hope you have a great time!

  23. I think I am showing my age here but I always thought friends with benefits was just that and they were part of your friendship group on nights out etc and if at the end of the night you wanted something more and you were both agreeable then you did the deed and went back to your own room. But my adult children haughtily informed me I was out of date and spending the night was indeed a normal thing so there you go! As for the not developing feelings, is it even possible to consciously avoid it? If it is i've never managed it. But its nice to see you having a good time so enjoy the London trip. We took the kids there for a few days last week and I have never walked so much and climbed so many steps in my life but it was such fun and the evening theatre trips were magical


    1. Well thank you for that clarification lol

  24. I hope you have a super time.

  25. Anonymous5:33 pm

    Sex with someone you only see once a year - isn't that better known as promiscuity?

    Also how odd that you feel the need to let the world know of your "arrangement" or perhaps it's knowing that your ex reads your blog?

    1. Sex with someone you only see once a year - isn't that better known as promiscuity?

      Lol hardly

    2. The second part of your Anon comment I won't bother answering

    3. No, it's not Anon, it's known as an occasional and happy shag. Promiscuity is many, many partners pretty regularly. Get your definitions right.

    4. And there speaks one who knows!!!

    5. Haha ... brilliant !!

  26. Have a wonderful time. A good fuck is surprisingly energizing I find. As for anon, mind your own fucking business.


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