Silent and Not So Silent Night

I've had the best of Christmasas
The best in a couple of years at least
Because I worked last night I now have three days off , and so I got to my sister Ann's house around three, just in time for dinner
It was a real bunfight
Four  children, twelve adults
Everything was in surroundasound!
Usually I can't do with the loud antics of children but I found myself sat at the dinner table feeling somewhat overwhelmed with happiness. My family
My family with no expectations and no demands
Rowdy and rambunctious, as always
Silly games and much laughter

I videoed the pre meal meyhem and  then remembered one small moment in the hospice from earlier in the day.

At 6.20 am I walked back from my break to find my fellow staff nurse Nia with my patient..
The patient was an older lady and Nia, after turning her in bed was giving her a sip of sherry, unexpectedly the  two of them sang Silent night together in the stillness of the early morning
They sang Very quietly
And very gently I had to walk out of the room, so filled with the emotion of the moment
These are the the types of people I work with
And I told Nia afterwards just how powerful that moment was to witness.

Like I said
The best of days


  1. Thank you for sharing this John. Happy Christmas x

  2. Merry Christmas, from silent night, to 16 voices, relax, the best

    1. Merry Christmas to you both David xx

  3. You deserve the best John and the world brings it to you in it's own way.

    1. Happy holidays yael x

    2. So pleased for you. You deserve the best๐Ÿ˜˜x

  4. Lovely. Silent Night.

  5. Thank you. Enjoy your days off. Merry Christmas!

  6. I'm glad it worked out well today x

  7. Merry Christmas, John. X

  8. Thank You for including me/us in your life.
    cheers, gayle xx

  9. Happy Christmas, John. Sounds like you've had just about the most perfect day with your family. xx

  10. Heart-filled. Just lovely.

  11. You do so well appreciating those little moments that make life special. And oh, Christmas is so much MORE with children, isn't it? I'm glad your family was a source of fun and comfort for you are indeed a lucky man, after all.

  12. Yourself and the Hospice staff you work with are Wonderful-I am so grateful to you-Thankyou-You're the Best x

  13. Well,you made me cry. This will be a memory of yours for a long time...and I will remember too. Happy Christmas...

  14. Lovely.
    I hope that the year(s) to come feature many,many overflowing with happiness moments.

  15. Yorkshire Liz10:55 pm

    Joyce Grenfell always said she never believed in the pursuit of happiness, only the discovery of joy. Seems like that was your Christmas Day and I am glad for you. Mojo returning, twinkle in eye back in working order. Th best Christmas gifts money can't buy.

  16. Silent Night-sublime. Confident small person-heartwarming. Merry Christmas.

  17. Lovely video banter around the table John your in a good place happy for you. Enjoy your days of.

  18. Happy Christmas to you John. What you have described is what we all should experience. Perfect.

  19. Barbara Anne6:55 am

    How marvelous your story from work today is, a blessing to singers and listener alike.

    I read a quote that says: "Love is what's in the room at Christmas when you stop opening presents and listen."

    So happy to read that this was the best of Christmases for you, John. Now enjoy the 3 days off!

    Hugs :)

  20. We had a really wonderful Christmas too (just us and our 3 grown up kids here). Lots of laughter, especially when playing Articulate after we'd eaten, well charged with a few glasses of rather good red wine!

    How lovely of your friend to make Christmas special for that old lady. Bless her.

  21. So pleased for you that your day was as good as it gets after a torrid year. Onwards and upwards... 2020 has good things in store for you John.


  22. Sounds perfect ♥️ ... but you really do have to stop making me cry

  23. So glad you had a wonderful Christmas Day with your family x

  24. how wonderful and such a precious thing to do. i love your xmas family dinner. it's just the way it should be. lovely accents too!

  25. Just lovely. Merry Christmas

  26. My sentiments exactly!

  27. So happy that you got to spend Christmas day with your family. x

  28. so pleasing to see you having Christmas fun with all your family around you and yet still having time for quiet moments with those that really depend on you (patients).

  29. God (or whoever) bless you for telling Nia about witnessing that wonderful moment.

  30. How wonderful to witness such a beautiful moment. You work with some very special people. Your family dinner sounds like every Christmas dinner I've ever been to, noisy and happy, what more could you want. Enjoy your days off. x

  31. Family so full of love. Love how she says “Daddy”.


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