Who IS James?

The nice thing about blogging in the public view is sometimes you receive some lovely gifts.
I count my huge box of international postcards in that category, all of which I am going to use as a "Wall of all nations" very soon, even though a close friend thought the whole exercise was all a bit creepy.
"Thousands of people know your address" he commented, shivering
"Just like the Queen!" I responded gayly

Today I got home after a set of night shifts to some post and an unexpected gift.
The post I could do without as It was a somewhat prudent bill for George's Euthanasia and cremation
(I would have buried him but the ground here has been too saturated to dig)

The gift, however, was quite lovely.
Balanced by the front door was a bunch of sunflowers and a homemade scotch egg wrapped in grease proof paper. An accompanying note, which was saturated into mush by the rain said simply
"I hope you enjoy...James"
I don't know any James'
I know a Jim (Jimbo) and a Jerry and that's about it!
No James' comes to mind at all

I asked a neighbour but they hadn't spotted any gorgeous Russell Crowe lookalike looking furtive amongst my honeysuckle last night but they shook their heads
"Perhaps James is an alias?" one of them ventured

The plot thickened.
and so did my fantasy

Perhaps I am doing James a disservice by imagining him as a floppy haired, beefy hunk-of spunk with a loyal black Labrador and a sense of self depreciating humour which would put Jo Brand to shame.
whatever the reality I want to thank him and others like Wendy and Alun, Naomi and Especially Brian for their kindnesses recently.
A kind thought goes a long way

and so could James to be sure
especially if he looks like Russell Crowe


  1. Hope springs eternal! James is clearly a very thoughtful man whoever he looks like. I'm assuming the Scotch egg was as tasty as it was welcome. x

  2. That was a great surprise to come home to! The sunflowers could be a clue - from a local florist who could describe who bought some that day? Or from a nearby garden (or is it too early there for sunflowers?)

  3. Barbara Anne1:40 pm

    What a lovely mystery! The sunflowers are gorgeous and I imagine the scotch egg is already history.


  4. Hmmm...
    What a lovely mystery!

  5. will wee georgie be placed next to william in the garden?

    1. No. Im not collecting the ashes๐Ÿ˜ฅ

  6. That's a nice thing to do James, whoever you are !

  7. I really want to know who the mysterious James is. I hope you find out.

  8. Bet it's a bald lesbian called Doris

  9. Call Inspector Clouseau!

  10. Considering that you have made James into a pretty specific fantasy I dare say he/she won't come forward. Nothing worse than to disappoint.

    For some reason, can't put my finger on it, there is someone in your fairly recent narrative who comes to mind ... Might come to me.

    For all you know, dear John, it might have been me passing through, being the bearer of gifts. Not least because sunflowers are my favourite, and I make a truly mean Scotch egg or two. Imagine the gift had been signed with my name: Would you have flung the sunflowers into the bin/onto the compost heap, closely followed by the egg?


    1. I am grateful for any gift, whoever sends it.

    2. Don't eat it. Don't even feed it to the surviving dogs.

    3. Anonymous9:39 pm

      Oh God not Ursula again.

    4. All things must pass.

  11. I want a James too! Scotch eggs and flowers? Lordy, he sounds perfect x

  12. sounds to me like you might have a secret admirer!

  13. Or could be an alias to keep you off the scent.

  14. It seems private to me.

    1. Still don't know who it could be...Flowers from sainsburys

  15. Floppy hair and black lab or not, James is a kind and thoughtful gift-giver. Why wouldn't enjoy flowers and a food treat specific to one's tastebuds? :)

    1. See below I think it's Jane S
      A girl I know from work x

  16. Oh, everyone needs someone like James.

    So sorry about George.

  17. Whoever James is, it's official he is lovely :-)

  18. When you unmask 'James', can you please let me know who he is? I was recently transferring all my 'names' from my old phone to my new one - and I have a 'JAMES' on there! Absolutely no idea who he could be. I don't know any Jameses! He gets about a bit, though - I'm in Cornwall.

    1. I'm re looking at the note... it could be Jane S?

  19. A Secret Admirer, how exciting! The Mystery, Fantasy and Imaginings of it all can be a Gift in and of itself!

    1. I'm waiting for that phone all with his deep chocolate voice

  20. Nothing better than an unexpected gift, esp. from a stranger!

    1. Tom, mystery is sorted , gift from Jane S
      A co worker ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผ‍♂️

    2. Darn ... that has taken the mystery right out of its sail. Did she tell you herself or did someone else prick the bubble?


    3. Ursula ,
      I allowed you back because you started to play nice
      But I don't want you to interact with tom and certainly not in any negative way here.

  21. Thank you for that
    Laurie from the still house has just brought me a gift of chocks and a ticket to the next folk concert at the hall
    How's that

  22. Ahh, the mystery was solved before I could comment. At least thanks can be made to the right person. Although the fantasy of it all was fun to think about.

  23. Lovely to let one's imagination run wild so kind of Jane to leave you a surprise to come home to, friendship and Scotch eggs a perfect combination hope you get some time of this weekend.

  24. In one way I would like people to send me gifts. In another, it would scare the shit out of me. I sent you a bronze Scottie once. Still got it, or did Chris take it when you were out?

    1. I am looking at it right now it sits on my art nouveau bookcase
      And I love it dearly

    2. Huh what? The cast metal Scottie or the deranged ramblings of the fantasist?

    3. George made me remember it. There's something very Art Deco about Scotties. They are born like that.

  25. A lovely and a thoughtful gift. Like to like.

  26. James sound delicious bit like the scotch egg

  27. Well, even if "James" turned out to be "Jane," it's still a wonderful and kind and exciting gift!

  28. What fun. And how was the scotch egg?

  29. Anonymous11:43 pm

    Maybe James was the name of the Scotch egg!

  30. Enjoy but a real mystery how fun.
    Coffee is on

  31. Anonymous11:47 pm

    I am not sure that a Russell Crowe type could make a good scotch egg. No matter, James is a kind person.


  32. After 12years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. I felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he could come back to me, I was really worried and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Robinson.buckler can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a Love spell for me. 11hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before, All thanks to Robinson.buckler. he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that Robinson.buckler is real spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your ex lover back or save your marriage fast. Do not cry anymore, contact Robinson.buckler@yahoo.com

  33. How about your choir conductor? Is he not called Jamie? Could Jamie be James?

  34. One of many admirers!


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