Albert now has 7 lives

Albert was involved in a low speed RTA tonight.
It happened in the lane during the dogs final wee walk of the day.
He was struck a glancing blow by a black farm estate pickup as he tried to leap into Animal Helper Pat's  back garden after he had followed us up the lane.
Me and the dogs were standing by the Church lytch gate and saw him bounce back onto the road then leap again the four feet into Pat's herbaceous borders.
The man in the van stopped and kindly held the dog leads when I went after him ( It took me four goes to clamber up a PAT's back wall- oh the Shame)
surprisingly I found Albert quite quickly crouching by her greenhouse, his tail whipping from side to side in pure anger. He was less frightened and more angry
Winnie was quite disappointed when the farm Helper handed her back over....he had overalls on ! 

Apart from a bloodied  ear, old Albert looked remarkably ok given the sound of the impact and after a sizeable wrestle in order to check for injuries he finally settled on the couch after eating half the contents of small tin of red salmon
This photo has been taken of him two and a half hours after the event

Milking it

These animals will be the fucking death of me


  1. Before anyone asked Albert lost his first life several years ago when he broke his leg in a similar accident

  2. Oh God ... that cat will be the death of all of us. So, so glad he's okay. Has your heart returned to normal yet ... and will the walk take long to re-build 🤣😉

    1. He's now banned from all night walks

    2. Haha ... that should have read 'wall'... as in you clambering over and demolishing it 😉

      My only excuse is it was late ... and I had just been confirming the imminent picking up of our new little fur baby 😁

  3. But this time he is ok? xxx I like ALBERT. Must have been as awful for you too John.

    1. The fact he's eaten I think proves he's ok. I couldn't really check him that well

  4. Lori Wong9:54 pm

    Poor Albert. I hope he gets a few extra lives.

    1. If this happens again I'll strangle him myself

  5. Oh no. Sorry that happened. Poor little Albert and poor you. A heart stopping moment for sure. Nice of the person to stop and help. I am glad sweet Albert is okay.

    1. Stopped? He hit him first!

    2. But he didn't just drive on .. lots would have.

  6. So happy that Albert survived reasonably unscathed.

    1. What about me ? Clambouring up the wall?

  7. Anonymous10:09 pm

    Even if he seems a little ouchy tomorrow, don't be tempted to give him any aspirin, except at your vet's direction. It takes much longer for cats to metabolize aspirin than it takes dogs (or humans) - overdose is a real possibility. I'm so glad he survived without major injury. Carol in Philadelphia

    1. Understood... I've also blocked the cat flap so he doesn't disappear in the middle of the night , just in case he has internal problems...he can pee in the bath!
      He's eaten which is a good sign and looks relaxed ( if not still pissed off)

    2. I had a cat who routinely toileted in the bathtub to prove superiority. And you have one who does it as a matter of courtesy.

  8. Wishing you both a speedy recovery

  9. That face! 4 goes at clambering over the wall was a tough one. Hopefully the driver was too focussed on the dog wrangling to see.

  10. Cats have powers we do not understand.

  11. I always seem to overlook Albert. The dogs are so interesting and Winnie has my heart. That is one beautiful cat. I'm glad he's okay. I'm glad you're okay too.

    1. He's followed us every night since he arrived
      This account was a long time coming

  12. poor albert and poor you. too bad you couldn't jump that wall the way he did.

  13. Before I got to the last line I was thinking that your pets were going to give you heart failure! Haha. Glad Albert is ok.

    1. George has been breaking my heart, now Albert!

  14. You recently spoke of your stinking trotters, and now my heart is bleeding for Albert.

    1. Not the prettiest of feet I admit , Jesus!

    2. Eye of the beholder, and I guess Nose of the sniffer also applies.

    3. That wasn't meant to be an ouch. A beholder and sniffer somewhere will find your feet pretty :)

  15. Thank Goodness you both are fine.
    You need to have a short but firm talk with Albert. One of our cats, Yabba used to follow us on walks but he stop at the end of the circle. Worst when he heard my car he would wait till I came around the turn then run by the side of the road to beat me home.

    cheers, parsnip

  16. I am more worried about the state of your left toenail than Albert.

  17. I hope both of you recover completely. Quickly.

  18. I don't suppose Albert would agree to a leash? Please don't injure yourself laughing.

  19. Cats are so fast and unpredictable; I wouldn't blame the driver unless he was going over the speed limit. And you know how much I love cats and that includes Albert. I know you'll be keeping an eye on him for the next few days in case of internal injuries. If you keep him in the house he may externally injure you, though.

    I hope you have no lasting injuries from your rescue climb.

  20. I can't imagine your household without an Albert. Who would keep the dogs in line?

  21. Oh my gosh, I hope he is okay and doesn't have any internal injuries or a concussion. Poor boy - I love Albert - he is quite a special cat in a house full of dogs. Congratulations on successfully climbing over the wall.

  22. Albert is a character. Well, most kitties are, no?
    He does fight for his place among the doggies, I imagine. And why wouldn't he do it?


  23. Seeing your loved pet almost done in by a car is a heart stopping experience. I am glad that your’s and Albert’s heart were strong enough to withstand the shock. Black cats should stay in after dark.

  24. OMG!!! What a heart-in-mouth moment! It puts years on one, doesn't it - though none at all on the cat itself, who'll have forgotten it by now. He's using up his nine alarmingly. If I only had some to spare to post over to him, but I'd need then all for my own troublesome trio. Now go careful, VERY careful, in future, Albie, PLEASE!

  25. Poor boy.... at least he's OK. Pride bent a bit maybe; but alive.

  26. Poor Albert I think he needs to be watched because like us if we hurt our self the bruise doesn't always show until the next day he is a trooper though. Good on you for climbing the wall John.

  27. All pet owners (myself included) had a feline fantod reading this.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. So glad he is reasonably okay after his event bless him. Your nerves must have been jangling xx

  30. Anonymous5:53 am

    Darling little sod!
    Soooo glad he is okay and tempted by tinned salmon, would he like a rabbit shaped blamonge (spelling!) for afters? Real 1960's sunday tea party food.
    Keep the little devil in for a bit if you can!
    Tess xx

  31. Poor Albert, what a shock. Hope he's ok today, and that you're recovering too.

  32. Black cats and nighttime walks just don't mix do they. 😕

  33. Oh dear! I hope Albert is better today and that you are OK after clambering up Pat's wall! Did anything interesting occur in the bookshop yesterday?

  34. You need to get him a high viz jacket! Black cat in the dark.........not a good combination!

  35. I like the suggestion of a high viz jacket for Albert. He would look quite snazzy I suspect. Hope he is OK x

  36. What is that horrible thing next to Albert's head?
    P.S. I hope Albert recovers well and that there were no internal injuries.

  37. I am so glad Albert is okay. Our pets do like to give is scares.

  38. omg, I am dreading reading the next post in case there's been another disaster. So glad he's okay though. Surely there must be and end for you soon.

  39. Anonymous9:43 am

    That scared the bejeebers out of me, just reading it! Your heart must’ve been racing!

  40. Yeah, they’d be the death of me too. They fill your heart with joy and then try and break it, just for a change.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. They're all the same at heart John - love you when the salmon tin is out but for the rest of the time purely selfish - but we love 'em.

  43. Be careful, Albert, you beautiful cat, you!

  44. A next day up date on Albert is needed

  45. A black cat at night.....not the best combination.
    Happy that he survived this one.

  46. For me it's animals and kids. Thankful Albert is alright.

  47. Barbara Anne2:39 pm

    Oh!!! Such a close call for dear Albert, near heart failure for you, and bliss for lovely Winnie.

    Albert is doing well to have reached his elder years with 7 lives to go.


  48. Barbara Anne2:46 pm

    Just read up the comments and noted that you wrote:"new little fur baby." Is this one of the recently born puppies you mentioned? Please tell all! Ta.

  49. What a way to end the day. Poor Albert and poor John. Hope your heart rates have returned to normal range.
    I can just picture him crouched down beside the greenhouse with his tail lashing back and forth. Angry kitty posture!

  50. How is he doing today? I do so love Albert!! I have a soft spot for black kitties. Give him a little pet from us in the blogosphere. <3

  51. They know a good guy when they see him.

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  53. Silly boy Albert. We have cats too, and I have banned them from outside at night due to foxes and badgers. Cars are another story, and Lola is deaf and cannot hear them. I worry. xx

  54. Oh man, that was close! I'm glad Albert is OK.

  55. I have been down with what I believe is the world's worst case of the flu. Having been up 3 nights successively, I had passed out about 4 am from exhaustion. Fifteen minutes later, I was rudely awakened by my cat vomiting next to me on the bed. Yeah, my animals will be the death of me.


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