Eating For Two

nothing to do with the post but it made me chuckle

I've been comfort eating for months now
and I've had enough of it.
I'm done with it
Nights don't help as I've gotten into the habit of eating shit because I am weary
Its much easier buying a portion of butter chicken from Sainsburys than cooking for one.
Yadda Yadda Yadda
It's no good belly aching about it all
I'm not stupid.
It's good that I 've had enough of it.
I've had enough of that quick oral fix.
I've had enough of eating in front of the tv

I'm waiting for the workmen from Welsh Water to turn up with my new water meter.
I haven't told Winnie yet, it will be a nice surprise for her.
As I wait I've cut butternut squash up and am roasting them with peppers and onions in order to make a spicy soup.
I've made a raspberry smoothie to drink at my  tomorrow morning 4am low sugar moments

and the new rule in the cottage is that all meals will be taken at the kitchen table
Eating better is the last gift I can give myself


  1. Anonymous10:26 am

    Turn around point? Don't forget to make to much to eat for dinner so you either have another meal or leftovers to eat tomorrow.

    1. I ate 2 curry portions from fridge ( large ones)

    2. What the fuck are leftovers?

  2. Was that a slip of the 'tongue'?
    Last gift you can give yourself as opposed to Best gift?
    Maybe you know something we don't know??

    1. That final sentence hit me likewise. Hope JayGee gives us some clarification, if only for our own peace of mind.

    2. I've been giving myself gifts this last year Raymondo
      The gift of going out, the gift of exercise, gifts of friendship et al
      I should have written latest

    3. Phew! Thanks for that, JayGee. Now go ahead and enjoy the little, richly deserved 'surprises' you give yourself.

    4. dont you think its a tad sexist to only call girls ...where are the call boys?

    5. You tell them kate! Lol

    6. Looks like one commenter thinks that the latest gift to give yourself is a South Asian escort! ;D

  3. Cooking for one is a pain, but worth it in the long run.

  4. I have just given up the Smarties and Maltesers. It is progress.

  5. Good decision to eat at the table, makes a difference. Treat yourself to your nicest crockery and crystal, no point keeping it for best.

    1. I have make the effort and go out more Eleanor ...slobbing at home isn't good

  6. I hate cooking just for myself and I'd try to live on cheese toasties, given half a chance. Lucky for me I have others to cook for at least some nights of the week.

    Enjoy your soup!

    1. It was bloody lovely...... the water men are late

  7. That soup sounds tempting. Can you set an extra place and I'll pop round later?

  8. I agree that it's always best to eat at the table. I hate that business of having a plate on your knees while watching TV. It's as if the TV should be relished more than the food. You could put some music on while enjoying your healthy meals...or listen to Radio 4.

    1. Have you seen Amelie ? She did the table thing beautifully

  9. To make those night shift nights easier, whenever you're in the mood for cooking make enough for four ... and freeze three of them straight away. Homemade, healthy ready meals at your fingertips. 😃

    1. This is my trick as well. Buying ingredients for a meal for one is difficult and more expensive. I use those microwavable pots that christmas puds come in - they have lids and can go in the freezer. Perfect for a savoury portion for one.

  10. That 'Exorcist' scene made me guffaw rather than chuckle, and it still more than tickles. But in the undoctored original, with tethered-to-rising-bed Linda Blair being doused with Holy Water, is one where Max Von Sydow, who found the whole story preposterous, was trying his utmost to stifle laughing out loud. When you see the film again you can see from his face that he wants nothing more than to crease up with the hilarity of it.

    Hope Winnie makes the most of the 'visitors'. I think she'll be salivating the moment they come through the door - or maybe she does that all the time anyway, the lovely gal.

    1. The workmen are late, good job I didn't tell her

  11. A nice surprise for Winnie, indeed!

    1. He was very sweet with her, she creamed her knickers

  12. Bravo for eating better! I tend to fall into a pattern of eating peanut butter sandwiches and soup when I'm "cooking" for myself. It's just easier.

    I haven't thought of "The Exorcist" in years. Poor Linda Blair never quite lived it down, did she?

  13. Good for you. Jerry and I are out for morning coffee. He said he’s going to support me by eating healthy all the time. I am no longer having a morning biscuit or sweet. He just ordered one for himself. So much for that!

  14. Good for you.
    And while it may not seem like much, sitting down and eating at the table is a huge thing,Makes a difference,
    Plus, I realized when i was single that it really is cheaper, and better for you,to cook then to buy a pre-made meal.

    Lastly ...if you ever want to share that soup recipe, I'll be waiting .....

    1. Butternut squash diced and roasted with garlic and low fat spray
      Roasted peppers
      Chicken stock
      Curry powder
      Chopped onion lightly fried
      That's it!

  15. I too, decided recently, to give myself some gifts. Latest one being good health. I have host 75 pounds in the past 9 month, but mainly just cutting out white breads. I was tired of feeling sorry for myself and using food to mask my problems. Still have another 75 to go,but this will be my final try. I know it won’t solve my ambulation problems and pain, but hoping it will help somehow. Much good luck in all you going most of us are. I recently just gave myself some gifts.....went a bit overboard with online shopping which is really only what I can do. Really out of character for me to do that but quite fun! You are lucky to have such a great support system. Your followers are all so supportive. I hop your life continues to improve and you get what you want and need.

  16. Cook once, eat twice is my motto - whether it’s leftovers, freeze the other half or turn it into something different. It’s a turning point John, and I love the idea of giving yourself gifts. Brilliant film clip, by the way!

  17. Having a complete change of diet is good occasionally. Why not try being Veggie for a while; you may like it. I do.

  18. I've been into salads lately ... lots of good crunchy, tasty stuff. Anyway, eating well is the best revenge!

  19. my sister lives alone. she cooks for six and then freezes the dinners in one serving size portions

  20. Am I the only person in the world who enjoys cooking for herself?

    1. No, I enjoy cooking for myself.

    2. I too enjoy cooking for myself, I get to make and eat EXACTLY what I want without consideration for others. What an indulgence.

    3. I love to cook, whether it's just for me or for a crowd. That said, I lose my mojo from time to time. So it goes...

  21. Lynn Marie1:11 pm

    Nthing alway cook extra and freeze extra separate meals immediately; when you come home tired and can't think, let alone cook, it's a blessing to just pull something healthy out. Good for you for planning healthy treats for work, when you need a quick indulgence, you'll have one.

  22. Barbara Anne1:58 pm

    Good decision and you'll soon thank yourself for this gift to you. More power to you!

    We cook so there will be one or more extra meals in the freezer for no cooking nights. I often add a small tossed salad to provide some crunch.

    My sweet MIL told me another way to stop "grazing" is to never eat while standing up.


  23. And set your table with the "best" china!

  24. That soup sounds delicious. Eating better is a gift I need to give myself too. I can't call it winter insulation any longer. X

  25. I saw by your blog yesterday, you go to Aldi. I don’t know if they have the same items as the states but I’ve recently discovered their chopped salads. They are cabbage based but with other yummy, healthy ingredients. My body made me realize I was eating way too much sugar and carbs. I’m a sugar addict. So I have to cut it out of my diet completely and go cold turkey. I feel so much better without that sugar fog in my brain.

  26. I never thought of eating well as a gift to myself. It's what tastes the best. I simply cannot bear the taste of commercial food. If you treat yourself to a month of meals of homemade, it will be hard to get past the smell of commercial chicken on its way to your mouth

  27. I guess that’s my sign to get serious about a healthy diet. I do not like to cook and I’m addicted to sugar. But if so many here can do it, I will give it a go! All of my eating is stress eating.

  28. Well done John. Make it a habit and you are half way there. As a friend who was widowed once said to me after a while - I suddenly thought yesterday - I am ME now and I have complete autonomy over what I do and it is going to be a good feeling from now on. She is going great guns.

  29. Not last, but certainly the best gift.

  30. That is a kind thing to do for yourself. I'm guessing Winnie will be over the moon to have a workman to watch:)

  31. Love cooking for myself, but thankfully also love cooking large as there are two others living here. Have cooked for up to 28 at a time in the past, at Camphill Village Mourne Grange. Now cook extra and freeze individual porshes-- hubster's work lunches, tennaged man child meals, etc., to hand.

  32. Good for you John x

  33. in the long run eating better will make you feel better. good for you john!

  34. That butternut squash soup sounds good!

  35. I echo everyone else, batch cook and freeze as it makes mealtimes so much easier. Your soup choice is one of my favourites. Hope Winnie enjoyed the company.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I've given up my bedtime kitkat.

  38. I find cooking theraputic. It always tastes better homemade and am a big batch cooking fan. Soup is one of the easier things to cook and never fails to bring a smile. Glad you have found the desire again x

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Your soup sounds tasty, John. I always have good intentions to make lots of soups and never get around to it! Hope Winnie enjoys her surprise :)

  41. I never eat at the table, in fact it's going to get a good sanding and varnishing and go outside for the rest of its tableness.

  42. I've lost my cooking mojo at the moment. I hope I get a surge of motivation soon and follow your healthier ways!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. I'm joining the JG Cooking Club! I just put some pies into the oven and hating on myself a little bit for doing it. When I'm on top of it I also make more and freeze. I much prefer home made food, just hate the dishes! But it's worth it.

  45. When I first was alone, I find it hard to cook for one, but now I am used to it. I freeze a lot of stuff, and now the problem is that my freezer fills with stuff and gets buried in there. It is also hard when buying fresh fruit because I cannot eat it all before it spoils. Good problems to have I guess...

  46. We are not done, until we're done. And if you "relapse," soothe yourself, rather than scold yourself. Alexandra Stoddard, an American interior designer, always puts out her best china, and sits at the table to eat. When her daughters were small, she taught them that it feels better to treat yourself well, with all of the lovely china and such. Why keep it stuffed away for "special" when WE are special?!! Put it all out and LOVE it!

  47. Did you ever see that Bunuel film where the priests are entertained by the wife beating the husbands bare arse (hole cut in back of trousers) in a sado-masochistic dinner party? That's what your latest gif reminds me of.

    1. Tom's mini review does not make me tempted (to see the film or to indulge). Many strange people on this planet and Bunel was one of them.

  48. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with eating in front of the is company and human voices, less lonely. [Tho I myself don't do it bec I have white sofas.]Here's a healthy Butter Chicken recipe, not sure how you'd eliminate the butter.

  49. I have always cooked from scratch because I can't bear the taste of many "convenience" foods... the exception being Fray Bentos pies; they alone are a childhood memory that I can't live without. I always love soup for lunch but can't see it as dinner..Yours sounds very tasty, I will give it a go. Winnie is such a love..

    Jo in Auckland

  50. I hear you John and I have to try and stop eating late, I feel it is one of the reasons I am developing a tummy.

  51. My aunt was a secretary to the President of the United States. To say she was organized and disciplined is an understatement. She lost her husband of several years and retired to San Diego. She began volunteering and involved in local life. She always ate at her dining table with her place nicely set. She hated others feeling sorry for her at holiday time, so she traveled during Christmas. She's in her 90's and only recently had to be moved to a senior care home but still walks regularly and watches what she eats.

  52. Well done John. Have you read the book by Tim Spector, The Diet Myth??

  53. The one thing that changed my way of cooking was Amounts.
    Suddenly widowed, I went from not cooking or eating to eating anything that I didn't have to cook.
    Take-out and prepared market meals were pretty much my diet.
    I got tired of people commenting on my weight loss though.
    This is a time when what and how much you eat is not really important.
    Eat what you want,whenever.
    In time, things will be more normal feeling to you and your eating habits will adjust too.
    Love u


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