
I knew I wasn't 100% yesterday
Today I suspect I have the start of a chest infection.
A few days ago a poorly patient , having no social skills in politeness, coughed directly into my face with a phlegm filled mouthfull of infection.
In my 37 years as a nurse I've been covered in much worse, believe me,

A couple of weeks ago George started to be incredibly slow out on his walks.
He was still black eyed and vital but everything was done at a more pedestrian pace than usual
I got him checked out then and on last Monday when he got somewhat breathless out on the Dyserth railway walkway.
He has a degree of heart failure

This morning just him and I went to our favourite cafe on Colwyn Bay Promenade.
No Mary playing up, no Winnie bumming toast from the patrons .
Just George and I with plate of toast and a large coffee.
He sat on the chair next to me watching me carefully as I pulled the crust off the thick doorstop slabs
He's always been polite to the point of indifference except when food is concerned where he will let out an occasional sharp whine in hopeful anticipation of a tidbit
Even heart failure can't stop his addiction to food.
I dipped his portions into my coffee to soften it and blew the piece cold before passing it over
A woman at a nearby table laughed and pointed

And we shared a breakfast with our eyes half closed against the morning sun.


  1. Awww sweet George. You are a good man John, sharing your breakfast with your pensioner and some precious time together.


  2. By George he got it! ...The coffee soaked toast I mean. How old is George now?

  3. We all need that precious time together. Sweet loving George.

  4. Take care of the cough, If there is reincarnation, I'd like to come back as one of your dogs.

    1. Anything to get on my knee eh dave ? Xx

  5. how old is george? these dogs sure break our hearts don't they?

  6. Who wouldn't love that little face?

  7. We had our old friend of 18 years put to sleep at home a few weeks ago. We were never, ever going through that again, never, ever, ever. A couple days later we were back at the cat and dog home looking at a little fella with a big personality. Long story short we adopted a rough coated Jack Russell and he has wheedled his way into our hearts already. The point of this long post is that there three Scotties at the place looking for homes, bet they were snapped up. Take care of yourself and George.

    1. Margo, where are the three scotties who need homes? Always looking to rescue a them.

    2. So sorry Margo funny enough I have a card for a place that deals with rescue Scotties in the uk , a woman give it me on the beach

    3. Carol, it was SPCA Bothwell Bridge Hamilton, however, it was about four weeks ago now.

  8. Barbara Anne1:15 pm

    One of the best things in life is a meal shared with a friend.

    Wishing George, the pack, and you well.


  9. You remind me of a good parent who has multiple children, taking each one for solo dates with Dad.
    Take care. That possible respiratory infection sounds horrid.

  10. Last year we were waiting and watching our 14 year old poodle mix certain he was soon to die. We decided to try CBD oil(very,very low level of THC) We started with 1/2 drop and saw a huge difference in Dexter 9.5lbs. 1 drop is too much he was lethargic. He is still with us with a new energy and pep in his step, when he is awake. He still sleeps a lot.
    Tried it also with our other dog, Daisy 14lbs and only 10 takes 3 drops and is much less anxious and nervous.
    Just an idea as I have read that cannabinoid products are available in Britain.

    1. Yes have read about them recently
      He's had diruretics

  11. My thoughts are with dear little George (as well as you, of course). I'm trying to keep them upbeat.

    1. I have two old dogs Raymondo, the maths are against us

    2. I know, I know, JayGee. We wish they could live forever, and without the inevitable ailments of old age. Just one of countless illustrations of how Nature can be so cruel.

    3. Have you guys ever met?

  12. Time just slips by so fast these days and suddenly my sister's new puppy is ten years old and slowing down.

  13. I would think after 37 years as a nurse you'd be immune to practically everything ... except of course the affections of an aging dog.

    1. I wish tom, but both infections and dogs
      Can still break my heart

  14. Gorgeous photo of George at the top of the post. Sorry to hear that you are unwell. I have been ill all week with a cold and chest infection after being in good health for years! I hope you feel better soon. x

    1. I've done some mentoring at sams tonight and feel like shite

  15. I'm glad you and George enjoyed your special breakfast time at the cafe today. Hugs to you both.

  16. Oh dear, poor George. I hope he hangs on for a good few years yet.

  17. George's eyes are full with love, I can see it.

  18. I am sorry to read that. We lost Troy to heart failure last year. We knew for nearly 2 years but managed it by shorter walks and keeping him calm. I can see he so enjoyed his breakfast and being the special one x

    1. Yes calm and short walks is the key I'm trying
      George loves his walks

  19. What a wonderful face George has. I'd give him my breakfast too. They pull on all the heartstrings when they get older and frailer, don't they? May you have more outings like this one to put in your memory bank.

    1. And I do hope your illness is short and not too draining.

    2. He breaks your heart

  20. What a special morning for you both. I do hope you feel better soon. Chest infections can hang on so I hope you can head it off in the early stages.

    1. My immunity has been shit this year past

  21. Ahhh, my heart just b.roke a tiny bit. Hang on George , we still need you.

    1. They chip away at the pericardium don't they ?

    2. They do....a,ways break your heart

  22. OMG your doggie is super extra adorable!
    BTW hope you don't get sick. Spring is almost here and we'll have time to get allergies and the such.


  23. Your breakfast with George sounds like exactly what you both needed.

    1. He fell off the chair, but I gave him the last bit of crust so he perked up quick sticks

  24. George being the senior dog probably enjoyed this special outing as much as you did hope you both feel better soon.

    1. And it was remarkable relaxing as Mary is overactive and Winnie just loves begging fud

  25. Anonymous7:16 pm

    Virginia here.

    A chest infection, just when the weather should be turning spring-like, what a nuisance! Work bugs are over and above the call of Duty aren’t they! My specialist insisted I stop working with children when I was put on very strong immunosuppressant medication, and amazingly, I had the first winter in decades without a chest infection! Unfortunately it decreased the coffers as a result!

  26. I hope you recover quickly from your chest infection.

    Poor George. My Lucy has CHF and I notice she tires easily now. She's only seven but was run hard when she was a hunting dog, before we got her. I need to get her to the vet because she has a chronic cough.

    It looks like George enjoyed his toast. He knows what's important in life I'm thinking.

    1. He's a simple dog , uncomplicated

    2. Simple and uncomplicated, I am more of a cat person. One if my blacks, is simple Nd a good description.

      Best to all of you....and the black cat, of course

  27. George is my favourite. Gentle george

    1. We was always the Prof's dog

    2. MaggieB8:44 am

      I remember that! Are you going to tell him about the heart failure, or has he totally cut off contact with him? My apologies if I am being insensitive in asking.

  28. Good Vibes to George. Our boy will be 13 in six weeks time. He's on pain meds for his arthritis. We count every day as a bonus.

    My unit has been hit by a flu type bug that settles in the chest. We're day surgery, and the first things patients do is cough in our faces. The laugh is our health authority penalizes us if we call in sick!

  29. Sweet pooch. x

  30. George is a dear. Did you get a mask on you patient.

  31. Whatever you believe in, I hope it blesses both of you. Bev x

  32. John,
    In the year following my son's death I did a lot of reading about grief and how it can impact us. One of the things I learned was that there have been studies that indicate grief can have an effect on your immune system. I certainly found that to be the case; I caught every bug that came down the like. Be kind to yourself.

    1. I've been sick 9 months out of 12
      And I'm tired

  33. Darling George..he looks so refined bless him. Chest infections are the pits... I hope your's doesn't hang on too long and you perk up reasonably soon.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. I hope so I'm off to bed soon and feel like shite

  34. Sarah Jones9:46 pm

    Sweet George and sweet John look after each other x

    1. He is an unsung support to me......never demanding always there

  35. Sweet old man, so grey in the muzzle! He needs a kiss.

  36. Aw, such a lovely little story! Bless George & bless you John!
    Hope you feel better! I'm struggling with a Throat lurgy! Yucky! 😚😚

  37. Aw, such a lovely little story! Bless George & bless you John!
    Hope you feel better! I'm struggling with a Throat lurgy! Yucky! 😚😚

  38. I can't bear watching your pack diminish, though I'm sure it's harder on you.

  39. Poor George. It sounds like he loves his warm toast treats. My little 14 year old Pom's health is slipping. The deafness that he has developed doesn't seem to worry him, but now he is arthritic in his neck/shoulders and most recently one hind leg.

    He and I have a breakfast routine of him having a few teaspoons of warm milk from my hot cereal. He has a little bowl of his own for it and as I blow on it to cool it he whines and whimpers for me to hurry. I usually set his little bowl on the floor but if he is having a bad arthritis day, I hold it up off the floor so he doesn't have to bend his poor stiff neck. It's heartbreaking to see our loyal, sweet dogs in pain.

    I hope you feel better very soon. My daughter is an RN When she comes home from work, she enters their home through the garage and the next door inside their home is their laundry room. Her work clothes go directly into the washing machine, and then she showers. She is super germ vigilant. One time while visiting a relative in the hospital, I casually set my purse down on the floor. She jumped up and put my purse up off of the floor and scolded me, "Mom, never put your purse on the floor in a hospital room! You don't even want to know what might be on that floor!" I know she was right.

    Take care.

  40. Poor George, I hope he's OK. We should all treat our animals as if each day was their last. Spoil 'em rotten.

  41. He is such a sweet boy. I can't believe I missed him from my first postcard. I am so glad that I sent you another one with him included. I am sure he enjoyed his breakfast and one to one time with you.

  42. I hope you feel less shite as the week goes on! x

  43. You are a wonderful Dad. Take care of yourself.

  44. A bittersweet moment, but one to cherish nonetheless! It's interesting when the sun comes out we all have the impulse to turn our faces toward it, after a dark, sun-hungry winter.

  45. Awww sweet George. ♥️ He wears his years of wisdom and love well but that makes a slow slipping away even harder to bear. I think all your dogs treasure their one to one time with you ... but George all the more so.

    I hope you're soon feeling better, I've had this crappy flu-ey, cold virus that's been going around for over a week now... it's shite πŸ€§πŸ˜•

  46. Will he be okay? What can you do for heart failure? :( Poor sweet little George. Sending you both some love.

  47. Aww gorgeous George😍
    We lost our beautiful Zeus, to a severe seizure on Friday.It was totally out of the blue, He had just turned one😭😭
    Bonnie's lost 2 Brothers in 6 months, as 15 year old Buddy died in Sept 😭😭

  48. Aww honey, he is a sweet pup. That was kind of you to take him out for a meal.
    Hope you are feeling better.

  49. Sweet George! Lovely you leave the rest of the tribe at home and take him on a little date.


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