I will never apologise......

I will never, ever apologise for my sense of humour
To me, it's one of my biggest assets

My way at laughing at the world has saved my idiosyncratic and  fragile psychi on many an occasion...
And has helped me face the world's brickbats, nurse based shitty times and the like since I was a nipper.
It has also saved me from several very difficult situations at work which included talking down a suicidal sectioned patient who laughed at me with affection when I farted at an inappropriate moment during a psychiatrists' intense monologue
I will not apologise for the last few blog entries
I found the humour in them rather engaging
But I am sorry that at least 6 people found them offensive enough to complain
That is their problem and not mine.
So if you don't want to read Going Gently anymore so be it....
I'm still going to laugh at the silly, the rude, the ironic and the tasteless 
And that is not gonna change

Hey ho 


  1. Right on baby, their problem.xxx

  2. I would die of embarrassment if I farted in that situation! Your humour is, indeed, your salvation

  3. As I have said John, don't ever change. Other people's limitations are their issue not yours. Besides I never know what to expect next from you, but by do you make me chuckle. Nil Desperandum and all that jazz. Tricia xx

  4. There is always someone who is easily offended John, I've recently had people my blog complaining about my bad language. Like you I cannot worry about them and I will not change.

  5. You sure make me laugh! x

  6. Traveller9:19 pm

    well I, for one, found some of those postcards very offensive, especially the one with the chickens!

  7. John you just do whatever you want. I'll just avoid those posts. And if you give some hint in the title or post a pic of a penis or vagina they will be easy to avoid. I enjoy following your blog 99% if the time so.. no problem here.

  8. And you'd be correct dear. 1-it's your blog. 2-Socierty needs to lighten up 3- a sense of humor is need more...its what's lacking in people. 4- everybody has a penis or a vagina. 5- you post were fucking funny. Keep up the entries. No pun intended dear.


    1. Your enjoyment at those posts almost made up for everything x

  9. Anonymous9:31 pm

    As somebody who runs a mile from pooh, pee, sick, blood and all (other peoples) assorted bodily functions.
    I salute your sense of humour and no nonsense approach to the workings of humans and animals alike.
    If you didn't have that ability you could not do the job you do, or look after all the furries in your world
    So, thanks John, just for being you.
    Tess x

  10. Why are you posting about this? It is your blog. You can write what ever you want. Nobody is forced to read it. It goes without saying.

    1. Not always Rach
      Sometimes everyone needs reminding
      Including me

  11. I look forward to your sense of humor every day.

  12. My sense of humor has gotten me through a lot of hard times, especially at school. If the teacher's lounge walls could talk....I'd be in trouble!

  13. We all need to laugh more and lighten up.

  14. You are you, long may it last!
    Don't let their narrow mindedness dull your sparkle x

  15. I haven't been reading for a few, so I missed all the bits (smiling here at my unintentional pun) you were talking about, so I had to do a bit of catch-up reading! It's already been said "your place, your words" so I'll keep on reading if you're writing, sweetpea! Thanks for everything! xoxo

  16. An apology of sorts for not apologising. An oxymoron for the morons.

    You are a breath of fresh air on an otherwise flatulence riddled superhighway.

    1. No I am sorry people are upset. But that's all Mavis xxx

    2. You shouldn't be sorry at all. At most you should pity them in their ivory towers.


  17. There are all kinds of things I choose not read because they make me sad, angry, bored, or just plain disturb me. Your blog is not one of them. We can all choose what we want to read here in blogland.

  18. It's your blog, your words and photos, your rules I love it all, keep us laughing John.

  19. Your Blog. Blog on John xx

  20. I must admit, I had to scroll through the "offensive" pictures rather quickly so that my daughter (in the same room) does not think I am some sort of degenerate looking at "dirty bits"!!!
    I thought the story was rather funny about the womanly anatomy sitting on the kitchen table and I am all for balance and fairness, so I did appreciate the male anatomy lesson as well. can say that I would not want someone with no knowledge of my anatomy to be coming near me with a catheter.

    1. Also, vaginas are just one part of the puzzle. I think the bit you want is called the urethra. Women are just a bit more complicated than men in just about every way. Sure wish I looked like the model again, sigh.

    2. looking at a model of female genitalia (not dirty bits) doesn't make anybody a degenerate

  21. You make me laugh and what would we do with out a sense of humour. All the best,John.

  22. I love your sense of humour I think it is difficult being a nurse if you can't see the funny side of life at times , and lets not forget that the patients like a laugh as much as the rest of us . And if some people don't like it that is their problem not yours . You make me laugh and that us good enough for me .

  23. Maybe you should show how a colonoscopy is done and really get down to the nitty gritty of nursing. ;-)
    Honestly, people have no idea what medical professionals see. I have a friend who has been a Surgical Tech for over 20 years. Some of her stories have been hilarious and heart breaking. Thanks for sharing and showing with humor.

  24. Barbara Anne10:46 pm

    It's always better to laugh. I once read that angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.

    Don't let the turkeys get you down. Your blog, your rules, your choices. Write on!

  25. Don’t change John! And, for goodness sake, I’m not going to say it... it’s a sign of your caring and professional attitude that you would be practicing a skill, in your own time, so.... keep on, John, being you.

  26. You kept me going through my very bad time John and I can never thank you and Rachel and Tom and Cro enough - never change - just keep on being the kind, thoughtful, caring chap that you are. x

  27. Humour. If the government found a way to tax it, you John Gray would be paying higher rate income tax. Laughter is about the only thing left unscathed by the world’s politicians, so best you keep it up.


  28. Your blog, your rules.
    A black sense of humour has kept me from drowning many times.

  29. You can't make all the people happy all the time, eh?! Fuc'em...

  30. Love your sense of humour, it's right up my street. It is, dare I say (and I'll probably get shot down for saying it) a very British sense of humour, which some will not relate to. That's their problem, not yours. Your blog, your rules.

  31. Even when you leave me speechless, I enjoy your view of the world. Keep up the good work.

  32. I had to go back and look for the offensive.

    The vagina kind of offended me, but that's because I'm a big old queer and not really into all that.

    But then you made up or it with the next post, and the one after.

    So, if people are offended by your blog tell them there are millions of others out there they can visit.

    I adore your humor.

  33. Anonymous11:17 pm

    Now I have to back read to see what offended people. Maybe I can get offended.

    1. Anonymous11:20 pm

      Nope. Nothing to see there to offend.

  34. Your posts are always great!

  35. Bravo. What Rachael, Anne Marie, Pat and countless others have said. It's your damn blog. It's why we're all still here...undiluted thoughts and opinions. Well done you.

  36. 6 out of 1164 ain't bad. You can almost please 'em all,

  37. I love when this side of your sense of humor comes out! Mine can be so out there that sometimes I have to think about what I have to say in order not to offend in your home, so to speak. If I have visitors in my home, I don't expect them to rearrange things or point out stuff that is offensive to them. It is MY HOME!! A person can always leave. I do have a problem with all y'all putting those superfluous 'u's everywhere, but I can overlook it :)

  38. I'm good with that!!!!

  39. Love your blog! Your way of looking at the world, your apt descriptions and your frankness makes you YOU. Please don't ever change.

  40. Also, just for the record I was not the least offended and I am a church mouse. lol

  41. i hope the ones that complained need to be catheterized sometime soon. and i hope the person doing it didn't have the practice models.

    1. Haha! I must admit that thought crossed my mind too...

  42. I love you, your sense of humor and your blog. You are hilarious

  43. Don't change John! One of the beauties of blogging is that you can be yourself and publish pretty much what you want. There are people who do not raise their heads above life's parapets and therefore do not have the right to knock you down.

  44. Don't be bashful Anne Marie! Say what you are thinking my dear.

  45. There must be something wrong with me! I decided to go back through your entries to find the 'offensive' parts.....and scrolled right past the V and P, thinking the offensive stuff must be in a postcard you received. I looked at each one carefully, and came up with the same conclusion that all but four of your readers have....folks can piss off if they're so highly offended.

  46. I like your sense of humour !

  47. I thought the vagina story was a hoot!
    Now I have to find the one about the penis...

  48. Nice Mel Brooks as AH picture. Posting postcard to you tomorrow.

  49. I love your blog! I have never been offended, or put off, or anything but amused and entertained by you. Don't change a single thing about it! I agree, it's YOUR blog, if people don't like it they can piss off.

  50. Ahhh, Jay-suz! My motto for all my life has been "Fuck 'Em If They Can't Take A Joke."

  51. Sounds reasonable to me!

  52. It's your blog and you can treat it anyway you want to!

  53. As a Registered Nurse of a slightly older vintage than yourself, I wish we had such anatomically correct pubic areas to practice on! Instead the poor patients had to put up with our trials and errors!! In no way were your posts offensive. Naysayers: Welcome to the world of bedside nursing, put the patient as ease and treat with respect. And be competent! John a post card from the other side of the world is on its way. I live in a small country town so choice was limited and conventional, but sent with a hug and a smile!

  54. Because you do you so well, is exactly the reason why I read your blog, and why I will continue to read your blog! xox

  55. You tell 'em, John! Tell 'em all!

  56. Never change. This blog gets lots of people through some dark days xx

  57. Oh, well. When you've got a gazillion readers you're bound to offend someone some time. I LOVE yours sense of humor (ahem.... humour)!

  58. Write what you want John, I will read!

    Jo in Auckland

  59. Please don't ever stop being who you are. You are appreciated more than words can say. Like you a sense of humour has got me through some rough times.thank goodness for laughter long may you continue John and thank you for your blog and all you share. Hugs x

  60. There are certain jobs that you just can't do without a wicked sense of humour. You don't need to apologise.

  61. Do not change your posting style please! I find your blog a pleasant mind wash with the more than occasional keyboard splashing humor moment. If I don't enjoy a post, the many I do balance it out.

    With affection, Anthony

  62. You make me laugh, you make me cry, and I wouldn't change you or your blog for all the tea in China...and I am a tea drinker ! ! I certainly haven't seen anything to be offended by...XX

  63. the world would be a very boring place if we all agreed John , I think weve both reached the age of not giving a flying scotch egg about others opinions of us, stay strong and just send the dissenters a used fanny cloth ..lol

  64. Gemma9:18 am

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I am sorry but I have decieded to block your posts as I no longer am sure you are indeed Gemma . If you are....you have my apologies . Please Gemma can you email me for further information

    2. You have told me what I needed to know

  65. A surfeit of misery guts in the world. No requirement for the rest of us to join them.

    Life is about horses for courses.

    Mum chided dad because his favourite TV series was 'One Foot in the Grave' and hers was the one with Mrs Bucket.

  66. What everyone else said. People offended by body parts are probably more embarrassed than offended but they can choose what to read. Keep up the good work. We all need some humour in this crazy world. x

  67. Is that Mel Brooks being Mel in the picture. One of my happiest memories is of seeing Spring Time for Hitler on Broadway at least ten years ago. I love the orriginal with Gene Wilder and Zero Mostel as well. If you want tasteless genius Mel is your man, I think you are a bit refined really. All the best.

    1. I loved that movie too. Mel is always so irreverent!

  68. What a pity you felt the need for this post... Polarizing, escalating... It doesn't do any good and you already have such a large posse.

    1. ive has personal emails attacking the posts as well as troublemakers hiding behind new pseudonyms

  69. All I can say to those that are easily offended, don't go and watch Chubby Brown, and don't click on his videos.

  70. Do you do takeaway curries too?

  71. My sense of humour has, I believe, literally saved my life and I wouldn't be without it. As you know I was in Conwy last week as my brother was dying (he died on Friday). At one point the (Italian) doctor came in and very gently explained to him that there was no hope and he had maybe a week left at most, but explained that if there was anything else he could do for him to just ask. So my brother looked at him and said "there IS just one thing doctor". To which the doctor replied "anything". So my brother just said "can you please keep me alive until the end of the cricket season"! The doctor didn't know where to look but we all just burst out laughing. It broke the tension and will be how I always remember my brother. Anna

  72. good for you John. The humour we developed during our work in hospitals, has stood us in good stead for the trials of life. We cant always explain why we laugh though.
    Kathy xx

  73. I can't believe anyone could be offended ๐Ÿ˜ฒTotal snowflakes ๐Ÿ˜‚

  74. It's your blog write what you want if people don't like it then don't read it, life is to short to worry about what other people think. Heather

  75. I like your sense of humor. Glad you got my postcard.

  76. Please carry on! Your blog is one of the first things
    I look at in the morning.

  77. I didn't find the catheter posts offensive, yet I admire the six folk who complained. Why? Well, because they had the guts to put forward a point of view that they almost certainly knew would be very unpopular.

    You can almost smell the sycophantic tar & feather brigade on GG; verbal flaming pitchforks just a vituperative snarl away. I think diversity of opinion should be welcomed, otherwise it all becomes like Pravda.

    1. I am more than happy to debate and to be disagreed with
      I am privy to more information regarding a troublemaker who just argues to cause trouble

    2. The troublemaker signs up under a pseudonym

  78. Remember the days of trying to reach a thousand followers? more or less isn't important..I'm surprised you were concerned..don't forget 'never complain and never explain'x

  79. as well you shouldn't. I don't understand why people get offended by the names and pictures of our sex organs. I also don't understand why those so offended need to say so or make a big deal about no longer following you when they basically came into your house and not the other way around. it's your personal blog and you can write what you want and we all have a choice to read or not.

  80. Amen, brother...Amen

  81. John
    Some people are so far up their own backsides, that they just become a complete pains in the arse, take no notice and just carry on being you, we all love your sense of humour - take care xxx

  82. John Gray....we love you and we love the way you write. Please keep on, keeping on. You entertain and educate. Mardy. ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

  83. The troublemaker's tone sounds very familiar.

  84. Yeah, me to. Stuck to you, that is.

  85. Such silliness! Wonder how long it will take for that "Victorian" way of thinking to disappear from our culture.

  86. What a strange new world the world of Blogland is. I think I will leave it, again, - in terms of commenting - but not because anything has offended me. I have never seen anything that offended me on this blog. Surprised, entertained, puzzled, intrigued... but never offended. Good wishes to all the creatures of your cottage. I will be watching in silence, probably.

  87. Gee where would we be without a sense of humour, laughter is always the best remedy for what ails you and your posts have seen me through good times and bad John.

  88. Funny how people don't mind lecherous bulldogs, rabbit destroying cats or cannabalistic pigs but get hysterical about a plastic necessity and it wasn't even interesting with Syphilis.

  89. It all boils down to the fact that it's YOUR blog, something so many people seem to forget!!

    A place to say and do exactly what you want to ... so carry on. xx


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes