Sweet William

William chasing bees

I got home from work at around 8.30 am and walked the dogs during a torrential rain shower which had lasted several hours .
As I made myself eggs and toast George rested in his usual spot under the table and the terriers curled up together on the sofa to sleep.
Winnie watched me very carefully in the kitchen....waiting for scraps
I fed Albert and cleaned muddy paw prints from the table and the window sill and from the back of my new chair
I then mopped the floor and washed the pots .
I pottered listening to the radio .......some shit about brexit
It was well past 11.30 when I finally decided it was time for bed
I locked the kitchen door and walked into the living room

I could tell by his position and the fact that Mary was sat bolt upright looking worried that
William had died in his sleep.
Like with people, when a dog's soul leaves its body it leaves behind a stillness which screams at you

My sweet, sweet natured old boy.
An animal with the gentlest of souls I ever knew had just faded away without fanfare or attention......and All I could think of was him at eleven years old joyfully chasing bees around the back garden like a loon.....
.....And that's exactly where I have buried him.


  1. Oh, John. My heart goes out to you.

  2. So sorry to hear that William has died. I know how heartbreaking this is, but there is some solace in him slipping away peacefully, without you having to make that most dreadful of decisions.

  3. Anonymous4:00 pm

    Oh John, I am so sorry, darling sweet William

    Ree x

  4. So sorry John, chin up. Cathy

  5. I'm so very sorry John. That's just heartbreaking. I'm glad to know that he went peacefully in his sleep, though. Take care of yourself and the rest of the pack. Hugs to you all. xoo

  6. I am really sorry, John.

  7. Oh dear sweet William - hugs to you too x

  8. I know that stillness.
    Much love and hugs to you.
    gayle xx

  9. SunshineLou4:05 pm

    My thoughts are with you and the other animals x

  10. My heart breaks for you and rejoices for the gentle sleep of a much loved friend rip William x you will all regroup to get through the next days x thank god for the times that animals give us what we need and leave us better equipped to deal with the nonsense of life xxxxxxxx

  11. Heartbroken for you John x

  12. Very sorry. I know how much you love your pets.

  13. Anonymous4:10 pm

    William spared you having to make the decision. What a great and beloved life he had with you.
    Love from Amsterdam

  14. I am so sorry to hear this news, sending you a huge hug.x

  15. Bless his heart and what a lovely place to lay him to rest. Take care.

  16. Run free William xx

  17. Aw John, I'm so sorry to read this, but thankful you didn't have to make the hardest decision. It's been a hell of a year for you, thank goodness you have the other animals to comfort you. How lovely that you buried him in the place he loved. Hugs, John x

  18. Sweet William. How lucky he was to slip away in a warm quiet room, in comfort, and without drama or fuss. But such a shock for you and Mary to find him so. I am so very sorry for your loss John. X

  19. So sorry to read this. Sweet William indeed...Hugs from Scotland.

  20. Oh John. He went in his own time, in his favourite place, with all his furry family around him, and with the sounds of Dad pottering close by.

    Right until the last moment he loved you enough to spare you that final agonising decision.

    Rest in Peace Sweet William, you were loved ♥️🌹 xx

    1. Anonymous7:29 pm

      Beautifully expressed !

  21. I am sending love to you and the menagerie.

  22. Another fur baby star. Shining brightly sweet William. Big hugs to you.xxx

  23. John I'm so sorry to hear about Sweet William. Sending you much love and hugs xxx

  24. Rest in peace, sweet William. Hugs, John.

  25. Goodbye, sweet William. We have all enjoyed your antics. Rest, now.

  26. I'm so sorry, John. It's hard to lose our 'furry little tragedies.' Sending you and the whole pack a strong hug.

  27. So sorry John. But a mercifully peaceful ending, surrounded by his family.

  28. I'm so sorry John. Thankfully he went peacefully in his sleep, surrounded by the love that fills your home. Rest in peace sweet William.

  29. Bless his sweet soul.

  30. So very, very sorry. R. I. P. Sweet William. Xx

  31. Oh my, how sad for you- may his soul rest in peace.

  32. Such a peaceful end for William, but heartbreaking for you. Too many holes in your heart this year. Hugs.

  33. Anonymous4:36 pm

    Oh John, l am so so sorry at the news of William.
    I am glad that you both did not have that last dash to the vets with all the drama that entails.
    Also, he was surrounded by his family when he died and you know they know and will be peaceful in themselves knowing what has happened 'cos we know they know about these things, don't they.
    Lovely little chap R.I.P.Best Boy xx
    Tess x

  34. Sarah Jones4:37 pm

    I'm so sorry John, dear sweet William. I'm glad he had a peaceful end and the decision wasn't on you. How lovely that he is close by, I love this photo. You have had a cack year John. Lots of love xxxx

  35. It has all been said. So sorry but glad he left you so peacefully and at home with you nearby.

  36. William had a wonderful life with loads of love, his doggie pals, Albert and you, he passed at home where there is so much love for him. I hope you can focus on the joy he gave to you all. Xxx

  37. so so sorry, they take a piece of our heart with them. RIP William. love sandy

  38. Barbara Anne4:45 pm

    Oh, tears a falling here as I know the empty place in your heart and home as you begin to miss sweet William. What a good natured gentleman he was. May the happy memories of his loving life he shared with you and the other fur babies comfort you now. Special hugs to Mary at this sad time.

    Hugs to you, too.

  39. So sorry John. xxx

  40. Dear sweet William .I shall miss him too. May you live long and enjoy your loving memories of him

  41. My tears won't stop. I felt a great fondness for William. Dear William, my favourite dog of them all. My heart goes out to you John. x

  42. Margaret B4:49 pm

    So sorry to hear this sad news. Bless you, it has been such a tough time for you.

  43. So sorry to hear this sad news.

  44. awwwwwwwwww. william is now at peace, chasing bumblebees with abandon. my condolences.

  45. So sorry for your loss. What's that Kipling poem about never giving your heart to a dog? They will break your heart.

  46. So very sorry John. Glad he went peacefully in his own home , knowing he was loved.

  47. So sorry for your loss...your hurting heart...

  48. I wasn't ready for that. Your title suggested something but your lead up gave me false comfort. I actually caught my breath and now I am crying. At least it was gentle. He was at home surrounded by familiar beings and you didn't have the heartbreak of deciding when to take him to the vets. Dear, dear William. I never met you, but I loved you. Sweet dreams. xx

  49. Another farewell. Goodbye dear fellow.

  50. So very sad but he timed it himself , no hard decisions to be made by you, and a solid bank of memories for you of a much loved boy xx

  51. So sorry John. Your heart must be broken. What a sweet sweet William he was x

  52. You have a hug from me. And your animals have a hug as well. The pain is intense I know.

  53. Crying as if he had been one of my own.

  54. Gemma5:07 pm

    Great way to go. Considerate to the last.

    What a touching image (or is it a sound) you conjure up: When a soul "leaves its body it leaves behind a stillness which screams at you". Indeed.

    Heartfelt commiserations. The butterflies will return.

  55. Oh John, I feel so sad for you. You and William were lucky to have had each other. Sending hugs. xx

  56. Anonymous5:08 pm

    Dear John, I am so sad for you today. Dear William gave you the gift of you not having to make that awful decision. You were a wonderful and much loved friend/parent/companion for him. Saying that doesn't lessen your great loss and sadness, I know. Sending you love and big hugs. Eileen in Dover xxx

  57. So sorry to see this. R.I.P. Sweet William.

  58. Anonymous5:10 pm

    Ach, wat spijt me dat voor je...

  59. So sorry John. I have been sitting in my recliner by the windows with my older ginger cat snuggled up on my chest. I looked at him and thought, "My dear boy, you're going to break my heart one day." He is absolutely the most wonderful of friends. Then I read your blog. It brought tears to my eyes. He was well loved and cared for his entire life because he had you. God bless and keep you.

  60. Anonymous5:26 pm

    How very sad John,so sorry to hear that news,RIP William.
    Thinking of you.
    Vicki x

  61. oh no....the only thing that gets me through is the words from a song "I could have missed the pain but I would have missed the dance". I don't think any of us would miss the dance with our animals.

  62. Peacefully, surrounded by love, the best way to go. You gave him the best home and life he could have. Do take care, Love and Hugs, David

  63. So sorry, they break our hearts. He will be with Maisie, my best friend's airedale who died yesterday.

  64. Anonymous5:29 pm

    A Good Boy. It makes me sad, too. Vicki H.

  65. So very sorry xxx

  66. Anonymous5:31 pm

    Rest In Peace, sweet boy. Chase those heavenly bees!
    John, we know the boy had the best life possible with you.
    Hug, Joyce

  67. John, my heart aches for you, we are never ready. Thinking of you.

  68. Gute Reise William (Have a good Journey)

  69. Anonymous5:39 pm

    ... words fail me ...

  70. I'm so sorry for your loss of a sweet, gentle friend x

  71. I gasped at this. Travelling mercies to him.

  72. Thinking of you, John. Too many tears this year.

  73. Such a peaceful way to leave this earth-it’s how I hope I will go when my time is done. Hugs to you all.

    1. Yes, it really is the end I would wish for any of my loved ones...and myself!

  74. I'll be thinking of you John. I love that you were able to bury him in a comforting place. No doubt a few tears were sprinkled in with the soil as ypu worked. Rest well, loyal William.

  75. "Now cracks a noble heart. Goodnight, sweet prince;
    And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."

    So sorry, John.

  76. It looks like a lovely place for him to rest. It seems he was a kind and thoughtful companion right through the end.

  77. Anonymous5:47 pm

    I'm so very sorry John.

  78. This is so sad for you John but so wonderful that he went the way he did. No drama, no mad dash to the vets, and then no final moments in the vets with his family waiting, anxiously at home. This was so calm and peaceful and the others knew and were very respectful of his moment. Sending many hugs to you and all the furries.

  79. Oh John, I'm so so sorry to hear this. He lived a beautiful life with you. Sending you all love and hugs.

  80. Such a quietly dignified passing for Sweet William. His spirit will stay with you John.

  81. Dearest William, I always loved reading about his gentle nature and sweet - heart. Thoughts with you at this time, I hope you can take comfort in his peaceful slipping away.

  82. I am so sorry. You have had so much sadness lately. The only crumb of comfort is that he went in his sleep and you didn't have to make that awful decision to have him put to sleep. It was the best way for him to go and he has had a lovely life with you. Even so it is another blow for you. Sending you a hug.

  83. Oh, my eyes fill with tears. Thanks for placing him near the bees.

  84. Oh, John, I wish I could give you a huge hug right now. Sweet William in the garden.

  85. JG I am happy that you both shared many years of happiness together xxx

  86. I am so sorry for your loss. πŸ™πŸ™❤️❤️❤️

  87. Anonymous5:56 pm

    Im sat crying.My darling went 18 months ago.xx

  88. The writer Pete Hamill described the death of a loved one as feeling "as if a thousand people have just left the room." Oh, that crushing, world-altering stillness. These dear creatures take up such a big part of us that their absence really does feel as if the planet has stopped spinning.

    Sweet William. I'm crying for him, and you.

  89. The very best way to go - peacefully, at home, surrounded by loved and loving ones

    The joy of pets in our lives is only matched by the loss when they go.

  90. i am so sorry to hear this john. at least he left peacefully. you are having one hell of a year!

  91. Ahhhh John, So sorry, so sad.

  92. Rest in peace Sweet William. So sorry for your loss John but take some comfort that he passed away at home surrounded by those who loved him xx

  93. I am so terribly sorry. I know he had a happy and amazing life with you. Be blessed.

  94. Rest well, Sweet William, in the garden,
    close by to the ones who loved you.
    I'm so sorry, John.

  95. I am so sorry to hear of William's passing. My thoughts are with you at this sad time.

  96. Heartbroken....so very sorry

  97. Too many losses for you this year, John. I know well how heartbreaking it is to lose a well loved dog. Thinking of you today...

  98. Oh John, I am so very sorry. Losing a dear dog such as William can leave a hole in your heart and a void in your life. I am thinking of you all.

  99. I'm so very sorry, John. What more could we ask when our time comes to die - to go peacefully at home surrounded by those we love. We hope for a happy death and I believe that's what happened to William when his dear heart was too tired to go on. He's chasing bees somewhere else now, and his pals will be missing him just as much as you are. It'll be so heartbreaking to watch them mourn, and they will. But it's all part of this life and death wheel we're on. If only I could comfort you in some way - so many loving thoughts are with you today - and in the days to come, and I hope you can feel them. Peace be with you dear John.

  100. I am so so sorry for your loss. The past several months have been an unbearably sad time in your life and I feel your pain and shed tears when your posts are so sad. Please know you have hundreds of followers who feel the same and would share some of your burden if they could. Prayers going up for your comfort.

  101. So sorry for this loss, John. Even a peaceful death leaves a gaping hole in one's heart. xxxx

  102. So sad to hear this πŸ’œ xx

  103. This peaceful ending is what you wish for them but it seems to so rarely happen.

    xo to you all.

  104. love to you, i hope something good comes your way very soon xxx

  105. I think you have been steeling yourself for this day, John but nothing prepares you, does it? I'm so sorry it has come. Gentle hugs from Michigan.

  106. I am so very sorry. William was loved.

  107. Oh my....so sorry for your loss, John.
    William chose the time and place.

  108. I am so damn sorry. He died surrounded with love, you and the rest of the critters. You gave him the best of homes filled with love and great treats.

  109. I add to everyone's kind thoughts for you. William was blessed, as were you. He will be missed.

  110. So sorry to read this. William's death was as gentle and undramatic as he was. Take extra special care of yourself and your other dogs and Albert, 2018 has really had it in for you.

  111. Oh John, I'm sorry. I know you'll miss him terribly and so will we. Hugs and kisses to you all.

  112. So sad for you....I am crying with everyone else. The only positive is that you didn't have to make " the decision" . Having had 5 cats, and only on 2nd dog.....just one cat died without intervention!
    Lots of Love to you all. Xx
    ps.I had to psyche myself up to read the post when I saw the heading.

  113. Digging in a spot where he'd been happy,a spot in which to place your sweet friend, a hard to get through, though beautiful and perfect,final gift to him.

    At times like this I wish words could become hugs for you, and for his furry family that miss him,too.-Mary

  114. Barbara7:11 pm

    Bless him. Love and hugs for you and the other babies. x

  115. Oh John, Sweet William. I am so sorry. He rests in the best possible place and he lived the best possible life thanks to you. xx

  116. I am so sorry, John. I am glad that William had a peaceful going. I think it is nice that William waited for you to be home and you were able to take him on that walk. Precious moments that you can cherish. Much love to you. I know you miss him dearly.

  117. Crying for your loss. Rest peacefully, sweet William

  118. MaggieB7:23 pm


  119. Oh John, such sad, sad news....but you gave William the very best life you could, and he knew just how much you loved him. Thinking of you and sending virtual hugs to you and the others sue xx

  120. Bless you, darling John - and lovely William for everything he has been. So hard to say goodbye xo

  121. Dear John, I’m so sorry. My heart is heavy for you! You have wonderful memories with William. I pray they will comfort you. Gabs

  122. So sorry to hear this John x

  123. A sea of sorries with mine in there too. I'm in Australia thinking of you and your sweet William x

  124. So sorry John, shedding tears for dear William and for you.
    Alison from Shropshire.

  125. I'm so sorry to read this John. A peaceful end to a sweet life. Sending hugs. X

  126. Heartbreaking, I feel for you right now. Bless him.

  127. I am sorry to read this, I've experienced exactly the same thing 3 months ago. My boy went to sleep and I found him all curled up but his soul had left in his sleep. I still find this very difficult to talk about but for him it was the less traumatic way to pass over. Having had to make that decision many times in the past this was the best way to leave this plane. Sending love to you and yes, remember all the happy times becuase that is what they leave us. xx

  128. I'm so, so sorry for your loss. No matter how much we try to 'prepare' we're never ready to say goodbye to them x

  129. Lorna7:52 pm

    Dear sweet John: What a shock I received in reading your blog, that William had left so soon. He left quietly and peacefully, but in doing so, has taken a large part of your heart with him. What a precious and sweet soul he has been. Please accept my sincere condolences. Love you and your blog, and wish you were my neighbor!

  130. So so sorry, John.

  131. Anonymous7:58 pm

    Never ever commented - ever, but follow with love and respect. My heart is with you and all your furries - it was just that time. ❤ X X

  132. Joan (Devon)7:59 pm

    Aw John, I'm so sorry.

  133. I am so very sorry John. Once again I am crying over one of your beloved pets. I know Sweet William had a wonderful life with you. Be thankful that he went ever so peacefully in his sleep. That in itself is a blessing not to have had to make that final decision. I know your heart is breaking as mine is breaking for you. I pray that 2019 will bring you much needed and deserved happiness. Sending love to “all” that reside in Bwthyn-y-lian Cottage. Take care. xx

  134. So sorry John. Losing one's partner is like tearing oneself apart andthe company of those dogs was life blood in such a difficult year. One faint glimmer - you didn't have to make the decision and take him to the vets - dying in one's sleep is how all of us would like to go. Much love.

  135. Anonymous8:06 pm

    I am so sorry for your loss of dear William, John. Bless him, though, for departing so peacefully. I suspect I know just how much he will be missed
    Susan M

  136. Very, very sorry John. So hard to lose a dog.

  137. Debbie in London8:08 pm

    I’m so sorry.

  138. Sorry for your loss he will be missed by you and the others.

  139. I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a dog is losing something pure and precious. I don't know you and I didn't know William, but I'm still crying.

  140. I am so sorry for your loss. They forever leave holes but time does help heal. <3 from the US. Amy

  141. Liesl8:26 pm

    So sad John �� but he passed peacefully at home surrounded by everyone that loved him xx

  142. I knew what your post would say and I read it anyway, starting my day still in bed with my great loon on my feet and tears....

    I'm so sorry he's gone and so pleased it was beautiful

    Rip sweet boy

  143. Sending you hugs from Texas. I know you will miss his sweet presence and steadfast love.

  144. Oh John. A perfect exit for William, but such a sadness for you.

  145. Familiar domestic noises, breathing and snores of his four-legged chums, all the smells and comfort of home, lucky dog to slip away in peace. Not a total shock for you, but still sad. You gave him a good life and a good end.

    1. Yes I agree, surrounded by the comfort and love of his pack and master. The sadness is the price we pet owners pay for years of fun and trusting devotion. Big hugs John x

  146. My thoughts are with you,so glad he went gently at home,considerate right to the end.

  147. May memories of happy times together with William ease your heartache.

  148. so sorry for your loss, but as others have said, you do have many happy memories of him that no one can/will take away.

  149. I am heartbroken for you, and remembering my own Little Dog Bo whom I will miss forever. May you all comfort one another, you and your family of loving pets who give so much and ask so little.

  150. Dear William. My deepest sympathy, John.

  151. Thank you all so much...

  152. So sorry for you all.

  153. My heart breaks for you. May you find comfort in the fact that William left this world close to his best person and fellow four leggers in his warm and cozy home.

  154. I am so sorry to read this.

  155. Anonymous9:33 pm

    Knowing it would happen soon doesn't make it any easier, I am sure.

  156. RIP William. You were spared that last journey to the vet. God bless. Ali x

  157. I love reading your blog although I never comment but I just wanted to say I'm very, very sorry to read about William. xxx

  158. So sorry and upset to hear about sweet William. Take good care John♥ xxxx

  159. So hard for you, but an easy death; a good death. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Xxx

  160. I am so very sorry to hear that. It breaks my heart.

  161. Don't have the words John.....just....xxxxxxxx

  162. Such heart break! So sorry John for you and your furry clan. Ruth in Oxnard California

  163. I’m so sorry for your loss.
    Sending hugs from Canada.

  164. Oh John. Darling William. He made his own decision about the time to go. Now he’s chasing bees again with no aches or pains. I’m so sad for you. Hugs.

  165. So sorry John, sending love.

  166. Aw bless hugs to all of you. He did it his own gentle faithful way so that you did not have to make the decision. And what a lovely place to bury him and a beautiful memory. They say when someone passes over that you should go tell it to the bees. xx

  167. Such sad news, but a mercifully he slipped away surrounded by home comforts and with his furry friends and favourite human nearby. So hard when they go, but a perfect place to bury him, amidst the bees. Hugs xox

  168. Farewell to William, chasing bees in all our hearts.

  169. I am so very sorry. William had the most loving home possible and now is at rest in your lovely garden.

  170. Oh John, so sad for you. Happy for William: A walk, the sound of Daddy in the kitchen, curled up with a loving buddy, at the end of a life well lived.

  171. And still you share....you are one special guy. Xx

  172. Chasing bees forevermore. Rest now William, your work is done.X

  173. I'm so glad William died on his own terms, feeling secure and happy in his own home. So often we have to take them to the vet to do the deed and it makes losing them so much worse. I'm so sorry for your loss. x

  174. Dear Sweet William...may we all have such a peaceful end. So sorry for the loss of your beloved William.

  175. I'm very sorry John, for your loss rip

  176. I am so sorryπŸ˜“πŸ˜“πŸ˜“.

  177. So very sorry That is the very best way to go though. May you rest with the angels William after an amazing and well cared for life!!

  178. John I am a regular reader of your blog and have been for a very long time. I have never posted before but I have howled with laughter at your many hilarious adventures, totally identified with your many nursing stories which are so very reminiscent of my own and sobbed my way through your losses. I just can't believe what a terrible year you have had and I am so very sorry.... sending you love and kind thoughts Karen

  179. I'm so sorry John. Perhaps you could plant some sweet williams on top of his resting place in the garden. We have 3 cats buried in our garden and they each have their own special plant guarding them.

  180. Dear sweet William, how so very sad to hear. How lovely he could die curled up with his siblings after an ideal day in the life of a dog. And what a perfect place for him to be buried, with the butterflies dancing above him.

  181. I'm so sorry to hear about William.Even when one knows it's likely to happen, it's still a shock, a jolt, when it does.
    I hope that knowing his death was quick and peaceful will bring you some comfort when the shock has worn off.

  182. So, so sorry for your loss, John.

  183. Oh John, I'm so sorry to read about your sweet William's death.

  184. A gentle death; a quiet slipping away during peaceful sleep beside Mary; a contented last sigh for being home with family as life ebbs away; a blissful dream of chasing bees in the garden and of walks and of car rides and of sausages, and of being much loved; and so it is a tearful goodbye we whisper to sweet William, for whom we have great affection. Thank you for sharing William with us, John. Hugs from Canada.

  185. On days like this, I am sorry this is blog land. So many of of would be by your side with tea and hugs and comfort. This has been one hella 2018 for you my friend. Abundant, warm hugs.

  186. I know too well how you feel but then we go out and do it again. And we have a sweet new “William “ to love and enjoy. And while that sweet pup is gone, he really is never gone and always there in his old favorite spots.
    Sending love & sympathy


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