
I went to the dentist this morning and witnessed a receptionist being somewhat curt to an elderly customer in front of me who had arrived on the wrong day.
" Who pissed on your chips ?"  I asked her as she looked from him to me and there was a brief uncomfortable standoff silence
" I'm not here to be abused" the receptionist then said defensively
" I bet you say that a lot " I told her,
But the irony of my was lost on her somewhat....hey ho....
Still got it!

I got this message today from Jason the affable despot
"Just wondering how things are going with you ? Haven’t seen you around for a chat ( I’m in hibernation until April ) ...."
I messaged him back and we've arranged to see a comedy show in Chester next week....I was chuffed he broke his own hibernation rule to come and play

I hope Trendy Carol's finger has improved .
She stopped the other morning for me to review a kitchen chopping board injury over the kitchen wall.
She was wearing a rather nice  jacket and matching shoes I seem to remember .

It was the vicar's last service in the village church yesterday and I am sorry to say that I fell asleep in the armchair after nights so didn't attend Church at 11 am I'm glad I left him a card on the vestry desk last week. We spoke outside the Church the other day.
He wished me well and he told me he was sorry about the Prof and I wished him well too...he's moving to Rhos on Sea which is as genteel as Miss Jean Brody's knickers and a place not too far for Gaynor the mad organist, to visit.
I wonder if the stand in vicar will have a carol service on Christmas Eve this wouldn't be Christmas if Mrs Davis wasn't called to " Bring On The Baby Jesus!" as the nativity scene was completed.

Villagers Mrs Trellis and The Cameron's , my family and Nu in London have all asked me to spend a Christmas with them this week and I told them all a big thank you but no
I've not thought about the C word much ......which is a bit hard as Sandra C has put up a twenty foot banner which SCREAMS FUCKING CHRISTMAS IS COMMING!!!!!!!


  1. Christmas won't wait for anyone, it's coming even if your not looking.

  2. Nice to get invites though, even if you want to spend it at home (I'm presuming here!). I love Christmas, but it does get unnecessarily 'bigged up'. Nothing would drag me from my home on the day - quite happy for people to call in of course.

  3. I have an unholy distaste for Christmas and will be spending it in Mexico where I'll happily enjoy watching the celebration without having to participate beyond cheerfully saying, "Feliz Navidad!" to any and all. Yes. I am a terrible person.
    I love your village news. It's always the best.

    1. I was going to post auntie Gladys news but didn't have time to go

  4. Any vicar new to a parish would be wise to fall in with traditions. At least, to begin with. Oh, I do hope you get a Geraldine Granger. xx

    1. Yes please, she would fit right in.

  5. I wonder if the new vicar will arrange a trendy carol service or service Trendy Carol.

  6. It's quite all right to spend christmas on your own. Celebrate enjoying yourself. It's the same as any celebration.

  7. Hope you figure your Christmas plans out. Firsts of everything are the worst as I am sure you know but it really will get easier eventually. Glad to hear that your comment was apparently abusive as I seem to get told that I am being abusive too. On Friday it was because I asked for a gluten free sandwich in a restaurant - where they had big signs offering such things - and declined yet another bowl of soup or a jacket potato as gluten free options when they couldn't make a gluten free sandwich which as I said they were advertising as being available. I didn't realise that trying to spend money on something they were advertising was being abusive!

    1. I did ask her who PISSED on her chips

  8. In my "past life" I was a dental hygienist and there is no excuse for that receptionist to be rude to an elderly patient who came on the wrong day. I belong to a closed group on Facebook for hygienists and one of the biggest complaints they have is the attitude of the office manager/receptionist. They even have a generic nickname for her, "Brenda," so all they have to do is mention that name in their complaint and everyone immediately gets it.

  9. Good on you for standing up to that rude receptionist. It's necessary to call people out on their rude behavior, to put an end to the nastiness.

    I hope your new priest is wonderful and that your old priest goes somewhere wonderful. Glad you've got so many good people wanting to share your company.

    Go ahead and get a small Xmas tree--even a plastic one--and decorate it. Many people spend the Holidays alone, because it's their choice. However you spend it, know that you are not alone and so many people care about you and your cute creatures.

  10. You have already accepted a Christmas invitation haven't you?

    1. Not OVER christmas at Christmas time xx

  11. Christmas is what you make it. Get a tree ( I love the fragrance) put up some light to help with the winter days and nights. Since the divorce my small family have changed how we celebrate the day and it all works.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

    1. I'll put my cards up... the decs have gone elsewhere

  12. Lovely that you got so many invites, but it's completely up to you how, and where, you decided to spend Christmas. I hope it's a good one whatever you decided to do.

    Now SHUT UP .... it's only November šŸ˜ŠšŸ™ƒšŸ˜‰

    1. No C talk from now on.....only officially allowed to chat about it in December

  13. Barbara Anne4:59 pm

    What a delightful lot of village news you've shared with us! Am glad Jason TAD will come out of hibernation to enjoy the comedy show with you and the others.

    Hope the new vicar is a perfect fit for Trelawnyd and that the interim vicar doesn't rock the boat.

    A bit of fragrant evergreen in a vase or two will help your heart smile when Christmas comes.

    Will the choir present a Christmas concert?


    1. Yes but it will be the village male voice choir not the community choir

  14. I hope that receptionist learns, sooner rather than later, that she was abusing the patient before she ever was the recipient of your comment. There is a whole litany of behavior that falls under elder abuse, and hers was one of them. Abuse of children, elders and animals makes my normally cool blood boil!

  15. "Who pissed on your chips", hilarious and perfect response,John ! Yes,you still got it.

    During the 5 years since my husband passed away I only spent one Christmas at home alone. I did take the enormous platter of salads, meats and breads I'd prepared to the friends' home I'd intended to share the afternoon with, but was sick so didn't stay.It was kind of nice to be home just with my dogs,cat, and canary finch's,talk to family and friends on the phone, and watch classic Christmas films on television. Whatever you choose to do, I hope you really enjoy it. -Mary

  16. I am so impressed with that banner. (she says shaking her head.)

  17. I'm finishing reading "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood," (never bothered with the film), and am feeling overwhelmed by the potency of friendship where families fail. At a risk of sounding Bible-thumpy,folks like Jason are the blessing that will see you through to spring. Well, them and the furry menagerie, bless *their* stinky, messy little hearts.

    1. Humm you have piqued my interest in that book

    2. It took a few chapters to pull me in.

  18. Do what you feel like doing at Christmas John. Kind of folk to ask but plan it yourself - that;s what I do these days.

  19. I serve as an adviser for a dementia friendly community initiative, the receptionist could use a little training. Make your own plans, start your own traditions. The Market could be fun.

  20. Do whatever feels right to you (and bask in the fact that you are much loved).

  21. Cheryl7:59 pm

    Your response at the dentists was spot on, and witty too!

    1. I was pleased with it, but as I was the only one that got it , it sort of fell flat

  22. To play devil's advocate- Everyone can have a bad day, we do not know what happened 5 mins, 5hrs or such time before. WE all can be guilty of being snappish. I work in healthcare and it's damn tiring having to be "on" all the time. I have been curt, and on the aggressive side in dealing with patients. We are all human and all have struggles.

    Start your own new holiday traditions including new decorations. then it will mean the most.
    I hope we heat Aunty Glad news tomorrow

    1. True but we all need a me to remind you that you've been an arse

  23. I am happy to have Christmas at home with the cat without having to put up with other peoples families and dramas. This year though I have to work a day shift, so it will be dinner at home as usual and an early night and watching lots of Christmas movies on the box.

  24. Looking forward to Aunty Glad.
    sorry about the receptionist...I like your phrase...I'd use "Who stood on your tail" ?!

    1. My reply was lost as she. And everyone listening didn't " get it"

  25. I thought I was going to read about someone's bits. I was disappointed.

    1. I don't see many " bits" recently

    2. Not even your own?

    3. Lol mave ..have you seen my stomach ?

    4. I have and swooned.

      There are such things as mirrors dear.

    5. I never look in a mirror ......

    6. It's good to know that you never make that "effort"

  26. It's good that friends, like Jason, and family check in and plan things with you. It's good to hear the village is still rolling along. All the best,John.

    1. Yes we all need to see the world is turning

  27. I want to live in that tower.

    1. 30 k a week bring your own toilet paper x

  28. It's the damn Christmas carols in the shops I can't stand.
    I always have 3 new books, a bottle of Champagne on ice and a box of expensive chocolates and after having lunch at the Home with mother, I race to my home, lock the doors and sit in peace with my loot to hand.

  29. I understand the Brexit agreement provides for the gradual phasing out of Christmas. Christmas will be totally abolished by 2021. No more awkward decisions about what to do, who to visit, whether to enjoy your own company etc.

  30. I had no idea Miss Jean Brody's nickers were genteel... or are you being sarcastic...


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes