A Happy 2018?  me and my neice Rebecca at my sister Ann's Birthday..happy time

We are heading towards the end of the year.
A year of note, as they say.
One of my best friends survived cancer this year and things are on hold
He's been a star
Another friend has also battled a sickness, unseen and unheard.....they have been a star too.
William is Gently deteriorating and I am being nudged by the vet into making the right decision
He's been a star of a dog.
December may be his swan song
This year I have known who my many friends are.
This year some people have disappointed
Yin and yang I guess.....
And as usual the good almost outweigh the bad....
Even if I hate this year with a vengeance at least the choir has salved my soul somewhat as have my family, friends ,animals and my blog friends

I saw Auntie Glad  , it wasn't for long , I had misjudged the  lunch time routine
Her eyes were a milky blue and she didn't know me at first but she did remember the Flower Show when I mentioned it..... mentioned it for a second time
" We worked hard " she said " Mr Roberts and Irene and Mrs Lewis and I  "
All Flower Show people a decade or two before I arrived
I wanted her to remember me and finally after I talked on and on about the cottage and the dogs and allotment and Chris,  she did.....albeit tentatively
" we always put on a good show " she said holding my hand tightly  " didn't we?"
" oh we did " I replied   " oh we so did!"


  1. Anonymous2:37 am

    The blog years slip by alarmingly fast, faster than a normal year, I think. Good to hear that Auntie Glad is still going at least and sad about William.

  2. Your life will be measured by what happened before or after 2018.

  3. thank you for the update on auntie glad.

  4. There. Thank you, John.

  5. What a year . . .
    Decisions, disappointments, endings . . .
    Sometimes I wonder how we make it through the difficult times.
    When things are happy and well, how sweet it is . . .
    I am wishing for some happier days for you . . .
    Sending you some Hugs . . .

    We are in “blizzard” weather here . . .
    I am smiling as long as I don’t have to drive in it!

  6. What a year! 2019 will be much better for you. Glad to hear you were able to visit Auntie Glad. Big hugs to you and William.

  7. I have known you only a short time but am glad that a random Internet encounter brought you onto my horizon. Despite all the misery that you have been subjected to you are by far one of the brightest rays to have been bestowed upon me. I feel lucky to have you as a shining example of how to conduct oneself.

    Gray in name, brilliance in nature.

  8. I kind of wish 2018 hadn't happened....for you as well as husband and I, it's been a roller coaster, with too many dips. But that would be wishing our lives away. I guess everything happens for a reason, even if it's not apparent at the time. I hope for more ups than dips next year, for both you and us.

  9. It was lovely to hear about Auntie Glad I believe she remembered you John, a difficult decision to make for William, is he in pain John or does he still seem to enjoy life either way I know you will make the right choice for him. As bad as your year has been you always put your best foot forward and that strength of character will see you through to better times ahead,
    hang in there take care.

  10. Sort of teared up reading this but I didn't cry till you mentioned Willam.Thank you for the update on Auntie Glad !
    Next year will be better.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  11. A very mixed year, but I am glad that the good makes a significant showing.
    As always, hugs and caring.

  12. Even the Queen has an Annus Horribilis from time to time, so what can we mere commoners expect by comparison, LOL? Here's to a much better year in 2019.

  13. I do hope that in the remaining five or so weeks of 2018 something wonderfully positive will yet come your way to shine away all the tribulations you've experienced this year - and to return to you just some of the joy we've had in reading your blogs.
    In the meantime our hearts go out especially to your dear, Sweet William, as well as to you and all the rest of the 'family'.

    1. Anonymous9:13 am

      What a nice comment

    2. From the heart, T. - emulating JayGee's own blog.

  14. Your warmth and courage are both inspiring and heartbreaking. May 2019 be a far better year. [I was so happy to hear you visited Auntie Glad!].

  15. Morag4:35 am

    Good to acknowledge the jewels amidst an ordurous year. It's hard when your basket of eggs gets smashed and you have perforce to make an omelette you didn't choose or want. But you're making it the best omelette possible, and tears are a necessary part of the recipe. Better times to come, you're adding good ingredients to the mix xxx

  16. Very sad to hear that Aunty Glad is becoming so frail; I'm sure she loved your visit, even if she was unable to say so.

  17. Barbara Anne4:45 am

    Cherish these days with sweet William and remember the kindest gift you can give him is to let him go when it is his time. I know the heartbreak as when our sweet basset, Daisy, told us her time had come on Christmas Eve, 2004. We miss her still.

    Am glad Auntie Glad is still perking along. Bless her sweet heart.

    You'll keep perking along, too, John, come what may and you'll be okay.


  18. It's good to get an update on Auntie Glad. William is a special dog and that is such a difficult situation to face. Yes, 2018 has been a very difficult year for you. Maybe that fact can make this New Year's Eve be a needed good time for you to say Hello to a new year filled with many improved and happy times. Hugs to you and your dear ones.

  19. Know that we're always here for you. In the good and the bad. Because, well, that's what friends are for!

  20. This year certainly has been a bad year. Your blog has helped me and I hope in turn your followers in blog land have helped you. Thanks, John, for putting a smile on my face. Your blog is the first I open. Hugs for William, our canine David Niven. xx

  21. I continue to read your blog, commenting rarely but always being with you in spirit. A thought from the poet Tennyson :
    “Hope Smiles from the threshold of the year to come, Whispering 'it will be happier'...” ― Alfred Tennyson. It will I am sure. Ro xx

  22. You are such a good person John, i think of you often.

  23. Anonymous7:48 am

    Well it has been a right old year for many of us John, as you well know and to add to the platitudes flying around 'gently' nothing lasts forever and things WILL get better.
    That said we all hope that you have an easier time ahead of you. Most of the big shocks have been recieved now and time to move forward.
    I hope your blog helps you and our replies keep you strong and focussed them furry babes rely on you being there, as we do , 'cos you know what mate, you certainly help me to get through some days, when things are not so good. I think ' what would John do/say and get them bra straps hoicked as high as they will go,' tits-a-lina-bum-squash ', as our family saying
    goes! and just get on with the day ahead.
    Much love Tess x

  24. Isn't that the truth? 'Always put on a good show...'

  25. Hugs to sweet William.

  26. I know the clique times goes faster the older we get, although impossible.....it's true! Unfortunately rough times is when we find out who our friends really are. Some you can forgive some are just selfish. Losing a pet is awful but death is part of life. William is so lovely.

  27. Yep, a strange ol' year here too. But I'm getting on OK and you are too, because there really is no choice is there?
    That's the trouble with pets............their life is always shorter than ours.

  28. All years are good, it's just that some are harder to get through than others ... the roller-coaster goes on. You'll know when it's time with William. The friends who have been there for you this year (and isn't it a surprise, some of them are not the ones you expected) will be there when other trials occur - as you have 'been there' for so many people. You are a good man, John, and you're going into the future with integrity and dignity.

  29. 'Always put on a good show' could be good epitaph.

  30. It hasn't been a good year for us either but I hope next year will be better for you and for everyone. This year we lost my mother in law, my brother in law and my daughter in law's father. On the pet side of things I lost four of my girls (chickens) one being my oldest and favourite. I hope this all behind us now and we can all move on to a better time. Your last lines about Auntie Glad made me well up and I feel so sad for you about William. Make the most of every moment with him. Things will get better I am sure of it.

  31. 2018 has been a funny old year..we could do without living in "interesting times" sometimes.
    Hugs to Auntie Glad

  32. As the sun rises each morning, we are giving the opportunity for a new day, a day of new possibilities, a day not burdened with the past. May 2019 be filled with sunrises.

  33. Life is a roller coaster. I hope 2019 will be a good one for you. Poor sweet William.

  34. I had been wondering about Auntie Glad...What a lady! Poor William, he will be in my thoughts as will you.

  35. The Queen called 1992 her "annus horribilis". Maybe 2018 is yours but at least you still have the capacity to laugh and to see the good in things as 2019 approaches.

  36. That sounds like the ideal comment when you have no idea what's going on - "We always put on a good show."

    I hope 2019 is a much better year for you.

  37. John - it can only get better. I thought that choir would help you along and it seems I was right from what you say. And you sure have some good friends - I found my friends my salvation. Hope you do too.

  38. Totally agree with Raybeard, John.

  39. I wish I knew more to say than simply I’m grateful for you and your blog and I wish you a much easier and happier year to come.

  40. I didn't realise William was so frail. I'm so sorry this decision is imminent for you. What a year its been for you. Surely it can only get better. I love reading your blog - I still say you should write the book! x

  41. Anonymous1:47 pm

    Our blue healer although only 4 isn’t looking like she should, she is deaf and has kidney disease but with all the meds she’s still looking thin and a bit off. On a brighter note we will finally hopefully meet our grandson who is 10 months, it’s taken that long a lawyer and a barrister and $20,000 for our son be able to able to see his son, there is the big court on Friday where the judge will rule on when our son can see him and hopefully bring him home for a visit, we’ve not meet him yet but my heart is bursting to hold him tell how much we’ve missed him and how loved he is, Jo

  42. Oh what a year it's been, especially for you.

    Let William go on a sunny December day, after a nice outing just him and Dad, one too many Swedish meatballs and a walk on the sea front with the breeze ruffling his fur and the warmth of a Winter sun on his back.

    Then you can start your new year with the knowledge that you let one of your best buds go with dignity, before the miserable frosty weather envelops us all.

    Thinking of you ♥️ xx

  43. It's what we make of it, John. Like Aunt Glad, put on a good show.

  44. So sorry to hear about William's decline. It's never easy, this life, these pets we love. <3

  45. Our vet nurse told us we would know when it was the right time to put our lovely ginger cat Sandy to sleep. He had kidney disease. When we saw he was huddled by the heater and couldn't eat we called it a day. Cried buckets so will you. You will know when you need to do the kindest thing. Lots of love xx

  46. John, you have gotten through this year and have shared your life once again with us all. You are a brave and confident man.
    Thanks for the Auntie Glad update. I am certain you left a warm glow with her.
    Sending positive energy to you and the critters in the coming weeks. William couldn't have been in better hands. He scored!!

  47. I heard tonight that a friend has also come through the chemo nightmare with positive results....I hope life is like plum trees ..a good year a bad year

  48. Beaming you a massive hug

  49. Counting your blessings and you have many, John. Life has thrown you a curve but I can see that you are coming round that bend. Poor William, he's lived a fine life for a dog and he is ever safe with you.

  50. What a beautiful soul you have, John. Your paragraphs about Auntie Glad are lovely and touching. If only we could all have a friend like you to give us comfort near the end of our days.

  51. I too wish 2018 had been a kinder year, then I would still have my brother. Dear old William, ever faithful dog.. his time may be close but you have memories to sustain you and knowledge that he had the best life with you, let him go, again, smiling into the wind. My thoughts are with you John, much love to you and the fur babies.

    Jo in Auckland

  52. It was lovely to hear that you visited Aunty Glad and I'm sure she was too in her way. So sorry to hear that William is not so good, poor boy. A horrible year is drawing to a close and here's hoping the new one brings you happiness - you deserve it x


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