My Little Girl

She's last on the surgical list today as her ear op is classed as a " dirty op" but I have to drop her off at 9am.....she doesn't do well without me
I've gone all a bit nervous about it all, which I recognise says more about my year than it does about her surgery, but I'm terrified at losing her.
All of my animals hold a special place in my heart but only Mary goes absolutely everywhere with me...I'm never a single with her on my arm
It's a stressful day today

Ps haven't I got small ears?


  1. May all go

  2. I understand !
    Mary will be fine in fact much better than you today.

    Lots of love and hugs
    parsnip and badger

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I had to google "dirty op" and not surprisingly got some interesting results :p . . . but then I googled "dirty op MEDICAL" and did better!

    May all be well with Mary. I get almost sick just taking my cats to the vet, so I can only imagine how hard this wait will be for you.

    1. I'm usually pretty sanguine but not today

  5. She will be through it with flying colours and then she will be home in your arms. Having said that, I don't envy you the wait

  6. Of course it's a stressful day for you. May all be well.

  7. Anonymous1:33 am

    John, sending positive energy and prayers that Mary has a successful surgery and healing. - Mary Ann

  8. I totally understand your concern John but Mary is young in years and I feel that she will come through with flying colours.

  9. I hate those early drop offs and then the wait. I am sure she will be fine. She has youth on her side, both of my guys are really old and I am always sure something will go wrong. We are all rooting for her (and you!).
    Cheers Peter

  10. Sending healing thoughts for Mary. Please let us know when she's home and in your arms again.

  11. Empathize completely. Amys' vet stay on 18/9 was awful though the op did go very well.
    When we entered the Vets Amy became very distressed begging us to take her out of there - jumping up; hiding under my arm - eyes getting bigger all the while and panting furiously.

    I do hope Mary is not as stressed and I am sure this operation will make all the difference to her comfort, ear infections are painful.

  12. I'll be lifting you and Mary up in thoughts and prayers...she will do well.

  13. Best wishes to Mary and to you as well.

  14. Holding you both in my heart.
    And your ears are almost dainty.

  15. Stay positive, my friend. Do it for Mary!

  16. That head on your shoulder says it all . . .
    Pure love . . .
    Please be ok Mary . . .
    Thinking and caring about you John.

  17. Healing thoughts for Mary and you too John. I love that picture.

  18. That is so hard, John. I hope and pray that she and you will be better when the day ends.

  19. Sending love and best wishes to the both of you, John.

  20. Anonymous3:40 am

    Hope all goes well and your little girl is by your side again soon. Hugs.

  21. I hope everything goes A ok for Mary...and the op is a huge success. Hugs to you both xx

    Jo in Auckland

  22. Barbara Anne3:43 am

    As a former surgery nurse, I understand cases that are infected so are "dirty". Wish you could stay with Mary until she's sleepy for the procedure as I was allowed to do with our younger son when he was 4 years old.

    Big hugs, best wishes, and high hopes for Mary's wellbeing. Yours, too, John. It's sometimes hard to be the daddy but Mary will be glad to see you afterwards.

  23. Sending good wishes to you and Mary.

  24. Hang in there big guy.

  25. When my late mother was young, she always had Welsh Terriers. She adored them, so I can understand your attachment. Beautiful natured dogs.

  26. Having had the rug pulled out from under you once of course leaves you apprehensive about everything. Hoping you're getting some sleep as i write, and I will be thinking of you and Mary tomorrow morning.

  27. She's so adorable, I'm sure she'll get plenty of attention during the day but will be over the moon to see you when you pick her up. Best wishes for her little procedure. As for tiny, tidy ears, I'm jealous!!

  28. We're with you and Mary every minute of today, fervently longing to hear good news about how it went with Li'l Mary.

  29. Anonymous6:02 am

    Will be thinking of you two today; best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  30. Best wishes for your girl.

  31. Best wishes to you both, be kind to yourself x

  32. Thinking of you and Mary, you'll be on tenterhooks until you go get her. Yes, tiny ears! Don't ears get bigger as we get older?

  33. Never a single with Mary on your arm - that's just lovely. Where's my hanky.

  34. Anonymous7:27 am

    Hope all goes well today .Try not to fret too much (easy to say harder to do I know). Mary will be back with you very soon. Love hugs and best wishes to you allxxxWanda

  35. Sending good wishes to you both. I'm sure everything will be fine, but it doesn't stop you worrying. X

  36. I hope you get out in the sunshine and pass the time chatting to the lovely folk in your village. Xx

  37. Thinking of you and Mary today. Hope your sweet girl is back home and getting better tonight. It's going to feel like a long day for you. Hugs.

  38. I know exactly how you feel. That moment when you hand the lead to the nurse to take them away ... and then that bloody awful moment when you have to get in the car without them, buckle up and drive away. I hate, hate, hate it. I spend all day imagining the worse, drive myself crazy with fear .... and then usually you get back to pick them up and hear of them being THE most delightful doggy that all the nurses have been making a fuss over.

    I hope everything goes well for your lovely little wing-girl. She's young, fit and except for her ear, in good health she should be fine. But my fingers are firmly crossed anyway. ♥️ xx

  39. Sending love and good thoughts your way and Mary's

  40. Sending all good thoughts for today....xx

  41. Thinking of you today. Hope all goes well. xx

  42. Margaret B9:35 am

    Wishing you both all the very best. It won't be long before dear, sweet Mary is in your arms again.

  43. Wishing you both well. Love and hugs.xxxx

  44. Your small ears are good listeners. x

  45. hope all goes well for both of you. xx

  46. Take care, take it easy today, it will all work out.

  47. The vets wouldn't put Mary through the operation if they didn't think she was strong enough. A horrid day for you none the less. I've done this many times and it doesn't get any easier. Thinking about you and Mary and all good wishes for a complete recovery with many future years of being pain free.

  48. I know how you feel. Yep small ears.

  49. Good luck little Mary with your operation today. Dad, she'll be home before you know it

  50. Sending you and Mary love. And, yes, you do have small and cute ears.

  51. Thinking of you all and keeping my fingers crossed for a quick and full recovery for Mary - and you. xx

  52. if I was there I would hold you hand.

  53. Wishing Mary a speedy op and recovery ..... hope you’ve got lots of treats in at the ready !!! .... sausages, wafer thin ham !!! XXXX

  54. Yes you have got small ears. Have you ever considered surgery to have them enlarged? No wonder you often hide them under your beanie hat.

    I hope that all goes well with Mary.

  55. Sending warm, healing wishes to both of you.

  56. Awe bless, hope all is well!

  57. Hope it all goes well for Mary and that you come through unscathed too.

  58. Special thoughts for Mary today. xo

  59. i hope all goes well with mary. sending positive energy your way. i've been sitting in my garden room for 5 straight days watching that willie doesn't scratch his eye while he recovers from surgery. i know just how you feel.

  60. I hope that Mary's surgery will go smoothly and that she will be back with you very soon. May you both be feeling much better by evening and special treats for Mary.

  61. All the best today, for both you and Mary.

  62. Thinking of you and Mary, hope we get an update soon.

  63. Inhale slowly through the nose and exhale quickly out the mouth......throughout the day. It may help.

    Now Is THAT a loaded question or what!
    Something like: 'Does this make me look fat?' lol

  64. By now she is home with you. I hope it wasn’t the overbearing vet that was to work on her. There are those special ones that grab our heartstrings more than others. Sleep well tinight with your girl.

  65. Here's hoping the day passes quickly and Mary's surgery is without complication.

  66. Poor you, Mary will feel so much better though. My dog hates going to the vet too. I know exactly how you feel having to leave your girl. Lots of treats and cuddles tonight for you both.x


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