ta Muchly

After some reflection I removed yesterday's post.
It's time to generally diversify the conversations if I can
Having said this I looked at my blogger stats this morning and was surprised to see the numbers of people returning to Going Gently for a look during  July.
Thank you all for popping in . Your support has been fantastic.


  1. Interesting. You beat me on the page views today, yesterday, and last month, and I am ahead of you in the all time history. Not that it matters, just curious, our blogs are totally different.

  2. Your iPad needs charging.

  3. Seriously it is the least we can do. You’ve been providing us with free entertainment for years.

  4. Ha, i'd never looked at my blog stats until now....just did and they couldn't be more different to yours! Mine are up and down the entire time - big peaks and huge troughs. I obviously bore/piss people off a lot more than you do!

    I love Curly Club's comment of free entertainment. True - and also a lot of poignancy.

  5. We care for you John.
    Greetings Maria xxx

  6. I thought that was your scotch egg consumption chart for July.

  7. I'm jealous of your stats.

    1. And you should definitely keep the clock.

  8. What post ? The dog runs one is still there ! I didn't comment as I didn't know what to say !
    John you have a great many friends here who would love you in person as much as we do through reading your Blog x

  9. I missed a post! You do draw about 20 times the traffic that I do.

  10. Continue being an unedited version of yourself...you are the drawcard here, along with your famous house companions whom we’ve all grown to care about a great deal.
    We come because we cannot stay away, and we all want to make sure you are doing OK in spite of the tough deal with which you have been dealt. We care a great deal, even though we have never had the pleasure of meeting you in person and the majority of us never will. But despite that, you are legendary!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I should like to echo everything Desiree said above. She said it better than I could. I love that word legendary! And we’re sticking with you through thick and thin, JG x

  13. My first read every day 😊

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Desiree said it . . .
    Unedited version of yourself . . .
    Drawcard . . .
    Legendary . . .
    A JG post is a must!

  16. Wow! They are amazing numbers! You've quite the cheer squad...Nice to see Nuala & you up the top now.

  17. Onwards and upwards! You've become a legend in your own lunchtime.

  18. Jan B1:17 pm

    Must be comforting to know at any one time of the day or night you are on someone's mind! I'm guessing 90% of us wish you lived next door!

  19. You're one of a kind--genuine, funny, and kind. That is what makes you wonderful. Also, I like your pets.

    One read and I was hooked. You are addictive:

    Just like nicotine, heroin, morphine.

  20. I never stopped reading, but your stats are incredible. I just looked at mine: 277 pageviews today. I need to get a bulldog. -Jenn

  21. Just try to get rid of us. xo

  22. Desiree summed it up perfectly.

  23. Whut? I'm here for the dog pictures ;)

  24. I think you are making a good decision. The prof’s privacy is involved as well as your own. Since I don’t really know either of you it isn’t any of my business to learn the details of your current negotiations and exchanges.
    I do love your blog. You make me care for someone across the world. We have caring deeply for animals and buffoonery in common. I wish for you to be happy and to have a wonderful future.

  25. I missed yesterdays post but note it had 6,163 hits. Perhaps you can repost an edited version. Yes, we care. Hugs from the humidity and smoke of California.

  26. Guess I missed that 2nd post yesterday. Note to self...check GG blog morning, noon, and night! 😎

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I'm sorry I missed yesterday's post! As so many others have said, your numbers are remarkable. I creep along with a fraction of those readers. (Which is fine, actually -- keeps the pressure off!)

  29. I was surprised at the hits on my blog recently but when I viewed the "Audience" map, it turns out they were mostly from the Soviet Union! I don't have a single commenter from there, so I suspect bots.

    Regardless, I think you are right to keep private life private.

    1. I've just noticed that in my stats, too.

  30. I've been remiss in my reading (and writing), but I'm always glad to see you at the top of my sidebar! xoxo

  31. I love reading your blog,very interesting and love your sense of humour Nick

    1. This is not the Nick you know. This is a troll by the looks of it.

    2. No actually, not a troll.

  32. I wish you love and happiness John-you radiate such joy to us all -make time for yourself too x

  33. Did you know you can still read the missing post via Facebook? I just have....

  34. Just my two cents....I think sometimes people use blogs to speak to the person / people they actually want to talk to without the confrontation. Not saying you are doing that but not a good habit to get into. Now if you could diversify from poop posts....

  35. I so agree with everything that everybody is saying (the good things naturally) especially Desiree who has put into words what I am sure we are all feeling. You are loved and respected. Way to go..... xxxx Ro

  36. After weeks spent camping in the Canadian bush...killing bugs, dodging wildlife, both human and otherwise, and putting up with some crazy heat and high winds, I have come home. First thing on the agenda after a long shower and doing laundry is to catch up on your blog as there was no cell or wifi where we were (a blessing and a curse). I was very sorry to hear about your split with the Prof. Wishing you all the best as you sort your way through it all. Take care.

    Barb from Canada.

  37. We love and care for you John.
    Ruth in Oxnard CA USA

  38. I have been blogging 10 years. I had 18 page views yesterday. You must be doing something right!

  39. It's always worth reading your blog each and very day. All the best.

  40. I try to visit you every day at work, except my chip lab week. That week I don't have access to an internet computer.

  41. I never ever miss reading your post John and did wonder what had happened to yesterday's.

  42. I am checking in on your blog most every day to keep up with how you are doing and to send warm wishes your way.

  43. Enjoy your blog every day. Good news/bad news, dogs/daily activities, travel/housekeeping, wit and humor. Keep it up, you're like my daily vitamin!

  44. Anonymous9:39 pm

    I read your blog for YP's comments. Today's almost made me snort out loud (at work--I don't want to have to explain that to my office mates).

  45. Brilliant stats, they make for interesting reading. I like to check the traffic sources too, so I can see where people come in from and go off too.

    Although obviously I'm on a much smaller scale these days 🙂🙃🙂

  46. Only you could get my lazy self motivated to write a comment. Sending love and hugs and open invite to come visit coastal Florida.

  47. Returning John Gray huh !! I have never left you !! LONG LIVE GOING GENTLY xxx

  48. Wow !!! absolutely fantastic blog. I am very glad to have such useful information.



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